Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 256 Negotiation

After waiting for about ten minutes, people came one after another.

There are not many villages near Liuhe Village.

Including Liuhe Village, there are only four villages.

After everyone was gathered, Wu Kexin led them into the meeting room.

Start talking about opening the way.

The four village chiefs have different opinions on organizing the villagers to open the road.

The head of Nama Village was still the same as before, saying that it would be better to follow the town's arrangement.

The other village chiefs each expressed their views.

After a heated discussion, no one convinced anyone.

Seeing that the four village chiefs couldn't convince each other, Chen Yang stood up.

"Village chiefs, it's a bit inappropriate for me to speak on this occasion, but I think you can listen to me."

Chen Yang stood up and said respectfully.

As soon as Chen Yang stood up, all eyes were on Chen Yang.

The news from all over the world is very well-informed, and Chen Yang's troubles recently are not small.

It was a conflict with Heipi again, and it was a battle of wits and courage with the two brothers Fu Deyou.

Therefore, none of the people present dared to underestimate Chen Yang.

Seeing that Chen Yang was going to speak up, all the village chiefs looked at Chen Yang seriously.

"Chen Yang, just say what you think. You are also a member of Liuhe Village, so it's okay to say what you think."

Mayor Ma said.

The other two village chiefs also nodded, expressing their willingness to listen to Chen Yang.

Only then did Chen Yang say: "Village chiefs, if we continue to quarrel like this, we will definitely not be able to argue for a result, and no one will be convinced."

"Since that's the case, why don't we just call the town and tell the town about our idea of ​​making our own way, and let the town decide?"

Chen Yang said the solution.

The head of Nama Village is firmly opposed to opening the way by himself.

Hearing Chen Yang's proposal, he nodded and agreed without even thinking about it.

"It's a good idea. It's not a solution for us to quarrel like this. The problem must be solved after all."

"It's up to the town to decide whether to wait for the town to free up, or to open the way yourself! So I agree."

Village Chief Ma nodded, and the others naturally had no idea.

"Okay, since everyone wants the town to make a decision, I'll make a phone call in front of everyone and ask the mayor what he means."

Wu Kexin also stood up, took out her phone, and called the mayor.

After a while, the mayor answered the call, and Wu Kexin took advantage of the opportunity to turn on the speakerphone.

Then she was very clear and told the mayor about the situation of the meeting just now.

After the mayor finished listening, he was silent for more than half a minute.

"The situation in the town is not optimistic. If your villages can unite, it would be best to open the road yourself. It will reduce the burden on the town and it will be convenient for you."

said the mayor.

The meaning of the mayor's words is very obvious. He agrees with several villages to join forces to open the way together.

Wu Kexin was overjoyed, and after talking to the mayor a few words, he hung up the phone.

"Everyone, you have also seen what the mayor means. He supports us in organizing our own people to open the way."

Wu Kexin said.

The other three village chiefs glanced at each other, then nodded together.

"Village Chief Wu, since the mayor is supportive, we naturally have nothing to say. Everything is up to your arrangement. What to do next is up to you."

The village chiefs were also cheerful people. After the town nodded, they didn't have any worries.

He directly expressed his willingness to open the way.

Seeing that all the village chiefs were handled, Chen Yang and Wu Kexin couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Village chiefs, the idea of ​​opening the road was not proposed by me, but by Chen Yang."

"So how to implement it, I still have to let Chen Yang say it."

Wu Kexin sat down with a smile, and handed over the right to speak to Chen Yang.

Hearing what Wu Kexin said, everyone's eyes returned to Chen Yang.

"Then Chen Yang, tell me what to do next."

Village Chief Ma laughed.

"it is good."

Everyone asked themselves to speak, and Chen Yang was not polite.

He directly expressed all his thoughts and arrangements.

"This is what I think. Since everyone has made a decision, there is no need to delay. We will inform all the villagers of this decision tonight, and then we will start construction directly tomorrow morning!"

"Strong young and middle-aged people all go to pick soil and open roads together, and the thinner aunts and the like all cook at home and deliver water."

"During this period, I, Chen Yang, will bear all the expenses for meals."


Chen Yang said very boldly.

After listening to Chen Yang's words, Village Chief Ma and others immediately nodded frequently.

"Okay, let's do what Chen Yang said! The construction will start tomorrow, and the road will be opened as soon as possible!"

After everyone agreed, the meeting broke up.

Everyone went back to their own villages, released news, and went to do ideological work.

After Chen Yang and Wu Kexin sent the village chiefs away, they quickly closed the door of the village department and returned to the medical clinic.

As soon as the two returned to the hospital, Yang Ruoxi and Li Han came over.

"How is it going? How is the discussion going? Have you decided when to start construction?",

Yang Ruoxi asked excitedly.

Chen Yang glanced at her with a smile: "It's been discussed, and the construction will start early tomorrow morning, so I have to rest early today."

"The construction will start tomorrow! Good job!"

Yang Ruoxi was overwhelmed by today's atmosphere and wished to start construction now.

Looking at her excited face, Chen Yang couldn't help but roll a blank look.

"Work first, eat enough and sleep well! Eat more tonight."

Chen Yang said with a smile, then immediately got into the kitchen and started to make dinner.

During the meeting, Yang Ruoxi and Li Han were at home, they had already cooked the rice and cut the vegetables.

So when Chen Yang returned home, he simply fried it.

After a while, Chen Yang came out of the kitchen with several plates of food exuding a strong aroma.

"dinner's ready."

Chen Yang shouted towards the outer room.

Then the three girls walked in from the outer room together, sat on the table and started to drive.

After a busy day in the fields this afternoon, everyone is very hungry.

When it is on the table, eat it directly, without paying attention to the image.

After a full meal, Chen Yang was immediately kicked out of their room...

Chen Yang drooped a bitter face: "Why, wasn't it good for the four of us to sleep together yesterday?"

The three girls rolled their eyes at her.

"Tch, it was because of the thunder yesterday! I let you sleep with us. There is no thunder today, so you should sleep alone!",

Yang Ruoxi stuck out her tongue at Chen Yang, and then closed the door with a snap, without giving Chen Yang a chance to discuss it.

"Is this considered killing a donkey?"

Chen Yang felt helpless.

But there was no other way, so he could only go back to his small room and go to sleep.

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