Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1565 Conference Reform

Driving back home, Chen Yang inspected the situation at home as usual.

After confirming that everything is as usual and nothing has changed, I feel relieved.

woof woof.


It was relatively late, so Brother Diao and Wangcai should both go to bed.

But as soon as he entered the yard, Wangcai and Brother Diao rushed out of the den in unison.

Seeing that Chen Yang was back, the faces of the two guys were still very excited.

Obviously, this is because of the benefits Chen Yang promised when he set off.

And Chen Yang was not stingy, since he agreed, he would give it.

Anyway, there are a lot of body forging pills, and there is no shortage at all.

"Come on, eat more."

Without saying a word, Chen Yang grabbed a handful from his pocket.

About ten or so, all of them were given to Brother Diao and Wangcai.

Let them eat their fill at once.

The reason why he did this was not just because he promised these two guys.

What's more, he has a new plan.

We still have to think of ways to give Wangcai and Brother Diao something to improve their strength.

Because he can't take it with him at home all the time, and it's impossible for the Gu family and the Murong family to always only have experts in the realm of profound energy.

If there are no problems at home, it is very important to improve the strength of Wangcai and Diaoxiong.

And one more thing.

Today he chatted with Mr. Wang a lot about "cultivation."

Since people can cultivate, these animals can naturally improve their own strength.

The stories I heard when I was a child may still exist.

That's why he was so eager to improve the strength of Wangcai and Brother Diao. qqxδnew

"With the improvement of strength, maybe we can really cultivate goblins."

Chen Yang touched Wangcai's head with a smile and said.

After rewarding Wangcai and Brother Diao, Chen Yang didn't continue to busy himself with other things.

Instead, he concentrated on getting a chair from the room, lying on it and carefully studying the ancient books given by Mr. Wang.

This ancient book is very old, and the whole book looks tattered.

In addition, the text inside is also very ancient text.

Chen Yang is a college student after all, and he studied ancient characters some time ago, so it is relatively easy to recognize the characters in the book.

He was holding a book, and he didn't know how long he had studied it.

He finally understood the book.

Write down everything in the book.

This book is exactly the same as Chen Yang's guess at the time.

It really is a practice that helps to absorb the spiritual power in the air.

It's called Na Qi Jue!

It explained in detail how to absorb the aura in the air, and how to improve one's strength through the aura.

In addition, the book also introduces in detail some problems that you will encounter when you first step into the realm of Qi training.

I talked a lot with Mr. Wang, plus the things recorded in this book.

Chen Yang finally clearly understood the meaning of Qi training realm.

Entering this realm, he has transcended the category of ordinary people, and strictly speaking, he can already be regarded as a monk.

The previous Xuanjin and Body Tempering were only at the level of improving the physical body.

And he is already a legendary cultivator, as long as he reaches a certain height, he can even kill people invisible, and he can solve many problems with a wave of his hand.

After thinking about this, Chen Yang felt somewhat excited.

Without further ado, he quickly sat down cross-legged on the spot.

According to the above description of the exercises, absorb the spiritual power in the air with common sense.

Entering the realm of Qi refining, Chen Yang could absorb the spiritual power in the air.

It's just that it still can't enter the body.

But since he operated the Na Lingjue, this situation no longer existed.

He could clearly feel that the spiritual energy surging in the air penetrated into his body along his pores.

That feeling is extremely refreshing.

After completely entering the body, the whole body felt warm again.

And his limbs and bones are also receiving the impact of spiritual energy, thus becoming stronger!

It felt so wonderful, and the whole person even felt ecstatic.

Originally, Chen Yang was just running it with common sense, wanting to see if the Na Ling Jue was useful.

Unexpectedly, after it started to work, he seemed to have forgotten everything.

Started to use Na Lingjue crazily to absorb the surrounding aura.

Use the aura around you, enter your body, and improve your own abilities.

With this movement, he completely forgot about time.

It wasn't until the next morning when Wu Kexin knocked on the door that he woke up from that state.

When he woke up, his first feeling was that his body was much lighter.

Strength also got a very magical increase.

Another point is that his hearing and vision have been greatly improved.

It seems that the angle of looking at everything around has become different.

"Is this the benefit of Qi training and self-cultivation?" Chen Yang sighed.

He looked up at the rising sun, and then at the back mountain.

"The spiritual energy in the morning is much stronger than that in the evening, but it's a pity that I have something to do, otherwise I guess I can practice for a long time."

After a night of practice, Chen Yang also gained a lot of experience.

No wonder the ancients said that the plan of a day lies in the morning. The reason is that the aura in the air is the most abundant every morning.

But unfortunately, he couldn't continue to absorb it, because Wu Kexin was already knocking on the door outside.

After waking up, Chen Yang quickly walked into the room and opened the rolling gate of the medical hall.

"Good morning, Kexin."

Seeing Wu Kexin standing at the door in a white dress, Chen Yang immediately greeted with a smile.

Wu Kexin gave him a blank look.

"What's the matter with you, haven't you woken up so late? You knocked for a long time before you opened the door. You're not like this usually." Wu Kexin entered the room after speaking.

Chen Yang explained with a smile.

"I didn't tell you. I was busy with some things yesterday, so I made it a little later. I slept comfortably today."

"Will the company's meeting still be held? If you, the chairman, are not here, everyone will be waiting for you." Wu Kexin looked at Chen Yang's mental state, but didn't say anything.

Chen Yang chuckled, and hurriedly indicated that he would go.

"If you're going, pack up quickly. I'll wait for you here. The chairman still needs to pay attention to his image." Wu Kexin said.

"Okay, wait for me a moment."

Chen Yang also realized that his clothes were indeed too suitable for formal occasions, so he quickly went to the house to tidy up.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I changed into a more formal attire.

"See if it works."

Chen Yang came out, and immediately asked Wu Kexin to look at the clothes.

Wu Kexin stood up and took a closer look, then nodded appreciatively: "Yeah, it's very good, it looks very handsome."

"Tch, I'm not bad at all."

Chen Yang said something with a smile, and then went to the company in the village with Wu Kexin.

Wu Kexin had already notified about the meeting.

So early in the morning, almost all the people who needed to arrive stayed in the meeting room.

Just wait for Chen Yang and Wu Kexin to come to the meeting together.

And Chen Yang and Wu Kexin happened to be stuck in the meeting room not too early or too late.

Both Chen Yang and Wu Kexin are straightforward people, and they will definitely not talk about things and miss the point in a meeting.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin entered the office, and after announcing the meeting, they immediately got to the point, focusing on the purpose of the meeting.

In addition, it also tells about the problems existing in many companies.

Anyway, if you can be as direct as possible, you will never make any detours.

Even so, the meeting lasted for more than an hour.

After all, there are many places that need to be reformed, and the village company system also needs to be improved.

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