Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1545 Feelings Warm Up

"Yeah, this is the best way. If something happens to you, I...Kexin and the others don't know what to do." Wang Jingman's face turned red suddenly, and her eyes avoided Chen Yang's gaze.

She wanted to talk about herself, but after she suddenly realized it, she changed it to Wu Kexin.

When Chen Yang heard this sentence, he was overjoyed, but also a meal.

When did Wang Jingman find out about himself and Kexin and the others?

Did you see it, or did someone say it?

Chen Yang was very surprised, he didn't expect Wang Jingman to say such a thing suddenly.

dong dong.

"Hi sir, the food you ordered has arrived, please open the door to pick it up."

Just when the room was a little awkward, the voice of a waiter delivering food suddenly came from outside the door.

The meal came at just the right time, neither too early nor too late.

"Chen Yang, don't move, I'll get it."

Seeing Chen Yang get up, Wang Jingman hurriedly asked him to sit down, then she got up to open the door, and took all the food brought by the hotel waiter into the room.

There were only two people, and Chen Yang thought that he would just order something to fill his stomach.

But never thought that Wang Jingman came in with two big packages.

After opening it on the table, there are actually dozens of dishes, large and small.

Among them are expensive seafood such as lobster and abalone.

Chen Yang was dumbfounded. This casual meal is more hearty than what he eats in the store.

"Why are you ordering so much? Can the two of us finish eating?" Chen Yang stared at Wang Jingman with his eyes wide open.

Wang Jingman's face was full of spontaneity: "I thought you lost so much blood just now, so I will give you more to replenish your body. There are everything here. You can eat some of them. It doesn't matter if you waste it. The main thing is to replenish your body." .”

While talking, Wang Jingman unpacked the package, and when he unpacked a bowl of chicken, he handed it directly to Chen Yang.

"Come on, this is the chicken soup with red dates specially ordered for you. It's for nourishing blood. Eat more." Wang Jingman said.

Seeing Wang Jingman like this, Chen Yang was moved and felt funny again.

Wang Jingman is an elite in the medical profession, but he never thought that he would also become an ordinary person who blindly replenishes his body?

"Doctor Wang, you need to take your time to make up your body. If you order a meal like this, I'm afraid it will damage your body." Chen Yang said dumbfounded.

Upon hearing this, Wang Jingman blushed immediately, then shook her head and said nothing.

Chen Yang also simply smiled and stopped talking, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

There were a lot of dishes on the table, Chen Yang originally thought that this was Wang Jingman's wish, and he wanted to eat as much as possible.

But after a round of eating, he was full.

The desktop has not changed, which is very embarrassing.

"Why don't you eat? Are you full?" Seeing Chen Yang stop chopsticks, Wang Jingman looked over immediately.

Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, and quickly waved his hands: "No, I can still eat."

"Then you eat more, come and taste this, this is delicious."


Chen Yang didn't say that he was full, but Wang Jingman really thought that he was not full, and helped to pick up the vegetables.

Chen Yang was very helpless, but he could only eat it with the cheek.

Finally, he couldn't eat any more, so Chen Yang stopped.

"I'm full and can't eat anymore."

Chen Yang said quickly.

As soon as Wang Jingman was full, she didn't continue to bring food to Chen Yang, but poured him a glass of water very considerately.

"Then drink a glass of water first, I'll clean this up, the room smells a little bit." Wang Jingman got up and cleaned up after speaking.

Chen Yang lay on the sofa, took a sip of the water Wang Jingman had poured.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Yang lay down and rested for a while.

Around eleven o'clock in the evening, Chen Yang thought about going back.

But Wang Jingman said nothing to let him go, the reason is very simple, he was shot, and special situations may occur at any time.

For safety, must stay in the room.

Wang Jingman's worry was not unreasonable, Chen Yang couldn't help it in the end, so he could only stay.

But where to stay and sleep has become a big problem.

What Wang Jingman meant was that he was a patient, let him sleep on the bed, and she herself slept on the sofa.

Chen Yang was very moved when he heard this proposal, but he did not agree.

How can a woman sleep on the sofa?Is it too ungentlemanlike?

But it didn't seem suitable for him to sleep on the sofa alone, so he suggested that no one should sleep today, and lie on the sofa together and watch movies or something.Qianqian

This proposal was good, and it happened that Wang Jingman had no intention of going to sleep, so she agreed decisively.

So the two turned off the lights in the room, and watched various movies together in the room.

There was still some distance between the two sitting positions.

But as time went by, the distance between the two became closer and closer, and finally they even leaned against each other.

Seeing that the atmosphere was up, Chen Yang was not polite, and stretched out his arms to hug Wang Jingman.

Wang Jingman didn't resist, and lay in Chen Yang's arms very naturally, and the two leaned tightly together again.


Although nothing else happened that night, the relationship between the two has heated up rapidly.

It was originally agreed not to sleep, but at some point, the two leaned together and fell asleep after watching.

A sofa seemed to have become a bed, and two people were lying upright.

Chen Yang was inside, and Wang Jingman was in Chen Yang's arms.

The next morning, both of them woke up at the same time.

When Wang Jingman found herself in Chen Yang's arms, the blush on her face spread to the base of her neck.

Hurriedly leaving her embrace, after standing up, she suddenly found that the stockings on her legs had rotted several holes.

That kind of hole doesn't seem to be accidentally scratched at all, but man-made damage.

There are only the two of them in this room, isn't the suspect obvious?

Wang Jingman's face turned even redder, and she was so ashamed and angry that she didn't know what to say.

In the end, I simply went to the bathroom to tidy myself up.

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Yang looked at Wang Jingman who left in shame and indignation, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

To be honest, he didn't know how the stockings rotted.

Could it be that last night was still not a dream?

Chen Yang sat on the sofa for about ten minutes, and Wang Jingman finally came out of the bathroom.

The clothes on her body are still the same as yesterday, but the stockings on her jade feet are gone.

A pair of beautiful white legs were all exposed.

Wang Jingman often wears silk stockings, and suddenly she intuitively sees her snow-white thighs, which still have a certain flavor.

It makes people feel the urge to go up and touch it, and it looks very lubricated.

"Chen Yang, how do you feel behind your back? Do you want me to check you? If something goes wrong, you still have to go to the hospital." Wang Jingman's face returned to normal, as if she suddenly forgot the shame and anger just now .

"Okay, let's see."

If she didn't mention it, Chen Yang naturally wouldn't mention it, so he nodded immediately and asked her to look at the wound.

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