"Lily! How can you say that, no matter how simple it is, Chen Yang's medical skills are superb. He can do things that other doctors can't do, and he is qualified to charge such expensive medical expenses." Yan Qian Ning also understood Lili's meaning, and immediately argued with reason.

The same is true for Zheng Zheng on the side: "That's right, this is Chen Yang's superb medical skills. What does it have to do with labor? Chen Yang is also very good at massaging."

There is absolutely no problem with the logic of Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng.

And this Lily also understands this truth.

But she still agrees with her husband, that is, Yan Jianping's point of view.

"That's what I said, but the whole treatment process is really too simple, 30 yuan is too expensive. Just now my husband said, the maximum is 10 yuan. What do you think? Let's just forget about them being friends." Lily frowned. Said.

Yan Qianning and Lili got angry when they heard that only one hundred thousand was given.

Just when he was about to continue to argue with Lily, Chen Yang spoke first.

"One hundred thousand is impossible. The agreed 30 will be 30. You can't play tricks." Chen Yang still has a little idea about this Lily at this time.

It's not that he really wants the 30, but just an attitude.

It is only natural for him to help with medical treatment and their family members will pay for the medical expenses.

If you give it, how can there be a little friend's sympathy to talk about.

But if you insist on not giving it, there is really nothing to say.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Lily struggled awkwardly for more than ten seconds, and finally shook her head.

"Doctor Chen, we did agree on 30 yuan first, but the labor you put in... is really not proportional. We can't give it to you, we can only give you [-] yuan." Lily said.


Seeing Lily's repeated insistence, Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng on the side were really going to die of anger.

I really didn't expect Lily to be such a person.

"Lily, you really let us down! I really didn't expect you to be such a person." Zheng Zheng said disappointedly.

Yan Qianning was also disappointed, but she didn't want to say anything more.

"Okay, [-] is [-], you take the money, Chen Yang was called by us, and I will share the rest of the money with Zheng Zheng!" Yan Qianning really didn't want to talk nonsense, and asked for money directly.

At most, there is a price difference of 20, and she and Zheng Zheng can just subsidize it.

At this time, Lily looked extremely embarrassed, but now she really couldn't say anything.

Hearing that Yan Qianning agreed to only pay 10 yuan, she nodded and turned around to go to the room to get the money.

"Forget it! No need! I don't want any money! Just do it yourself."

Seeing Lily like this, Chen Yang simply didn't want 10 yuan, he really didn't care for such a little money.

"Chen Yang, why not?"

When Yan Qianning heard Chen Yang's words, she looked over in surprise.

"Since I don't want to give it, then I don't need it. It's only 10 yuan. It's really unnecessary. Let's go."

Chen Yang was very upset, but he didn't want to say anything. He left this sentence and walked away, leaving Lily's house.

Yan Qianning watched Chen Yang leave, and hurriedly chased after him with Zheng Zheng.

I don't care about the 10 yuan and that Lily.

After Chen Yang left their house angrily, he went straight into the elevator. Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng also followed and went downstairs together.

"Chen Yang, don't be too angry. I also have a problem with Zheng Zheng about today's matter. I really didn't see that Lily is such a person who crosses rivers and destroys bridges."

In the elevator, Yan Qianning apologized to Chen Yang in embarrassment.

Although Lily did this, anyway, the two of them introduced each other through it.

Therefore, they all feel that they are also responsible for this matter.

Chen Yang didn't think so. On the surface, Lily was indeed a somewhat unbelievable kind of person.

Not to mention Yan Qianning, even he thought that Lily was pretty good at first.

Unexpectedly, the real side turned out to be like this, no wonder Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng misunderstood the wrong person and regarded this kind of person as a good friend.

However, Chen Yang was not very angry about this matter.

"It's okay, I don't blame you for this matter, it doesn't matter if you give the money or not, they will regret it." Chen Yang smiled lightly and said very easily.

Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng originally thought that Chen Yang would be very angry because of today's incident, but they never thought that Chen Yang didn't seem to take it seriously.

"Chen Yang, are you really angry? If so, show it. Don't be like this." Yan Qianning looked at Chen Yang in disbelief, thinking that Chen Yang's performance was just pretending, but in fact, she felt angry inside. very angry.

Zheng Zheng is the same, looking at it in disbelief.

Chen Yang was still smiling.

"I'm really not angry, don't worry, I have to take this matter to heart, then I won't die of anger every day." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng saw that Chen Yang was still smiling, so she believed that Chen Yang was really not angry and didn't take what happened just now seriously.

"Hehe, that's great. It's good that you are not angry, otherwise Zheng Zheng and I will die of guilt." Seeing that Chen Yang was not angry, Yan Qianning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, no matter what, I still have to apologize to you for today's incident, Chen Yang, for making your trip useless."

Zheng Zheng still said sorry on the sidelines, feeling embarrassed for what happened today.


After driving away from the community, Chen Yang chatted with Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng.

Chen Yang didn't take this matter too seriously today, which also relieved Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng of a lot of psychological burden.

Otherwise, they would all feel a little embarrassed to stand in front of Chen Yang.

The referrer went to see a doctor, and finally the medical expenses were returned.

Really humiliating.

"Chen Yang, why don't Zheng Zheng and I treat you to a meal and express our apologies for today." Sitting in the car, Yan Qianning still felt sorry, and proposed to treat guests to dinner as an expression of apology.Qianqian

"That's right, Chen Yang, let's treat you to a meal. You can choose the place and order the menu, otherwise Qian Ning and I will feel sorry for you." Zheng Zheng also quickly lay down on the back seat and said to Chen Yang stand up.

Chen Yang was concentrating on driving, but suddenly two bursts of fragrance came from behind, which made Chen Yang feel very itchy.

"Forget it. Let's have dinner together when we have time. It's getting late today, and there are important things to do in the village tomorrow." Chen Yang wanted to go, but after thinking about it, he decided to go back and have a good rest.

It's been a busy day today, and I'm really tired.

If I don't take a good rest, I won't be able to go to work in the office building tomorrow.

Now the company in the village is completely established, and there are all departments.

Calculated in this way, he can be regarded as the chairman of a large enterprise, but he can't be a shopkeeper like before, and don't care about everything.

He still needs to pay more attention to the operation of the company and the affairs of the scenic spot.

"Well, that's fine. If we have time another day, we will ask you out again."

Hearing that Chen Yang had something to do, Yan Qianning didn't insist anymore, and agreed to what Chen Yang said.

After that, they didn't go anywhere else, so Chen Yang drove them back to the community.

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