Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1524 Two Business Trips

The same process as last time, first go to the train station to buy a ticket, then check the ticket and get on the train.

This time on the high-speed rail, nothing happened.

Chen Yang closed his eyes and rested for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he had already arrived at the station.

When Chen Yang left the station, Director Hu specially sent someone to pick him up.

"Mr. Chen Yang? I'm Director Hu's secretary. I came here to pick you up."

As soon as Chen Yang stepped out of the station, a skinny man in a suit immediately walked up to him.

The uncle was smiling and very enthusiastic.

"Director Hu sent you here? How did he know that I came here so early?" Chen Yang looked at the uncle unexpectedly and said.

The uncle smiled happily and replied: "Our factory manager called Village Chief Wu in the morning. It was Village Chief Wu who told us that you had already left, so we waited for you here in advance."

"So that's the case, let's go, go to the factory."

After understanding the situation clearly, Chen Yang didn't think too much about it, and followed the secretary directly to the parking lot of the train station, then took the car they had prepared, and left the train station.

On the way to the factory, Chen Yang also chatted with the secretary.

Learn about the current situation in the factory.

It turned out that after Chen Yang got rid of those members of the Dragon Slayer Gang last time, there was no peace near the factory.

There are still many people walking back and forth around the factory every day.

It looked like he was monitoring the situation in the factory.

But what is puzzling is that a lot of goods have been shipped from the factory recently, but they have not taken any action.

Factory Manager Hu was worried that those people were still targeting Liuhe Village, so just to be on the safe side, he called Wu Kexin and asked Chen Yang to come over again.

This is the safest way.

Knowing clearly that this is the case, Chen Yang also understood the good intentions of Director Hu.

"Mr. Chen, the factory is here, let's get out of the car."

After talking about the topic, the car has already arrived at the gate of the factory.

Chen Yang took a look outside, and after confirming that it was Director Hu's factory, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Then, led by the secretary, he went to the office to meet with Director Hu.

The last time I saw Chen Yang, Director Hu was extremely polite, and this time he was even more polite.

Seeing how powerful Chen Yang is, Director Hu didn't dare to neglect Chen Yang at all, he was very polite.

However, Chen Yang also respected Director Hu very much. After all, he was really good to Liuhe Village.

Chen Yang also remembered his kindness in his heart, so the two got along very well.

Originally, Director Hu wanted to keep Chen Yang here for a meal, but Chen Yang refused.

"Director Hu, I appreciate your kindness, but the situation in the village is very urgent. I have to transport the car in place today, and the operation will start tomorrow, so I'm afraid I won't be able to eat this meal, so I'd better get it out." Next time." Chen Yang said politely. cascoo.

Director Hu really wanted to entertain Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang insisted on leaving, so he didn't insist anymore.

"That's all right, Boss Chen, I'll arrange for someone to load all the orders from Guicun into cars, and I'll personally send you to the factory later." Factory Manager Hu said boldly.

"Thank you, Director Hu."

Chen Yang thanked him, and then Director Hu arranged for someone to load the car.

The order was completed, and the task of loading the truck was not heavy. After about half an hour, everything was loaded on the truck.

This time Wu Kexin customized more than 50 sightseeing cars.

There are private ones that can seat about five or six people.

There are also sightseeing cars like the Thomas the train.

That kind of car can carry hundreds of passengers at a time, and is the most important vehicle in the scenic area.

After the things were packed, Chen Yang went down to check the quantity, and after confirming that there was no problem with the quantity, Chen Yang set off with the delivery team.

Director Hu also walked to the door to see him off as he said before.

"Boss Chen, have a good trip. I look forward to seeing you as a guest next time. Then Lao Hu will greet you well." Factory Manager Hu stood at the door of the factory building and waved goodbye to Chen Yang.

"Well, thank you, Director Hu, goodbye."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, then the vehicle started slowly and left the workshop.

When Chen Yang left the factory, he concentrated his attention and paid attention to the sudden situation at any time.

Originally, I thought that the Murong family would not die, and would continue to send people to make trouble.

But unexpectedly, no one came to make trouble at all.

The car passed through the urban area until it got on the expressway, but nothing happened.

The driver who was sitting in the same car as Chen Yang saw that the car was on the highway, and he immediately let out a sigh of relief, as if he was immediately relieved.

"Fortunately, the Dragon Slayer Gang did not make a comeback, otherwise we would be miserable."

The driver said happily on the sidelines.

At this moment, Chen Yang relaxed his vigilance a little.

After all, they are all on the highway, so it must be rare for anything to happen again.

Chen Yang silently didn't go to pick up the driver's words. Seeing that nothing happened, he adjusted the seat.

Lie down comfortably in the car.

At the same time, I also have time to take out my mobile phone and look at it.

Chen Yang remembered that the phone rang all day yesterday.

It's just that he was too busy at the time, and Chen Yang really didn't have time to read the text messages on his phone, so he didn't reply all the time.

Now that he had time, Chen Yang took it out to have a look.

ding ding ding...

As soon as the chat software was opened, it was like a bombardment of text messages, and the ringing kept going.

Chen Yang read all the information one by one.

Most of them are congratulatory text messages.

Niu Ming, Yang Caiyun, the old man and others all sent congratulatory text messages, congratulating Liuhe Village on getting better and better at the scenic spot.

In addition, several red envelopes were sent to Chen Yang.

The red envelope on the software can only be 200 yuan at most.

So these red envelopes are more for celebration, so Chen Yang is not polite.

Accepted all these red envelopes, and also replied to these people's congratulations one by one.

After reading the text messages, Chen Yang finally clicked on Yan Qianning's chat box.

Yesterday, this girl also sent a lot of text messages, but they were not from He Xi, so Chen Yang saved the last to reply.

Yesterday, Liuhe Village had a grand opening, and Yan Qianning brought Zheng Zheng to join in.

The two had a great time, and at the same time took a lot of pictures in the scenic spot, as well as fun projects and the like.

They sent messages to Chen Yang, that is, they were seeking Chen Yang's opinion. They wanted to make some photos taken yesterday into short videos again.

Go to the short video platform and post it, helping to attract a wave.

Chen Yang naturally agreed with this proposal.

Although there are many reasons for Liuhe Village's booming business, Chen Yang also feels that Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng's short video releases also have a lot of credit for attracting traffic.

After all, it is a popular video that has been exposed tens of millions of times, and it does not play a single role.

"Okay, you can also put the link up by the way, the unit price is still the same as before, and the commission will be charged."

Chen Yang edited such a text message and replied to the two of them.

There were a lot of text messages on the mobile phone. After Chen Yang finished replying, he still felt a little tired, so he wanted to squat in the car for a while.

Unexpectedly, the girl Yan Qianning replied to the message in seconds.

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