Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 240 The Two Women Are Shocked

Early the next morning, Li Han and Wu Kexin did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, he chose to have breakfast at Chen Yang's house first.

Chen Yang naturally couldn't refuse the beauties' request.

He also wished that Wu Kexin and Li Han could stay at his home for a while.

So when Li Han told Wu Kexin that he would stay here for breakfast, Chen Yang happily went out to the greenhouse.

I picked some wild mushrooms that grow very well and are very fresh.

Drinking a bowl of mountain mushroom soup in the morning is very good for the body.

After collecting the wild mushrooms, Chen Yang went straight back home and started doing it.

After a while, the extremely fresh mountain mushroom soup was ready.

Although it was not the first time for the three women to eat.

But after drinking it, I still couldn't help admiring it.

"The taste of this wild mushroom is beyond words, it's so fresh."

Wu Kexin exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's so fresh, I feel refreshed after drinking it." Yang Ruoxi continued.

"If it tastes good, I come here often as a guest, and the wild mushrooms will fill me up." Chen Yang looked at the two women and said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, the two women also looked at each other and smiled, and did not speak again.

They drank one bowl after another of such fresh wild mushrooms.

I didn't give up until I couldn't drink anymore.


Chen Yang lay on the chair and hiccupped when he was full.

Then he looked at Li Han and suggested, "Li Han, is there anything going on in the hotel today? If it's okay, I'll take you to visit my greenhouse and how about the farm?"

At this time, Li Han was also very full.

Sitting on a stool to rest.

Hearing Chen Yang's proposal, she smiled and nodded directly.

"Okay, there should be nothing wrong with my hotel today."

Seeing that Li Han agreed, Chen Yang became a little excited.

Turning to look at Wu Kexin again.

"Then the village chief, you should be fine, right? Let's go and have a look together?" Chen Yang invited with a smile.

Wu Kexin shook his head: "I still won't go, my village department still has some things to deal with, you go and see."

Hearing this, Chen Yang was slightly disappointed.

It would be interesting for the three women to go to see it together, but if Wu Kexin didn't go, it would be a bit boring.

Chen Yang thought so in his heart, and it happened that Li Han and Yang Ruoxi also thought so.

They got along very well last night, so they naturally wanted to visit with Wu Kexin at this time.

So before Chen Yang had time to persuade Wu Kexin, Li Han and Yang Ruoxi spoke first.

"Kexin, are things urgent in the village?"

Li Han asked.

Wu Kexin shook her head: "Fortunately, it's just some trivial things, and there's no rush."


Li Han then said: "Then if someone wants to cooperate with an enterprise in your village, you, the village head, would you like to accompany them to visit and learn about it? This is also a business invitation, right?"

As soon as Li Han's words came out, Wu Kexin was stunned for a moment.

She didn't understand the meaning of Li Han's words, but she still nodded: "Yes, this is of course a business invitation."

Seeing Wu Kexin nodding, Li Han smiled.

"In that case, why can't you go and see it with me? You know, I will cooperate with Chen Yang in the future. His farm and wild mushroom greenhouse will cooperate with my hotel."

When Li Han said this, the four of them couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled on the spot.

"You're right, it's reasonable, I have to accompany you to see it today." After a smile, Wu Kexin nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Wu Kexin agreed, Yang Ruoxi immediately became excited.

"Yeah! It's fun today!"

The four of them agreed to visit the greenhouse and the farm together, not long after.

The four rested and set off.

The first place Chen Yang took them to was the hare farm.

The hare farm is just behind Chen Yang's house, within a few steps.

"Sister, sister Kexin, when you see the rabbit raised by Chen Yang later, you will definitely be shocked."

Walking outside the farm, Yang Ruoxi covered her mouth and said with a sneer.

Li Han and Wu Kexin were all taken aback.

"Huh? Why?"

Li Han asked back.

Yang Ruoxi smiled mysteriously: "You will know when you see it later."

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's mysterious appearance, Li Han and Wu Kexin became curious instantly.

Curious about what is so special about the rabbit raised by Chen Yang, which can scare the two of them?

The two watched Chen Yang open the iron gate of the farm with curiosity.

Then he watched Chen Yang call out all the hares with his own eyes.

as predicted.

When they saw those wild rabbits that were as big as dogs, both Li Han and Wu Kexin opened their mouths in shock!

"This...these are all rabbits?"

Li Han and Wu Kexin's eyes widened at the same time, their faces full of disbelief.

"Haha, you will be shocked if I tell you."

Seeing the surprised expressions of Li Han and Wu Kexin, Yang Ruoxi laughed out loud.

Chen Yang was relatively calm.

"Yes, these are rabbits."

With Chen Yang's confirmation, Wu Kexin and Li Han were even more surprised.

"Chen Yang, how did you raise these rabbits to such a large size? This is amazing! I have never seen such a big rabbit!" Li Han said in surprise.

"That's right, Chen Yang, how on earth did you make them like this...the last time I came to see them, they were not like this." Wu Kexin also spoke in surprise.

The scene in front of him was really shocking.

"It was done with a special drug, which was inherited from my family, and it has a miraculous effect on the growth of these wild animals."

Chen Yang explained calmly.

On the way here, Chen Yang knew that the two girls would have such expressions, so he had already thought about how to explain it.

After listening to Chen Yang's explanation, the two girls understood a little bit.

But the shock on his face still didn't dissipate much.

"It was done with medicine? This is amazing. What kind of medicine is it? Can you show me?" Li Han said in shock and curiosity.

"That's right, Chen Yang, I'm also curious about what kind of medicine can have such an effect."

Yang Ruoxi also opened her mouth curiously.

The same is true for Wu Kexin.

Looking at the three girls with curious faces, Chen Yang decided to satisfy their curiosity.

So he went directly to the place where he fed the hare, then picked up a Yangyuan Pill from the ground and handed it to Li Han.

"It's this kind of medicine. After the animals eat it, they will grow up quickly." Chen Yang said.

After Li Han took the Yangyuan Pill, he immediately looked at it seriously.

Yang Ruoxi and Wu Kexin also looked at the humble Yangyuan Pill curiously.

After looking at it for a while, Li Han looked up at Chen Yang and said, "There's nothing special about this elixir, why can it make these rabbits grow so big?"

"Could it be that this elixir contains hormones?"


Hearing the word "hormone", Chen Yang almost couldn't hold back the words.

"No, no, it doesn't contain hormones, and the ingredients in it are all serious herbs."

Chen Yang explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Han was puzzled.

"No hormones? Then why does it grow so fast?"

"That's right, Chen Yang, this is too unreasonable, it's simply amazing." Wu Kexin also asked from the side.

"This is a natural herbal medicine. I just blended them together. I don't know what the ingredients are."

Seeing that Chen Yang couldn't explain it, he stopped explaining immediately.

When the three girls heard what Chen Yang said, they didn't continue to ask.

Accept the somewhat unreasonable reality in front of you.

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