The output of the greenhouse is not bad at present, just need a little care, and there will be no major problems.

The current problem is to improve the growth rate of farm animals.

I have already promised Yang Caiyun that I will supply her every day in a few days.

However, given the current conditions, Chen Yang would definitely not be able to send wild things to her every day.

So Chen Yang had to think of a way, how to make the animals in the farm grow very fast every day,

In order to think of this method, Chen Yang racked his brains.

He even read through the King of Medicine Sutra in his mind.

But apart from Yangyuan Pill, there is no pill at all, which can make wild animals grow rapidly.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Chen Yang's thoughts naturally hit Yang Yuan Dan.

"Yuanyuan Pill can make animals grow quickly, what if I give a lot of Yangyuan Pill to hares and pheasants every meal?"

Chen Yang thought about it for a while, and then immediately prepared to start an experiment to see if his idea could really work.

He opened the iron cage of the farm, grabbed a rabbit weighing about two catties, and then walked back quickly.

When he got home, he grabbed a handful of Yangyuan Dan and fed it to the rabbit.

The taste of this Yangyuan Dan is very close to the taste of green grass.

So the rabbit eats very well.

After a while, all the Yangyuan pills were eaten by the rabbit.

After feeding the rabbit, Chen Yang smiled and put it into the backyard.

"Just wait until tomorrow to see the changes. If it's really effective, I'll be busy." Chen Yang shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

In order to make money, one has to frantically refine Yangyuan Pill.

After all, there are so many rabbits and pheasants, if you really want to eat Yangyuan Dan, the amount you consume every day is a bit surprising.

After observing the experimental hare in the backyard for a while, and realizing that there was nothing unusual about the hare, Chen Yang turned around and went to the kitchen to make himself a lunch.

After lunch, Chen Yang was a little bored and wanted to lie down on the rocking chair and sleep for a while.

However, before he could fall asleep, the roar of a car woke him up.

Chen Yanggang wanted to sit up and see what was going on outside.

Suddenly, I saw many men in suits walking into the hospital.

Chen Yang just took a look at these people and immediately recognized them.

Another person who takes care of the family!

As soon as Chen Yang thought about it, he saw Gu Ming walking out of the group of people.

Gu Ming was wearing a black suit and a pair of sunglasses on his feminine face, giving him the air of a domineering president.

If ordinary people see it, they must be envious.

But Chen Yang only had contempt and some curiosity in his heart.

Curious about Gu Ming's purpose.

"you again."

Chen Yang stood up from the rocking chair with a slightly impatient tone.

Gu Ming smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then sat on a stool in the medical hall very naturally.

He took off his sunglasses, glanced left and right, and said, "Of course it's me, otherwise, with your shabby clinic, can someone come to treat you?"

Chen Yang frowned slightly, and did not hide his dislike for Gu Ming at all: "You came all the way from the county to visit my clinic, right? If you have something to say, you are not welcome here."

Hearing this, the smile on Gu Ming's face grew stronger.

However, the smile at this time was mixed with a lot of coldness.

"Since you said that, I might as well just say it straight. I still want to tell you about the land when I come here this time."

Gu Ming paused for a moment, and then said immediately: "You may not be satisfied with the price offered last time, so come here this time and want to set a new price."

Hearing what Gu Ming said, Chen Yang became slightly interested.

"Oh? Tell me first, how much are you going to pay this time?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Gu Ming saw that Chen Yang had the intention of negotiating, and a trace of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"ten times!"

Gu Ming raised his voice: "This time I will directly offer you ten times the price of the land you contracted. What do you think?"

ten times.

That's 100 million.

If ordinary people heard this price, they would probably nod their heads without thinking about anything.

But for Chen Yang, this price is pitifully low.

That is a gold mine, where can it be bought for 100 million?

Chen Yang almost didn't think about it, and shook his head directly: "It's still too low, so I won't sell it."

"Fuck! Do you want to die, kid? Are you still satisfied after the young master gave you 100 million yuan? Do you know what this 100 million yuan is? It is enough for a small farmer like you to live comfortably for the rest of his life! Are you still not satisfied? "

Chen Yang shook his head, before Gu Ming could speak in the future.

A younger brother under him couldn't hold back his anger, pointing at Chen Yang and roaring.

There are even some intentions to come up and do it.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang's face immediately turned cold.

"Why? The sale is not successful, and you still want to do it?"

"No, Mr. Chen, don't get excited. I came here this time with all my sincerity, and I want to contract the land from you." Seeing that Chen Yang was in a hurry, Gu Ming immediately spoke to comfort him.

Chen Yang glared at the excited little brother, and then returned his gaze to Gu Ming.

"Sincerity? What's your sincerity? I'm not satisfied with the price of 100 million." Chen Yang said firmly.

Gu Ming's face was slightly stiff.

I didn't expect Chen Yang to be so resistant to pressure and have such a big appetite.

It's useless to use the influence of the Gu family to suppress him, even the price of 100 million is not satisfied.

It drove him crazy.

But he didn't dare to attack easily.

Because Chen Yang managed to show some interest, he didn't want to talk about it like this.

Therefore, he had to endure the anger in his heart and talk to Chen Yang in a good voice.

"A million and still not satisfied? Then how much do you want?" Gu Ming asked tentatively.


Chen Yang sneered, and said directly: "I'll tell you the truth, no matter how much money you pay, I won't be satisfied, so I advise you to give up your mind as soon as possible, understand?"

Chen Yang's attitude suddenly became tough.

It was the arrogant and domineering look of that younger brother just now that offended him.

It reminded him of what happened to Li Han last time.

Li Han refused to transfer Lin Tianxia, ​​I'm afraid Gu Ming is the same, that's why Chen Yang is suddenly so tough.

Chen Yang's words were so deadly that displeasure immediately appeared on Gu Ming's face.

But before he could speak, the younger brother who had yelled at Chen Yang just now suddenly said, "Dog, are you too arrogant? Are you deliberately against my Gu family?"

This little brother roared for the first time, but Chen Yang could bear it.

But the second time he spoke, Chen Yang couldn't help it.

As soon as the younger brother finished speaking, Chen Yang turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place with a whoosh.

In the next second, he suddenly appeared in front of the little brother, and slapped the little brother on the face.

With a bang, the little boy was slapped and fell to the ground, and even spit out a mouthful of blood with several teeth in it.

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