Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 1512 is not a good person

After a simple conversation, Chen Yang understood.It turned out that after the chat yesterday, Yan Qianning felt that her 80 fans were really too few, so she found a girlfriend to help out.This is Zheng Zheng.This Zheng Zheng's appearance and short video style are similar to Yan Qianning.But because she came into this industry earlier than Yan Qianning, she has more than twice as many fans as Yan Qianning. "Chen Yang, are you relieved now? With me and Zheng Zheng here, the publicity work in your scenic spot will be absolutely fine." After Yan Qianning introduced Zheng Zheng arrogantly, her confidence doubled.The neck is raised, like a proud little peacock.Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words: "Okay, I believe in you, let's set off now, before the sun is up yet." "Okay, no problem, let's go now." Yan Qianning didn't waste time, and immediately nodded in agreement After getting down, he took the equipment from the car, followed Chen Yang to visit the scenic spot, and took pictures of the scenic spot.Needless to say, the scale of Liuhe Village's scenic spot.The construction of the scenic spot is also top-notch.When Chen Yang took them on a tour, he was also introducing Liuhe Village.Yan Qianning visited Liuhe Village arm in arm with Zheng Zheng, and her eyes brightened. "The conditions in your village are really good. I don't think there is any need to beautify or edit it. Just take a picture and it will be a very good scenery." Yan Qianning said in surprise.Chen Yang joked with a smile: "Then I'm afraid it won't work. The scenic spot is beautiful, but you have to add more flowers to make the scenic spot more beautiful." "In this way, more tourists will come." "Well, that's true, In our industry, we still have to try our best to achieve the best results so that we can attract traffic." Zheng Zheng nodded, agreeing with Chen Yang's statement.Zheng Zheng's character is really good.Although I just met him, Chen Yang has already seen that he is the kind of person who is easy to get along with.And she was relatively serious about everything she did. On the way to visit with Chen Yang, she had already taken a lot of photos.That Nan Xun, that is, her wolf dog boyfriend, stood aside to help out, laying hands down or something.Chen Yang's main task is to lead the way and introduce, so he didn't help much with the filming along the way.More thought is still spent on the introduction.In this way, Chen Yang took the three of them to walk through the entire scenic spot in one morning.Both Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng were extremely tired, and so was Nan Xun. After going down the mountain, she was out of breath, and her whole body was exhausted. "This place doesn't even have a car. I'm too tired. If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn't have come here." Panting, Nan Xun said.Along the way, Chen Yang hardly talked to Nan Xun, so naturally he couldn't talk about liking or hating her.But hearing his words, Chen Yang had some thoughts in his mind at that time.The two girls didn't get tired of shouting, so you, a big man, called here first, what do you look like?Although Chen Yang felt a little upset, he didn't say anything more, because he was not familiar with it after all.And there's not much to say about that either. "Everyone is tired, go to my house to sit and rest for a while, don't rush to leave at noon today, I will make a meal for you." The visitor is a guest, Yan Qianning and this Zheng Zheng came anyway It's helpful, so it's necessary to entertain. .And this Yan Qianning is not polite to Chen Yang. "Hey, obedience is worse than respect, let's go." Yan Qianning readily agreed.Chen Yang smiled and took them back.Back at the clinic, Chen Yang first arranged for them to sit and rest, and then went to get watermelons for them to eat.This melon was bought from the uncle of Shangshan Village last time, and it tastes very fresh and sweet.It's noon, and I've been tired for so long, so eating some watermelon is not to mention how comfortable it is. "Eat first, I'll get you some food." After cutting the watermelon, Chen Yang didn't waste any time, and immediately entered the room to prepare food for them in the kitchen. "Yangzi, are you home?" He stepped into the room, ready to go to the kitchen.He heard someone coming from outside.So Chen Yang quickly turned around and returned to the medical hall.medical

In the restaurant, Yan Qianning was getting up and going to call Chen Yang in the room. Seeing Chen Yang coming out, she sat back down again. "Chen Yang, it seems that someone is looking for you outside the house." Yan Qianning said.As soon as she finished speaking, Niu Ming came in from the outside.Niu Ming entered the room with a smile, and he was a little embarrassed when he saw Yan Qianning and other strangers sitting in the room. "Yangzi, there are guests at home, so I'll come to see you later, you go first." Niu Ming said quickly, and wanted to leave first after speaking. "Niu Ming, it's okay, don't delay the matter, just tell me what you have." Chen Yang knew that this guy must have something to do, and Yan Qianning and the others are nobody, so it doesn't matter here. "Um... that's fine. I came here to discuss this shop with you. My dad wants me to rent a shop in the village for him to open a small store, so I'll come and talk to you." Niu Ming paused and answered Chen Yang.As soon as Chen Yang heard that it was such a thing, he nodded immediately: "It's no problem. Uncle Niu wants to open a shop, so it must be no problem." "Haha, that's fine, thank you, Yangzi." Niu Ming looked at Chen Yang promised so resolutely, the smile on his face became more intense immediately, he thanked Chen Yang a few times and left.And Chen Yang sent him away, and then went to the kitchen to make a meal to entertain Yan Qianning, Zheng Zheng and Nan Xun.Everything was very normal.Chen Yang went to cook, and then sat at the same table with them for dinner.The process of eating is also very harmonious, because we are all friends, and Chen Yang's cooking skills are good.Yan Qianning ate very harmoniously with Zheng Zheng.Chen Yang didn't think there was any problem either.But halfway through the meal, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly turned away from Nan Xun who was at the side, only to find that there was something wrong with the way this guy looked at Yan Qianning.He kept looking at Yan Qianning, either at the face or at the protruding parts.There is something obviously unclean in the eyes.Of course, this kind of thing can only be clearly seen by Chen Yang's careful observation.Yan Qianning and Zheng Zheng, who were eating happily, don't care about these things.Talking and chatting, I didn't pay attention to this Nanxun at all.Chen Yang sensed something, but he couldn't say anything right now, so he could only pay attention to this Nanxun occasionally. "Chen Yang, thank you for your hospitality. We have already filmed the scene this morning. We will help you get the video and pictures when we get back. We will be able to release the video by tomorrow morning at the latest." After eating, Yan Qianning didn't say much. The meaning of waiting.Maybe it was out of dissatisfaction with Chen Yang's view of Bian, and she was extremely excited to bring up the matter of posting the video. "Okay, then I'll wait for your good news at home." Chen Yang agreed with a smile. "Yeah, let's go for now, goodbye." "Mr. Chen, goodbye." Yan Qianning waved to Zheng Zhengdu, then got into the car and left Liuhe Village.

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