Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1515 No Free Lunch

Chen Yang was not at all surprised that the advertising company arranged this.Surprisingly, this guy actually promised to do it for free, which surprised Chen Yang a little.Is there a free lunch in the world?nonexistent.Either there is a routine, or there is another plan, there are only two possibilities. "Arrange people to do this for free? How good is your company?" Chen Yang looked at the bearded man suspiciously.The bearded man sat at the desk with a harmonious smile on his face. "Mr. Chen, our company naturally does not have such a service for ordinary users, but you are different. You are a valued customer of our company, so it is right to give some of these things." Lu Hu said with a smile.When Chen Yang heard this, the suspicion on his face remained the same, and his expression didn't change much. "We only gave a normal price, so I'm curious about how we became a distinguished customer." Chen Yang continued to ask with a smile.When the bearded man heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, the reason why you have become a valued customer is that our company hopes to cooperate with your company more in the future, so we have you as our company's customer." Our valued customers." As soon as the bearded man said this, Chen Yang finally understood.It is true that there is no such thing as a free lunch.The sentiment company is interested in Liuhe Village's follow-up advertising business and wants to cooperate in depth, that's why it's like this.Although they were purposeful, Chen Yang was not very resistant.Isn't it about profit when starting a company outside?They talk about benefits, Chen Yang should also talk about benefits with them, it's normal. "Okay, then you can arrange it as soon as possible. Regarding the follow-up cooperation, if there is no problem, we can cooperate in depth." Chen Yang agreed with a smile, indicating that there is still the possibility of continued cooperation in the future.Seeing that Chen Yang agreed, the bearded man immediately smiled even more intensely. "Haha, okay, thank you, Boss Chen." Lu Hu thanked with a smile, and then called someone to arrange what Chen Yang said.Design leaflets, print and distribute leaflets, and organize staff.This advertising company is so big that it almost monopolizes the market in the entire county.The bigger the company, the more efficient it is.It took one morning to get it done.At noon, someone was arranged to send it out.And Chen Yang also spent the day in the advertising company.Waiting for the printing in the morning, and having lunch with the bearded company at noon, I went to watch the workers distribute leaflets and so on.Turn east and walk west, and it will be dark in a blink of an eye.At around eight o'clock in the evening, everyone in the advertising company got off work.Chen Yang consolidated all the leaflets that had not been distributed, and there were about [-] leaflets left. "It would be a pity not to distribute these leaflets." Today, the advertising company has been distributed for free for a day, and Chen Yang is naturally embarrassed to let others distribute them tomorrow.So he thought of a way.Divide these flyers into two.A copy was sent to Yang Caiyun's river fish restaurant.Ask the guys in their store to send it to customers who come to eat or something.The River Fish House contacts a lot of people every day, and the speed of distributing leaflets is also very fast, and it is just a matter of convenience, without much trouble. "Xingyangzi, this matter is on my sister's shoulders. I promise to give you all of it tomorrow." Yang Caiyun patted her chest and said confidently.Chen Yang also has confidence in Yang Caiyun.After all, there are a lot of people coming and going every day. "Well, thank you, sister. When the scenic spot officially starts operation, remember to bring Qianqian over to play." Chen Yang said. "Hey, why are you still polite to me, kid? I will definitely bring Qianqian, don't worry." Yang Caiyun gave Chen Yang a white look. "That's all right, I'll leave first, sister." Chen Yang gave a bad smile, then glanced left and right to make sure there was no one there, then sneaked up on Yang Caiyun, then turned around and drove away.After leaving the river fish restaurant, Chen Yang immediately went to Xiaocui's night snack stall.In the same way, the old man was also asked to help distribute leaflets to the diners of the night snack shop.There is a time gap for ordering and serving, and it happens to be distributed to diners

Check it out and pass the time.Naturally, the old man would not refuse such a small matter.Like Yang Caiyun, she readily agreed. "Yangzi, don't leave today, the old man still wants to have a drink with you." After finishing the business, the old man still wanted Chen Yang to stay and have a drink with you.But Chen Yang shook his head and refused.Tomorrow we will continue to promote, where can we drink. "Forget it, old man. I'll come over next time I have time. I have some things to deal with in the past few days." Chen Yang thought for a while and said. "Is there something to do? That's fine, you are busy, but you must also pay attention to your health." As soon as the old man heard that something was wrong, he immediately did not keep Chen Yang, but reminded Chen Yang with concern. "Okay, then I'll leave the old man first, and I'll have a drink with you next time." Chen Yang didn't say much, and after saying goodbye to the old man, he left the supper stall.Drive the van back to Liuhe Village.Originally, Chen Yang planned to go back today and have a good rest, and get up tomorrow to continue promoting and creating momentum for Liuhe Village.But I never thought that I just drove away from the supper stall, and I haven't left the county yet.Then I received a call from Yan Qianning. "Chen Yang, watch the short video now." The call was connected, and before Chen Yang had time to speak, Yan Qianning was already very excited and couldn't wait to speak first.When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "Okay, let me take a look." Chen Yang took down his phone, clicked on the short video software and took a look.Good guy, the number of likes has directly exceeded 80, and no matter how hard you work, you can even break 100 million.This is only Yan Qianning's.After reading Yan Qianning's account, Chen Yang quickly checked Zheng Zheng's account.Zheng Zheng's account is better than Yan Qianning's, after all, he has a high fan base.So it is reasonable to have more than 50 likes, and even more than 200 comments.This data is really very good.Together, the two can get [-] million likes and at least [-] million views. "It's ok, the grades are good, and you've reached this level in just one day." Seeing that the grades were so good, Chen Yang couldn't pretend anymore, so he quickly boasted with a smile.Yan Qianning on the other side of the phone became arrogant when she heard Chen Yang's praise.Although separated by the mobile phone, Chen Yang can already imagine her appearance as a little peacock. "Hmph, our grades are so good, why don't you show any signs of being the boss?" Yan Qianning snorted coldly and said flatly.When Chen Yang heard this, he thought it was Yan Qianning who came to ask for promotion fees.This is understandable, after all, the advertisements have been played, and the data is really good.With over [-] million views, it is appropriate to pay for advertising.So Chen Yang had no reason to refuse, so he wanted to give money according to the rules.But unexpectedly, Yan Qianning said in the next sentence: "Come here now, Zheng Zheng and I are celebrating at the bar, you come to pay the bill, and I have something to talk to you about." "Bar?" "Yes , you, the boss, wouldn't be so searchy, you wouldn't be able to pay for such a good grade." Yan Qianning said.puff.Chen Yang almost couldn't hold back his laughter on the spot. "That's not enough, that's not enough, I'm coming here now." Chen Yang originally thought about paying advertising fees, who would have thought that he would just let the bar entertain guests in the past.What could be wrong with this?Chen Yang smiled and agreed directly, then hung up the phone, and drove towards the bar where Yan Qianning was.

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