Fu Deyou had just run away, and when Chen Yang was about to turn around and ask Li Xiaoe if she was injured, suddenly two slender hands hugged Chen Yang from behind.

Suddenly hugged by a soft body, Chen Yang couldn't help but tremble.

He turned his head subconsciously, and saw Li Xiaoe, whose face was flushed and eyes blurred, lying on his shoulder, muttering: "It's so hot...I'm so hot...."

"Sister-in-law Xiao'e! I'm Chen Yang! Wake up!" Chen Yang broke away from Li Xiao'e's arm, put both hands on Li Xiao'e's shoulders and shook violently, trying to wake up Li Xiao'e.

But at this time, the medicine in Li Xiaoe's body had already taken effect.

No matter how Chen Yang shook, Li Xiaoe could not wake up.

His face was flushed all the time, his body was sweating, and he approached Chen Yang with hazy eyes.

Looking at Li Xiaoe's appearance, Chen Yang immediately understood that it was Fu Deyou who gave Li Xiaoe medicine, and it worked!

Wanting to understand this, Chen Yang hurriedly dodged away, and then picked up the half bottle of water left not far away, wanting to research the ingredients of the medicine so that he could prepare the antidote himself.

However, when Chen Yang was researching the mineral water, there was suddenly the sound of piercing steps behind him.

Chen Yang turned around subconsciously, and found that Li Xiao'e was struggling to tear off her clothes.

And the sound of rags just now was the sound of Li Xiaoe tearing her clothes to pieces.

Chen Yang's eyes widened suddenly... Stupid...

Although Li Xiao'e is very thin, some parts are fat just right.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that his mouth was dry and his heart was thumping, as if a deer was bumping around.

"But... no way."

When Fu Deyou left just now, he put down his harsh words and wanted to find someone to deal with him.

If Fu Deyou brought someone to see him and Li Xiao'e like this, would he not be socially dead?

"No, no, no! Xiao'e is my sister-in-law! Don't think wildly!" Chen Yang shook his head hard to keep himself awake.

Then he rushed over and hugged Li Xiao'e, not letting Li Xiao'e continue to tear her clothes.

Although Li Xiao'e was almost naked at this time, Chen Yang still had to stop her from doing more outrageous things under the control of drugs.

Chen Yang hugged Li Xiaoe, leaned over and wanted to pick up Li Xiaoe's torn clothes, and cover them up for Li Xiaoe first.

Chen Yang almost had a nosebleed...

It seems that the medicinal power has reached a new level.

"Sister-in-law, calm down! You are so restless, I can't dispense medicine for you!" Chen Yang stood up, reached out and patted Li Xiaoe's face twice, trying to wake her up.

But Li Xiao'e didn't have the slightest clear consciousness, not to mention, but her eyes became more and more hazy.

Holding Chen Yang in his arms, he felt that Li Xiao'e's body was like a stove.

Chen Yang kept complaining. Although he had great strength, he didn't have three heads and six arms. If he hugged Li Xiaoe, he couldn't study mineral water. If he didn't hug Li Xiaoe, she would mess around. What should I do?

Finally, the two entangled for a long time, and Chen Yang finally came up with a solution.

He directly picked up the rags that Li Xiaoe had torn up, and tied Li Xiaoe tightly...

A big beauty, tied up on the grass with five flowers! ! !

And Chen Yang squatted not far away, studying the mineral water seriously.

If this scene is seen by others, they will definitely grit their teeth in anger.

Such a good opportunity, unexpectedly not cherished!

A violent thing!

It's abominable!

But at this time, Chen Yang didn't have the heart to think so much.

With his back to Li Xiao'e, he carefully studied the ingredients of the medicine in the mineral water for a while, and finally he used the special ability of the eyes that Wang Jing gave him to analyze the ingredients in the water.

After analyzing the ingredients of the medicine, it was no surprise that Li Xiaoe looked so hungry just now.

What Fu Deyou added to the water was a very strong aphrodisiac...

