Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 214 Alien Species

The hare has grown so much yesterday, I'm afraid it's already starving.

Chen Yang hurriedly walked to the vicinity of the farm.

He collected some weeds, then quickly returned home, and threw them in front of the hare.

When the hare saw the weeds, it turned into a starving ghost in an instant, and ate wildly.

In just a few tens of seconds, all the weeds collected by Chen Yang were eaten up.

After eating, the hare raised his head and looked at Chen Yang, which clearly meant that he was not full.

"Good guy, you are not satisfied with the amount of food these two hares eat?"

Chen Yang's eyes widened, he was very surprised.

The hare not only grew in size, but also seemed to have a very large appetite.

The weeds collected just now are usually enough for two ordinary hares to eat in a day.

In front of this giant hare, I didn't expect that it could only be stuffed between the teeth!

"Let me see how much you can eat today!"

Chen Yang shook his head, turned around and walked out again.

Then I collected the usual amount of food for two hares and walked back.

Throw the weeds in front of the Giant Hare.

Still within 1 minute, they were all eaten.

After eating, he still looked up at Chen Yang, still not full.

Seeing this, Chen Yang turned his head and went out to collect without saying a word.


After going back and forth a total of five times, the giant hare was finally full.

"Good guy, one feeds ten of them. If we feed them, the amount of fodder consumed in the future may be astronomical." Chen Yang's mouth twitched, feeling a little pain in his heart.

Although the hare eats wild grass, it is worthless.

But when you think about it carefully, it's still very scalp-numbing.

The wild rabbits eat a lot, which means that the workload of Aunt Wang and the others will be greatly increased.Maybe even hire a few more people to gather weeds.

And the most important thing is that after the hare's demand for fodder increases, the weeds around here will definitely not be enough to eat.

So I have to plant wild grass in a large area.


If this set of procedures is implemented... it seems that large-scale investment will be required again.

Chen Yang felt his scalp tingling.

While Chen Yang was thinking about this matter, Aunt Wang and Li Xiao'e carried wild mushrooms to the backyard.

The two of them walked into the backyard, and when they saw the giant hare under Chen Yang's feet, they almost died of fright.

"Yangzi, what... what is that?" Wang Hong asked with wide-eyed eyes, pointing at the giant hare.

Chen Yang reacted from his reverie.

"Aunt Wang, sister-in-law Xiao'e, this is a wild rabbit I bred, don't be afraid." Chen Yang explained.


The surprise on Aunt Wang's face not only didn't dissipate, but intensified: "Such a big hare?"

Chen Yang smiled awkwardly: "That's right, it's just a bigger hare, it doesn't bite people."

After speaking, Chen Yang squatted down and touched the fur of the hare with his hand.

The hare is very well-behaved, squatting in place motionless.

The surprise on Aunt Wang's and Li Xiao'e's faces never dissipated, but seeing Chen Yang stroking like that, the fear in their hearts disappeared.

"Yangzi... how did you raise this hare? It looks like a little wolf dog, it's too abnormal." Aunt Wang walked up to him with great curiosity and asked, her eyes kept wandering over the hare.

Look at the hare.

"That's right, Yangzi, you hare is too abnormal, it doesn't look like our native species at all, could it be that you were introduced from other places?" At this time Li Xiao'e also spoke in surprise.

Chen Yang didn't know how to explain how the hare became so big.

Seeing what Li Xiaoe said, Chen Yang went down the donkey and nodded directly: "Ah... yes, this is an introduced species. This kind of hare not only grows big, but also grows very fast."

"It turned out to be like this. I thought it was some magical thing." The two were instantly relieved when they heard Chen Yang's explanation.

The expression on his face also became natural.

He even boldly put down the wild fungus and came over to pet the giant hare with Chen Yang.

"The hare outside here has very comfortable fur, but I don't know if it grows so big and the quality of the meat is good. If the quality of the meat is good, you, Yangzi, will probably get rich." Li Xiaoe said to Chen Yang while stroking it.

Li Xiaoe's unintentional words reminded Chen Yang.

He was only concerned about the growth rate of the hare, and completely forgot about the quality of the hare's meat.

Although the effect of Yangyuan Pill will not affect the meat quality of wild animals.

But whether eating so much at one time will affect it is unknown.

"It looks like I have to find a chance to try, otherwise I'm a little worried."

Chen Yang thought so in his heart.

After Wang Hong and Li Xiaoe squatted down for a while, they didn't stay in the backyard too long.

They had some work to do and left.

After seeing off Aunt Wang and Li Xiaoe, Chen Yang got up to wash up and have breakfast.

Coincidentally, at this time, the clerk in Yang Caiyun's store came to get wild mushrooms.

As soon as this guy entered the backyard and saw the hare, his reaction was exactly the same as that of Wang Hong and Li Xiaoe.

His whole face was full of disbelief and shock.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled, then walked over to explain, and after talking about these exotic species, the guy was relieved.

"So, I thought it was my eyes that saw a monster." The man grinned, a little speechless.

"This is a purebred hare, how could it be a monster?"

Chen Yang patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "After the wild mushrooms are loaded into the car, I will take this hare back by the way."

"Bring it back to me? Boss Chen, did you agree with the lady boss?" The guy was stunned, and he resisted the giant hare in his heart.

"Of course it's agreed, otherwise why would I ask you to bring it?" Chen Yang could see that the guy was resisting, so he nodded and said that he had agreed with Yang Caiyun.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this guy won't bring it.

And it is.

The guy saw Chen Yang nodding, even if he really resisted in his heart, he couldn't say much.

I can only nod in embarrassment: "Okay... okay, then I will take it."

Seeing the guy's expression as if he had eaten a dead child, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

"It's not a monster. What are you afraid of? It's delicious. If you go back and try the taste, it's okay. I'll ask your lady boss to give you a raise."

Chen Yang smiled and patted the guy on the shoulder, then left.

The buddy stood there for a while, and then realized that Chen Yang said that he wanted to raise his salary, and he was overjoyed.

"Okay, thank you, Boss Chen."

The man turned his head and thanked Chen Yang's back, then got busy.

First, he carried the wild mountain mushrooms into the van, and after making some mental preparations, he picked up the giant hare and got into the van.

Then he drove away with a rumble.

Watching the van leave, Chen Yang touched his chin with a smile.

"How it tastes depends on what Yang Caiyun said this afternoon. If the taste is good, I will be busy these days."

Chen Yang is in a good mood.

Because he had a feeling that the taste of this giant hare would definitely not be bad.

But just to be on the safe side, he still asked his buddy to take the giant hare to the river fish restaurant, and let Yang Caiyun and the others try it first.

If there is really no problem, then you can refine a large amount of Yangyuan Dan, and let the animals in the farm grow wildly!

Thinking of greenhouses and farms can be profitable.

Chen Yang was in a good mood.

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