On the way back from the county seat, it has been very quiet.

Driving with all his heart, Chen Yang was thinking about how he would sell ginseng to Li Han.

Mr. Li Han's condition can be cured just now. Isn't it a bit too deliberate to push the century-old wild ginseng at this time?

Although Chen Yang didn't have that kind of thoughts, it felt like he was taking advantage of others' danger and trying to repay his kindness.

However, just when Chen Yang was agonizing over whether or not to speak, Li Han suddenly took the initiative to speak.

"Chen Yang, do you have many good medicinal materials in the mountains of Liuhe Village? When I sold medicinal materials for you last time, your medicinal materials seemed to be of good quality."

"Well...there are quite a lot of medicinal materials in the mountains. After all, almost no one goes to those deep mountains and old forests, so the age and quality of the medicinal materials are quite good!" Chen Yang nodded and replied.

"Oh, so...then can I trouble you with something?" Li Han looked at Chen Yang sideways and said.

"We're all friends now, so why be so polite? If you need help, just say it." Chen Yang smiled slightly, and he was happy to help Li Han.

"You have also seen my grandfather's body. Even if his asthma is cured, his health will not be very good."

"That's why I want to trouble you. When you are collecting herbs in the mountains, if you gather any good herbs that nourish your body, you must leave them to me."

"At that time, I can give you as much as the medicinal materials at the actual price, is that okay?"

Li Han expressed his thoughts in a very gentle tone. He wanted Chen Yang to help find some nourishing herbs from the mountains to nourish her grandfather's body.

Li Han's family is not short of money, but it is very short of that kind of pure natural supplements. Basically, the products sold in the city have traces of processing, so they can't meet the pure natural conditions in the mountains.

Hearing what Li Han said, Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, really thinking about something.

I was still hesitating just now, who should I sell this hundred-year-old wild ginseng to, but Li Han actually took the initiative to ask, isn't this too coincidental?

"The car pulls over for a while." Chen Yang said with a smile.


"Yes, stop by the side of the road, I have something to show you."

"it is good."

Seeing the smile on Chen Yang's face, Li Han was a little puzzled, but she didn't think much, and stopped directly.

After the car stopped, Chen Yang immediately took out an ancient wooden box as black as ink from his medicine box.

"Look at this thing first." Chen Yang smiled and handed the wooden box to Li Han.

Li Han took over the pitch-black wooden box, feeling a little puzzled.

This thing looks like an old thing, but I don't understand why Chen Yang showed this thing to himself.

"Open it and have a look." Chen Yang reminded.

"it is good."

Li Han looked for it, and quickly found the opening of the wooden box, and then opened the wooden box directly.

As soon as the wooden box was opened, a golden-yellow ginseng plant with very plump roots appeared inside.

Looking at the wild ginseng in the wooden box, Li Han opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Her family is rich, and she has seen many good things, so she can tell that the quality of wild ginseng is very high just by looking at it.

And from the not completely dry soil on the roots, it can be seen that this ginseng has just been unearthed not long ago!

Her grandfather is in poor health, and there are a lot of ginseng at home.

But they are basically artificially bred, and their appearance is not as good as the one in Chen Yang's wooden box!

After Li Han was shocked, he immediately turned his head to look at Chen Yang.

His eyes and expression seemed to be asking Chen Yang, what's the situation with this wild ginseng?

"This is the hundred-year-old wild ginseng that I came across by chance when I was collecting herbs in the mountains yesterday! I won't tell you the specific effects, but you should know better than me." Li Han looked shocked, and Chen Yang smiled. , and then introduced the origin of this mountain ginseng.

"Is this a hundred-year-old wild ginseng from Dashan?" Li Han was completely shocked after hearing the origin of the wild ginseng.


"No wonder the quality of this ginseng is so good. It turns out to be a century-old wild ginseng from Dashan!" After being confirmed, Li Han was so surprised that he could stuff an egg into his mouth.

She was really shocked, and at the same time she was too curious about Chen Yang.

Who is this person sitting in front of me?