The medicinal property of this medicine is very strong, even a loyal and loyal woman who guards her body like jade cannot stand the stimulation of this medicine, that's why Li Xiaoe's reaction just now was so violent.

"Although the medicine is powerful, as long as I know the ingredients, I can crack it!" Chen Yang held his chin, and kept flipping through the Medicine King Sutra in his mind, looking for ways to prepare the antidote.

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Yang found the way to crack it!

Chen Yang took the back basket, took out a few freshly picked Chinese herbal medicines from it, and then began to refine the pill with his back to Li Xiaoe.

After a while, a dark red sesame seed elixir appeared in Chen Yang's hands.

Picking up the elixir, Chen Yang immediately walked to Li Xiaoe's side.

Although Li Xiao'e was tied up by Chen Yang, the medicine in her body still made her extremely excited.

While wriggling on the grass, she still shouted that she wanted a man...

"Sister-in-law, eat it, it will be fine..." Chen Yang squatted down, helped Li Xiao'e up, and then fed the dark red pill.

The elixir entered her body, and within a few minutes, Li Xiaoe's fiery body began to cool down significantly.

And the eyes slowly began to become clearer, no longer so hazy and full of desire before.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang immediately gathered up the thin and shredded cloth strips around him, and then made a simple cover for Li Xiaoe's private parts, so that it would not be too embarrassing when she woke up later.

Not long after Chen Yang finished all this, Li Xiaoe woke up.

She looked at the thin strips of cloth around her, and the large piece of skin exposed on her body, and she recalled Yi Mumu when the medicine became stronger just now, her cheeks instantly turned red...

"Ahem, sister-in-law Xiao'e, you can wear my clothes first." At this moment, Chen Yang who was not far away suddenly took off his clothes, walked over and handed them to Li Xiao'e, and tied Li Xiao'e The arms untied.

Li Xiaoe nodded shyly, then took the clothes and put them on.

Putting on Chen Yang's clothes, she immediately smelled the unique masculine breath on Chen Yang's clothes, which made Li Xiaoe's body tremble again uncontrollably.

At the same time, after Chen Yang took off his clothes, his arms were exposed.

Seeing Chen Yang's strong figure made Li Xiao'e feel hot all over again.

At the same time, my throat felt a little dry, and my heart actually started to wander, eager to try.

"Sister-in-law Xiao'e, let's go first, if Fu Deyou brings someone back later, it will be troublesome." Li Xiao'e was in a daze, and Chen Yang suddenly spoke.

Chen Yang didn't know what Li Xiao'e was thinking in a daze just now, he thought that Li Xiao'e had just experienced what happened just now, and he didn't realize it.

"Well... okay, let's go down the mountain first." Li Xiaoe's thoughts were interrupted by Chen Yang, and then she stood up directly, picked up the vegetable basket she put aside, and prepared to go down the mountain with Chen Yang.

On the way down the mountain, both of them were a little embarrassed.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Chen Yang took the initiative to find a topic.

"Sister-in-law Xiao'e, you don't work in the fields this afternoon, why did you come up to the mountain alone? If it didn't happen that I was collecting herbs near here, you would be in danger today." Chen Yang walked in front, Li Xiaoe said with some lingering fear.

"Yeah, Yangzi, I have to thank you very much for what happened today. If you hadn't appeared in time, my sister-in-law would have been ruined by that beast Fu Deyou. But fortunately, you showed up in time, and my sister-in-law doesn't even know how to thank you." .” Mentioning what happened just now, Li Xiao’e was also a little scared.

But when she thought of the close contact with Chen Yang, she felt a little sweet in her heart, and even had the urge to feel it again...

"Hehe, everyone should be from the same village, but sister-in-law, you have to pay attention in the future, don't go up the mountain alone, and don't give people like Fu Deyou an opportunity." Chen Yang chuckled, and then A kind reminder to Li Xiaoe.

Li Xiao'e is very beautiful, and her curvy figure is normal for others to covet her.

It's just that I didn't expect Fu Deyou to be so bold and want to force him...

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