Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 288 Looking for the same pool

"It must be done."

Chen Yang gave a very affirmative answer, and then looked in the direction of the back mountain.

"The big mountain behind our village belongs to the same mountain range as the big mountain on Wang Laosi's side, and the cave behind our village is not small. It shouldn't be a problem to find a cave with the same environment."

Chen Yang said.

"Okay, if you have time, you can go to the back mountain to look for it. If you need any help, just tell me at any time. I will fully support you!"

Wu Kexin nodded.

Wu Kexin's words warmed Chen Yang's heart.

But he didn't say much to thank, but gave Wu Kexin a look directly.

After breakfast, Chen Yang immediately collected herbs from home, and made another medicine for Wu Kexin.

Although the wound from the snake bite was almost healed, Chen Yang still put Wu Kexin on it carefully just to be on the safe side.

After changing the medicine, Wu Kexin left.

There is still a lot of work to do in the village.

The heavy rain that day flooded a lot of seedlings. Yesterday was only one day, and all the seedlings in the village have not been finished yet.

So, as the village head, Wu Kexin naturally had to go to the village to help.

Chen Yang originally wanted to bring Yang Ruoxi to help, but Wu Kexin refused.

"You have your own business to do! Let me do the things in the village. You can find that kind of cave first."

Wu Kexin said with a smile, then waved to Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi, and left directly.

Watching Wu Kexin leave, Yang Ruoxi immediately asked, "Chen Yang, are we going up the mountain today to find a cave like that?"

"Of course, otherwise, what are you doing at home?"

Chen Yang gave Yang Ruoxi a look, then went back to the inner room and began to tidy up.

If you want to enter the mountain and enter the cave, you must be fully prepared, otherwise it will be very troublesome to go up and down again.

Chen Yang packed the hatchet, rope, flashlight, mobile phone, lighter, and some dry food.

Anyway, Chen Yang packed everything he needed on the mountain into his backpack.

When Yang Ruoxi saw that Chen Yang was so serious, he immediately paid attention to it.

He directly changed into the tight mountaineering suit that he had prepared long ago when he came to play at Chen Yang's house last time.

After the two tidied up at home, they set off directly.

According to Chen Yang's understanding of the mountain behind the village.

There must be at least seven or eight deep caves on the mountain.

Those caves are very deep, and the short ones are several kilometers long.

It would take at least five or six days to check everything one by one.

Therefore, Chen Yang felt a sense of urgency.

Wang Laosi only gave the old man a week.

If you want to stop the cooperation between the old man and Wang Laosi in a week's time.

He must find an environment suitable for cultivating that kind of lobster as soon as possible, and then quickly buy some shrimp seedlings and cultivate them.

"Time is tight! The task is heavy."

Chen Yang muttered while climbing the mountain.

Yang Ruoxi followed behind Chen Yang, and heard Chen Yang's muttering.

"When time is tight and tasks are heavy, Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

Yang Ruoxi asked curiously.

Chen Yang smiled awkwardly: "I'm not doing anything, I just want to get crayfish out sooner, so that you can realize the freedom of lobster earlier."

When Chen Yang said it casually, Yang Ruoxi really believed it.

"Haha, you know what's on your mind!"

Yang Ruoxi was overjoyed, and her heart was sweetened by Chen Yang's words.

Now Chen Yang felt even more embarrassed, but he didn't show it. Instead, he laughed a few words and bypassed the topic.

"The situation in the cave is very complicated. You must follow me when you go in, and you are not allowed to wander around, you know?"

"And you must watch your feet clearly. If you step on the air, it will be very troublesome. You must be careful and careful."

Chen Yang instructed seriously.

Yang Ruoxi also knew that the situation in the cave was very complicated, so she listened very carefully and memorized every word Chen Yang said.

"I'll take it all down."

Yang Ruoxi nodded obediently.


Chen Yang nodded, and brought Yang Ruoxi to the first cave.

The surroundings of this cave are not hidden, and it is not far from Liuhe Village.

It is the most ideal place in Chen Yang's heart.

If this place can find the environment like Wang Laosi's, Chen Yang can save a lot of effort.

It will be convenient to go up and down the mountain in the future, and it won't take long at all.

When they reached the entrance of the cave, Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi did not go in directly.

Instead, he sat at the entrance of the cave, drank some water, and took a rest for a while.

After resting, Chen Yang brought Yang Ruoxi into the cave.

The weather outside is very hot, but inside the cave is very cool.

As soon as you enter the cave, it feels like the air conditioner is blowing, which is very comfortable.


"Now, I miss the air conditioner in my room."

Yang Ruoxi let out a long sigh of relief and joked.

Chen Yang smiled and did not answer.

With a flashlight on, go inside.

Chen Yang is still very familiar with this cave.

Because this cave is not far from Liuhe Village, Chen Yang visited it several times out of curiosity when he was a child.

Therefore, Chen Yang walked very smoothly for a certain distance at the entrance of the cave.

But as it got deeper and deeper, the surrounding environment became strange.

Chen Yang and Yang Ruoxi walked in the cave in tandem with flashlights, walking very carefully.

When you are tired from walking, you will find a place to rest for a while and look at the surrounding environment.

Looking at the stalactites of different shapes around, Yang Ruoxi couldn't help but marvel.

"I've only seen these strange times on TV, but I really didn't expect to watch them up close."

Chen Yang smiled: "Aren't they beautiful? These stones were formed after tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years. To some extent, they are very precious."


Yang Ruoxi nodded in agreement.

After resting almost, the two set off again.

After walking towards the cave for more than half an hour, Chen Yang didn't choose to go deeper after he found out that there was a pool in the cave.

Instead, he turned around and prepared to leave.

After walking for more than half an hour, he couldn't find the cave of the pool. Chen Yang felt that even if there was such an environment inside, it would not be of much use.

It's really unnecessary to go in and out once, and go back and forth for two or three hours.

Chen Yang didn't want to go deeper, so Yang Ruoxi naturally wouldn't say anything.

Follow Chen Yang out of the cave.

By the time they came out of the cave, it was already eleven or twelve o'clock in the morning.

The sun is shining outside.

The temperature difference inside and outside the cave is particularly high.

"Hiss, it's so sunny."

Walking out of the cave, Yang Ruoxi couldn't help but said.

"It's almost noon, and the temperature is coming up. Hurry up and go to the second cave. You won't be in the sun when you enter the cave."

Chen Yang smiled.

Yang Ruoxi hummed, quickly followed Chen Yang's pace, and went to the second cave.

The location of the second cave is not far from the first cave.

Probably just continue to go up 1000 meters.

So Chen Yang took Yang Ruoxi and soon arrived at the entrance of the second cave.

"Take a break, or go straight in?"

Chen Yang asked Yang Ruoxi for his opinion.

After coming out for a while, Yang Ruoxi's forehead was already hot and sweaty.

So she didn't even think about it, she just chose to go in.

"Okay, then let's make a quick decision, go in as soon as possible, and come out for lunch as soon as possible."

Chen Yang smiled, and walked into the cave together.

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