Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 265 Analysis of the Mayor

Walking to the hospital, Chen Yang found that Wu Kexin had already got out of bed.

Sitting with Li Han in the medical hall chatting.

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Chen Yang walked forward and asked with concern.

Wu Kexin stood up.

"It's okay to walk normally, but it hurts a little when I walk too fast."

"It's enough to be able to walk. After today and tomorrow, there shouldn't be any problems."

Chen Yang said with a smile, and then took the three girls to the village.

It was getting late at this time.

The sun has set in the sky, but the sky hasn't officially turned dark yet.

At this time, there are already many people working and returning.

Guys, sit and rest in the Daping at the head of the village, smoke and chat.

Women who help in the kitchen help, and those who don't help sit together and chat about household chores.

Chen Yang appeared with the three daughters and immediately became the focus of the scene.

All eyes were on Chen Yang.

"Yangzi, everyone is waiting for your wild mushroom soup, why did you come here?"

Sitting in the crowd, Heipi spoke with a smile.

Before Chen Yang could explain, the loud Wang Hong answered with a smile.

"Heipi, do you have any good eyesight? Haven't you seen Yangzi surrounded by beauties? Naturally, there are other people busy with their work. You ask what that thing does."

Wang Hong winked when she spoke.

The meaning of the words is self-evident.

Wang Hong was caught off guard by the car.

Everyone didn't react at the first time,

After they reacted, they immediately laughed.

The third daughter blushed immediately, feeling very embarrassed.

"Oh, Aunt Wang, you are right, I am meddling in my own business."

After Heipi laughed a few times, he immediately pretended to apologize with an apologetic face.

The laughter at the scene intensified again.

Chen Yang knew that these people did not have any malicious intentions, teasing himself was a sign of treating himself as his own, so not only did he not have any prejudices in his heart, but he was quite happy on the contrary.

But he's not one to be ridiculed.

After the roar of laughter passed away, Chen Yang immediately fought back with a smile.

"Aunt Wang, I also want to be busy with that kind of thing, but how can I be busy without you?"

Chen Yang said with a smirk.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Hong immediately blushed.

And those people at the scene laughed even more.

"Wang Hong, Yang Zi has taken a fancy to you."

"Aunt Wang, I think you agreed, find a chance to get busy with him."


There was constant ridicule at the scene, which made Wang Hong's face flushed.

If she had nothing to do with Chen Yang, it might be okay.

But she and Chen Yang had some small actions, so in this situation, she felt a little guilty.

"Zhang Cuihua! You don't know how to find a chance to work with Yangzi! What are you talking about me!"

Wang Hong glared at the person who spoke just now, and then sat down without making a sound.

Chen Yang smiled, didn't stay here much, went directly to Aunt Zhang,

Aunt Zhang is busy on the stove.

"Yangzi, you're here. I've cleaned all your wild mushrooms for you. You can just cook them."

When Aunt Zhang saw Chen Yang coming, she cheerfully gave up her seat to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at the countertop of the stove, and found that all the wild mushrooms had been washed and torn into pieces.

"Okay, thank you Aunt Zhang, you go and greet the big guys to eat first, after the meal is finished, my mountain mushroom soup will be out of the pot."

Chen Yang said.

"Okay, then you are busy first, I will greet the big guys to eat."

Aunt Zhang nodded with a smile, then turned around and greeted the big guys who were resting for dinner.

The three women stood behind Chen Yang and did not follow.

"Chen Yang, is there anything we can do for you?"

When Chen Yang was about to start making soup, Yang Ruoxi suddenly asked.

"Yeah, it's boring, is there anything we can do?"

Afterwards, Li Han and Wu Kexin also expressed that they were bored and wanted to help.

But there's nothing here that needs help.

All the wild mushrooms are ready, just need to put them in the pot.

So he shook his head: "There is nothing that needs help here. If you want to find work, go to Aunt Zhang. There are so many people who need to eat, so there must be work."

Chen Yang pointed to Aunt Zhang and said.

The third daughter immediately looked towards Aunt Zhang when she heard the words.

Sure enough, it was very busy there.

It is to take the bowls and chopsticks for the big guys, and it is to share the meals with everyone.

Totally understaffed.

"Okay, let's go over there to help first, and we'll come back when the wild mushrooms are cooked."

Yang Ruoxi nodded with a smile, then took Li Han and Wu Kexin's hands and went to Aunt Zhang to help.

Although the three daughters have a good family background, they are quite diligent.

Looking at their busy figures, Chen Yang couldn't help muttering: "If only they were all my wives, they are so capable."

Fortunately, the three women are far away and cannot hear them.

Otherwise, the three of them would definitely kill Chen Yang with their white eyes.

The village was lively and lively, gathering people from all the surrounding villages.

Everyone happily ate and chatted about homework.

Chen Yang worked alone in the kitchen for about half an hour, and the delicious mountain mushroom soup was made.

At this time, everyone had almost eaten their meals, and they were looking eagerly at Chen Yang's mountain mushroom soup.

As soon as Chen Yang said that it was ready to be cooked, it rushed over like a tide.

"Chen Yang, give me a bowl first."

"Yangzi, I'm here, give me some too."


Hundreds of people rushed over at once, and almost overturned the small shed.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, everyone has a share, everyone line up first like eating, take your time."

While maintaining order, Chen Yang greeted Aunt Zhang.

Seeing that people flocked to Chen Yang's side, Aunt Zhang immediately brought a group of aunts over to help.

The three girls naturally also came.

"No, eat your meal first,"

Yang Ruoxi handed over a bowl of steaming food.

Chen Yang's heart warmed slightly.

The three girls even kept food for themselves.

"Have you eaten?"

Chen Yang took the meal and asked back with a smile.

"We must have eaten."

Yang Ruoxi said.

Hearing that the three girls had eaten, Chen Yang didn't say anything more.

I found a clean place nearby and started eating.

The third daughter didn't continue to go to the mountain fungus soup to help, so she sat quietly beside Chen Yang and ate with Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, in fact, when the mayor called me today, he not only told me to count the flooded rice fields."

"Also told me about your quickness."

When Chen Yang was eating happily, Wu Kexin beside him suddenly said this.

Hearing this, everyone became interested.

Yang Ruoxi was straightforward, and asked directly: "Again? What did you say this time? Did you ask Chen Yang to sell the land again?"

Wu Kexin glanced at Yang Ruoxi, nodded, "Well... that's probably what it means."

"It's just more euphemistic."

Chen Yang put down his chopsticks and asked, "How about a euphemism?"

"It's just to analyze the pros and cons with me, and say that the land is in your hands, and it is no different from the wasteland."

"But if it is sold to the Gu family, the Gu family will definitely come to develop it, and it will not only bring a lot of investment to our town."

"And it can also create a lot of jobs in our town, especially Liuhe Village, which will definitely benefit from the Gu family."

Wu Kexin said a lot.

After she finished speaking, her expression was a little complicated.

Because she agrees with the mayor's opinion, if the land is given to the Gu family, it will definitely drive the development of this area.

This is beyond doubt.

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