Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1563 Talking about Realms

"Chen Yang, why did you suddenly come to see the old man, I'm such a rare visitor."

Mr. Wang didn't even know that Chen Yang was coming, and when he saw him, his expression was very surprised.

"I have some business to do in the provincial capital today, so I came to see you by the way." Chen Yang walked into the door and said as if he was getting along with a friend.

And Mr. Wang didn't mind either.

Seeing Chen Yang coming, he quickly walked out of the office.

"Haha, come on, take a seat here. The old man hasn't seen you for a while, so I just want to chat with you."

Mr. Wang enthusiastically made a gesture of invitation to Chen Yang, and then the two sat down at the coffee table.

The last time I saw Mr. Wang was several months ago.

At that time, Mr. Wang had just recovered from a serious illness, his body had not fully recovered, and his mental state was far worse than it is now.

"Come on, have some tea."

As soon as Chen Yang sat down, Mr. Wang immediately poured Chen Yang a cup of high-quality tea for him to taste.

"it is good."

Chen Yang was not too polite, he picked up the teacup and tasted it with gusto.

It has to be said that the Wang family is the Wang family.

This tea is definitely world-class.

It is completely different from the tea that I usually drink.

"Chen Yang, you have been living a good life recently. I heard from Wang Hong that your business is getting bigger and bigger."

After drinking the tea, Mr. Wang smiled and started talking.

What he was talking about was naturally the playground in Liuhe Village.

In the whole province, there is a playground of the highest level, which is quite big news.

So it's normal for a big man like Mr. Wang to hear about it.

"Hehe, the business has picked up a little bit, so it's barely passable." Chen Yang smiled and said modestly.

When Mr. Wang heard this, he also laughed.

"The industry that has raised tens of billions of dollars is still barely passable? You are too modest. I have already concluded from my experience that the Zhongcheng Group in your village will definitely become a company with a market value of tens of billions in less than two years. There is no doubt about it.”

Mr. Wang said with a smile.

It sounds like he is very optimistic about the prospects of Liuhe Village, otherwise he would not dare to make such an inference easily.

These older chaebols must be very cautious in what they say and do.

The general thing is not to jump to conclusions.

"Haha, I hope to borrow your good words, Mr. Wang. When the time comes, I will really develop to that stage, and I will invite you first in the banquet." Chen Yang did not continue to be modest, but said like this.

Mr. Wang laughed out loud at Chen Yang's words, and joked with Chen Yang.

"Okay, since you said so, then I will be the first one to go, old man, and I will definitely support you."

There is a big difference in age between the two, but they talk like old friends when they talk.

There is no such barrier at all.

The two talked and laughed for a while, and then Chen Yang formally talked about today's purpose.

When he came here, he mainly wanted to inquire about the cultivation methods of Qi Cultivation Realm and how to improve his cultivation.

"By the way, old man, I came here today because I actually have something to ask you."

"Things? What's the matter?"

Mr. Wang knew that Chen Yang must have something to do when he came here, so he was not surprised to hear Chen Yang say that.

"It's the four realms you told me about last time."

"Well, what's the matter? What's the problem?" Mr. Wang continued to ask.

When Chen Yang asked this, he was silent for a while, and after a few seconds, he said, "I want to know something about the realm of Qi training."

"Do you understand the matter of this realm?"

When Mr. Wang heard Chen Yang say this

He said that he didn't understand what he meant at the first time.

After waiting for several seconds, he immediately understood.

"What you want to know is the way to improve the level of Qi training, and the system to improve the strength. Why are there differences?" Mr. Wang said with a smile.

Chen Yang nodded without hesitation, indicating that he meant it.

When Mr. Wang saw Chen Yang nodding, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then it faded away quickly.

Chen Yang has been paying attention to Mr. Wang's expression all the time, and he still noticed this change.

"Wait for me a moment."

Mr. Wang didn't immediately tell Chen Yang what he wanted to know, but got up and went to his desk.

Then he searched carefully on the wall of books behind the desk.

After searching for about a minute, he returned to Chen Yang with a very thin and very old book.

"This is a book of exercises, and it should be of great help to you."

Mr. Wang put the ancient book in front of Chen Yang and said.

"Gong method?"

Chen Yang took the book with some doubts.

"Well, exercises! This kind of exercise is not the same as the Babu boxing you usually practice. This kind of exercise is so advanced! It is much stronger than those most basic martial arts exercises." Mr. Wang said solemnly. .

Chen Yang saw that Mr. Wang's expression was so solemn, and immediately became very interested in this ancient book.

However, he was not in a hurry to read it, but continued to chat with Mr. Wang about the realm of Qi training.

"Then what do you mean, old man, if you want to improve your strength in Qi training, you must practice this kind of kung fu?" Chen Yang continued to ask.

The old man didn't evade this time, but nodded decisively.

"That's right, the way to improve the realm of Qi training has gone beyond the scope of normal people's ability to improve their strength. It must be accompanied by exercises to improve." Old Man Wang said.

Hearing what Mr. Wang said, Chen Yang's inner doubts were eliminated a lot.

However, there are still many places that I don't understand.

For example, after entering the realm of Qi training, he can see what the energy in the surrounding air is.

And every time it is almost absorbed into the body, but there seems to be something blocking it, what is the situation?

Chen Yang didn't understand this in his heart, and Mr. Wang was no outsider, so he immediately expressed all his inner doubts.

After the old man heard what Chen Yang said, his eyes obviously flashed with surprise again.

But he didn't say anything, just followed Chen Yang's question seriously and helped him explain.

"I have never reached the realm of Qi training, but I have learned a lot from many ancient books." Mr. Wang seemed to recall it, and then said lightly: "The realm of Qi training is the beginning of formally stepping into the realm of cultivation. ! Only when you enter this realm can you touch the threshold of cultivation."

As soon as Mr. Wang said this, Chen Yang was also a little surprised.

Because the word "cultivation" made him feel very unreal.


"Well, that's right, the state under Qi training can only be regarded as the stage of staying in the physical body, that is, the strength is as strong as a cow, and the reaction speed is dozens or even hundreds of times faster than normal people."

"But it's different when you reach the realm of Qi training. It's already beyond the scope of human beings. In our traditional words, you can fly into the sky and into the earth."

Mr. Wang said.

When Chen Yang heard Mr. Wang's words, he still had the surprised expression on his face.

He has experienced the realm of profound energy, and now he is already in the realm of Qi training, so he can naturally understand what old man Wang said about flying into the sky and into the earth.

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