After leaving Zeng Wenhua's breeding farm, Chen Yang rode the electric tricycle directly onto the road.

Drive towards the urban-rural fringe.

"Why did you walk in so angry just now? That Zeng Wenhua bullied you?"

After walking for a while, Chen Yang asked about Yang Ruoxi's angrily walking out of the shed just now.

"Hmph! I didn't get bullied. Do I look like such a bully?"

Yang Ruoxi hugged her hands, still very angry.

"Then why are you angry?"

Chen Yang continued to ask.

Yang Ruoxi glanced behind her, and then said with some distaste: "It's not that Boss Zeng, who keeps turning his thief eyes on me, it's really wretched."

"I couldn't take it anymore, so I went in."

"So that's the case. I thought he bullied you."

Hearing what Yang Ruoxi said, Chen Yang felt relieved.

I thought Zeng Wenhua had done something.

It turned out that it was just a few glances.

"Hmph, if he dares to bully me, I'll call my dad to tear down his farm!"

Yang Ruoxi said with some air.

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

But didn't say much.

This is the truth.

Yang Ruoxi's father is the richest man in the city.

Background is very powerful.

If Zeng Wenhua plots something wrong, Yang Ruoxi can make Zeng Wenhua obedient with a phone call.

The two were silent for a while.

The tricycle left the country road and came to the junction of urban and rural areas.

Near the edge of the city, there are more people around.

The coming and going of going to the city and going to the countryside is quite lively.

Passing by here, Chen Yang didn't think too much, and drove directly towards the county seat.

But what Chen Yang didn't notice was.

On the side of the road at the junction of urban and rural areas, there are two or three vans parked.

There were several sturdy men sitting in the car.

As soon as they saw Chen Yang passing by, they immediately started the car and moved towards Chen Yang's tricycle.

In the end, he directly overtook another car, and then made a turn, putting the van in front of Chen Yangdian's three rounds.

Chen Yang was driving normally.

Suddenly a car crossed in front of him, Chen Yang subconsciously slammed on the brakes.

A stab.

The car stopped in place.

"He doesn't have eyes? How did he drive?"

After the car stopped, Chen Yang raised his head and yelled at the van.

The car drove so badly that it nearly crashed.

Chen Yang thought so in his heart.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the doors of the van opened in an instant.

Then seven or eight strong men rushed down from above, each one as strong as a wild bear.

But they took the lead with a thin yellow hair.

"Hey, you're quite arrogant! How can I drive, can you control me?"

Huang Mao walked over arrogantly, posing a provocative gesture.

Chen Yang frowned and glanced at him: "If you want to die, hit the wall, don't come here to harm me, get out of the way!"

At this time, Chen Yang hadn't realized that he was here to find fault.

So I didn't want to argue with them, as long as I let myself go back.

But the yellow hair sneered and ignored Chen Yang.

His eyes were directly on Yang Ruoxi who was behind the cart.

"Yo, she's really a beautiful girl, but it's a pity that she took three rounds." Huang Mao looked at Yang Ruoxi with bright eyes and a frivolous threat on his face.

Yang Ruoxi has never seen this scene before.

I was terrified at the time.

Hiding behind Chen Yang, his entire face was pale with fright.

"Do you really want to die?"

Seeing Huang Mao's frivolous face, Chen Yang came up angrily.

The tone became cold.

"Fuck! I think you want to die, don't you? If you are sensible, you'd better shut up, otherwise don't blame us for not understanding the severity of the attack?" After being scolded by Chen Yang, Huang Mao was also furious.

Due to the large number of people under his command, he didn't pay attention to Chen Yang at all.

He scolded Chen Yang, then changed his expression, and stared at Yang Ruoxi lewdly again.

"Little girl, this tricycle is too bumpy, why don't you sit in my brother's car? The cushions in my brother's car are very comfortable."

Huang Mao had an evil smile all over his face, and he had to use his hands while speaking.

But before his palm touched Yang Ruoxi, he was grabbed by Chen Yang.

"You boy looking for... ah! It hurts... What about me, let me go!"

Seeing that his arm was grabbed by Chen Yang, Huang Mao wanted to scream at first, but as Chen Yang's strength increased, he immediately started screaming.

The younger brothers under him screamed when they saw Huang Mao being messed with.

Everyone panicked.

He wanted to come up and do it, but the yellow hair was in Chen Yang's hands again.

If you don't come up and do it, you are angry again.

For a while I didn't know what to do.

"Brother Wang... are you okay?"

"Brother Wang, how do you feel?"


Those big men asked questions one after another, but at this time Huang Mao didn't have the heart to talk to them at all.

His painful face was almost contorted.

"Release me...or I won't have any good fruit for you!" Huang Mao gritted his teeth and threatened.

Chen Yang smiled coldly: "Have you not figured out your current situation yet?"

After finishing speaking, the force in Chen Yang's hand increased again.

Then there was a click, and his arm was crushed by Chen Yang!


Huangmao screamed again.

At the same time, he started to sweat all over.

It hurts so much, this feeling is simply unbearable!

"Let go of me...I'm going to die." Huang Mao was sweating profusely, and his whole face was completely distorted in pain.

Even the tone of the harsh words was very weak.

Huang Mao yelled weakly, and the younger brothers around him were all frightened.

They heard the bone fracture just now.

A person can break Huangmao's arm abruptly by relying on brute force alone. Is this still human strength?

Thinking of this, those big men unconsciously began to sweat, and quickly took three or four steps back to keep a distance from Chen Yang.

"If you don't want to die, don't provoke me, otherwise it won't be as simple as breaking an arm, understand?"

Frightening everyone away, Chen Yang was also afraid that Huang Mao would faint from pain if he used too much force, so he let go of Huang Mao directly, and then kicked him to the ground.


Huangmao let out a wail from being kicked, and immediately got up from the ground, regardless of the pain, and quickly backed away.

At this time, Huang Mao was no longer as arrogant as before.

His face and eyes were full of fear towards Chen Yang.

"Brother Wang, what shall we do now?"

"Brother Wang, is your arm okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

After Chen Yang let go of his yellow hair, his little brothers came up one after another, booing and asking for warmth.

Huang Mao glared at them angrily: "Useless things! Where were you when I was beaten? Are you asking for help now?"

Huang Mao was furious, and raised his leg to punch and kick those people.

Those younger brothers looked big and thick, but they didn't dare to fight back when they were beaten by Huang Mao, they could only beg for mercy.

Chen Yang was sitting in the car, not interested in watching Huang Mao beat his younger brother.

So he directly opened his mouth and scolded: "Get out!"

Chen Yang scolded, making Huang Mao and his party tremble in fright.

Huang Mao looked at Chen Yang with complicated eyes, and felt that none of them were Chen Yang's opponents, so he turned his head and drove away with his younger brothers.

"You're a little bit of a kid, but I've made a note of today's grudge, and I'll let you pay it back double next time!"

Before leaving, Huang Mao rolled down the car window and uttered a harsh word at Chen Yang.

Then two or three vans drove away quickly.

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