He doesn't love money at a young age, and he has superb medical skills.

And he said just now that he wanted to find some tonics to nourish his grandfather's body, so he took out a century-old wild ginseng.

This really surprised Li Han.

At this time, she even had an illusion in her heart, feeling that Chen Yang was like a treasure, and every time she dug it, she could give herself unexpected surprises.

"Yes, this is a hundred-year-old mountain ginseng! Originally, I wanted to find a rich man and sell it. Since you want this kind of thing, I will let you set a price first. If it is suitable, I will sell it to you directly. "Chen Yang said with a smile.

Hearing that Chen Yang said that he was going to sell it to him, the shock on Li Han's face turned into surprise.

"Chen Yang, the century-old wild ginseng is very precious, and it is priceless to some people!"

"If you have to give it a market price, it's probably more than 100 million!"

Li Han looked at Chen Yang seriously and said, "If you really plan to sell it to me, I'll give you 100 million!"

Li Han spoke loudly, and it could be seen that she was really willing to spend 100 million to buy Chen Yang's mountain ginseng.

Hearing 100 million, Chen Yang was a little excited.

Although this price was similar to his psychological price, but seeing that 100 million was about to be obtained, he still couldn't bear it.

"Okay, then 100 million, this mountain ginseng is yours." Chen Yang was excited in his heart, but nodded without changing his expression on the surface.

Seeing that Chen Yang agreed, Li Han also nodded with a smile, and asked, "Then how do I pay? Transfer or cash?"


"Okay, then let's go to a bank to withdraw money now!"

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the car's engine started up again, and after about ten minutes, Li Han's car arrived at a small town only ten kilometers away from Liuhe Village.

Here, Li Han walked into a bank and went to withdraw money for Chen Yang.

But here, she did not take out 100 million, but 25.

It's not that Li Han can't afford that much money at once, but because the bank in the small town only has 25...

Li Han got into the car with 25 yuan, and then handed all the money to Chen Yang: "I'm sorry, Chen Yang, the bank in your town only has 25 yuan. If you are in a hurry, give me a card number." , How about I transfer the money to you?"

"Well... no need, since there is no one in the town, it doesn't matter if you give it to me next time I go to treat the old man." Chen Yang took 25 and said.

"Well... that's fine, then I'll bring it to you next time we meet." Li Han smiled slightly, feeling a little warm in his heart.

I didn't expect Chen Yang to trust her so much, and let her owe more than 70 yuan...

In fact, Li Han misunderstood this point.

The reason why Chen Yang asked Li Han to owe him without even thinking about it was not entirely out of trust.

What's more, Chen Yang's understanding of Li Han's family.

The Li family can be regarded as the richest man in the county.

Such a person, as for lying to himself for 75 yuan?And the old man's illness still needs him.

So Chen Yang was not worried at all, Li Han would run away.

After the transaction between the two was successful, Li Han started the car again and sent Chen Yang back to Liuhe Village.

After Chen Yang got off the car, Li Han also took the initiative to exchange contact information with Chen Yang. After the two exchanged phone numbers, Li Han drove away.

Li Han left, and Chen Yang immediately returned home with two bags of money.

After putting the money in the cabinet, Chen Yang picked up the back basket and the small hoe and prepared to go up the mountain to collect some medicinal materials.

Although he is rich now and doesn't need to continue digging herbs and selling them for money, Chen Yang still wants to go to the mountains to dig some herbs, and then practice some miraculous pills on his body according to the formula of the King of Medicine Sutra.

In this way, if you encounter any sudden symptoms in the future, you don't need to rush to collect medicine and make alchemy.

And in order for Mr. Li to be in better health, Chen Yang also planned to practice two dragon and tiger pills for him to eat.

He and Li Han are friends, so her grandfather will naturally do his best to treat her, right?

If he behaves well, Li Han, a little girl, falls in love with him, maybe he and Mr. Li will become a family, right?

With these daydreams in his mind, Chen Yang couldn't help grinning, then he took what he should bring and went up the mountain again.

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