Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 15 The Interesting Doctor

The old man returned to normal so quickly, Mr. Li was stunned.

The old man who vomited blood just now and was in a very critical situation recovered so quickly?

"Grandpa, how do you feel now?" Mr. Li walked forward blankly, squatting in front of Mr. Li and asked with concern.

"I...I feel good, my asthma seems to be completely healed..." the old man stammered.

After drinking the traditional Chinese medicine brewed by Chen Yang, the old man felt refreshed, the air in his body circulated, and even the blockage of blood vessels caused by old age was opened up, so the old man had the illusion that his asthma was completely healed.

Hearing what Mr. Li said, Mr. Li was completely stunned.

"Grandpa...you have been suffering from asthma for many years, and so many doctors and doctors are helpless, so you just recovered?" Mr. Li didn't dare to answer the question.

Mr. Li did not answer Mr. Li at the first time, but tried to stand up from the wheelchair, and then moved his hands and feet twice: "Hehe, I am really healed! I was out of breath after moving twice before." ! Do you see that I still have that symptom now?"

"That's great, Grandpa!" Mr. Li was so excited that he immediately hugged Mr. Li.

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched while watching this scene, and he complained in his heart: "I cured your grandfather, why don't you hug me?"

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, then picked up the pannier beside him and walked through the crowd, ready to leave.

And at this time, Mr. Li raised his hand, pointed at Chen Yang's leaving back and said, "Han'er, that genius doctor is leaving, please go and thank him for me."

Li Han raised his head, wiped away his tears, and then nodded: "Good grandpa, he cured your illness, I will not treat him badly."

After finishing speaking, Li Han turned around and chased after him.

At this time, Chen Yang was already sitting on the electric tricycle, if Li Han came out a second later, Chen Yang would have started to leave.

"Genius doctor! Please stop!" Li Han chased him out, and shouted to Chen Yang from a distance.

Seeing Li Han chasing him out, Chen Yang also stopped starting the three rounds.

"What's wrong, Mr. Li? Is there anything else?" Chen Yang looked at Li Han who was walking towards him and asked.

"Hello doctor, my name is Li Han. Thank you so much just now. If you hadn't ignored the past and helped me out, my grandfather would be in danger today." Walking closer, Li Han took the initiative to introduce himself, and then thanked him sincerely. Chen Yang, helped her cure her grandfather.

"It's nothing to do with a little effort." Chen Yang waved his hand and said modestly.

It's not that Chen Yang is pretending to be modest, but that Mr. Li's condition is really not serious.

The reason why it evolved like that later was entirely because Doctor Huang was eager to suppress it.

"Hehe, genius doctor, you are humble. No matter what, you saved my grandfather's life. I must repay you!" Li Han smiled and lowered his head, took out two thick stacks of cash from his designer bag, and handed it to Chen Chen. Yang: "Genius doctor, I only carry so much cash with me today, please accept it!"

Looking at the red banknotes that were almost handed over to her face.

It is impossible for Chen Yang not to be tempted, but Chen Yang is very clear that this kind of money cannot be taken.

What is the difference between taking yourself and lay people?I have to maintain the demeanor of a genius doctor!Only in this way can we have in-depth communication with a beautiful woman like Li Han...

"As I said, saving your grandfather is just a matter of little effort. You really don't need to be like this." Chen Yang declined with a smile.

Sure enough, Chen Yang's move was still useful.

Li Han was taken aback by Chen Yang's unconventional playing of cards.

It was the first time she met a doctor who didn't want money.

"Uh... sir, it's not easy. You saved my grandfather. It's a great kindness to me. You don't even want this kind of reward. I will feel very sorry." Li Han continued to persuade, hoping that Chen Yang would accept it. .

But Chen Yang still waved his hand.

"I really don't need it. It's just a small favor. If you really want to repay me, how about doing me a small favor?"

"Huh? Good! Tell me, sir, as long as I can do it, I will help." Li Han agreed with a somewhat unnatural expression, and at the same time she was slightly disappointed in her heart.

Originally, Chen Yang's behavior of not asking for money made Li Han feel that Chen Yang was very special.

But she didn't expect that the reason for not asking for money was to make her help more. Now Chen Yang became an ordinary person again in her heart.

"Uh, I originally came to Pujitang to sell herbal medicines, but now I smashed the signboard, I'm afraid I can't sell them. Can you help me sell these herbs?" Chen Yang laughed with a backpack road.

"Huh?" Li Han was stunned for a moment.

Her family is a very big figure in the county, and they are usually approached for matters of tens of millions.

She originally thought that Chen Yang would ask her for help to get more benefits.

But I didn't expect that I just wanted her to help sell herbs...

"What's the matter? Is it difficult? If there is, let's forget it. I'll figure it out myself." Chen Yang touched his nose, turned around and put the basket in the back of the car, ready to drive away and sell it elsewhere.

"Ai ai ai ai, sir, please don't go, the medicinal materials... I can help!" Li Han reacted from his astonishment, and quickly grabbed Chen Yang who was about to start the three rounds.

And Chen Yang's three rounds had already started, and she pulled her forward two or three steps.

During this process, her chest inevitably collided with Chen Yang's arm...

Chen Yang felt the softness, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

"Can you help? Thank you." Chen Yang stopped for three rounds and handed the basket to Li Han with a smile.

Li Han smiled and shook his head, then took the basket.

"Mister, please wait a moment, I will help you now."

After finishing speaking, Li Han smiled and walked into Puji Hall with a backpack.

I thought to myself, this miraculous doctor is really a bit unique, he doesn't want the money he gave, but he actually sells herbal medicine for himself.

"What an interesting doctor."

Chen Yang didn't know what Li Han was thinking.

Looking at Li Han's back, Chen Yang was still reminiscing about the collision between the two just now.

"Girls from rich families just feel different, which makes me a little embarrassed." Chen Yang commented with a smile.

Not long after Chen Yang sat on the three rounds, Li Han came out of Puji Hall with a handful of red notes in his hand.

"Hey, your medicinal materials are considered to be of the highest quality, and the price is good. They sold for more than 390 yuan." Li Han smiled and handed the basket and the money to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took the banknotes and counted them immediately, but he threw aside the basket.

The way Chen Yang counted money looked like an old money fan, but Li Han didn't think so.

She just felt that Chen Yang was real, and compared with the people she had come into contact with, he was really special.

"What's your name, genius doctor? And where is your clinic? If grandpa has any sudden symptoms in the future, can I trouble you to help?" Li Han suddenly asked from the side.

"My name is Chen Yang. My clinic is in a village called Liuhe Village in the mountains [-] kilometers away. If your grandpa needs anything in the future, just go and find me there." Chen Yang thoughtfully counted the money, He answered Li Han without raising his head.

"Dashan, the village? Are you a village doctor?" Li Han asked in astonishment.

"Hmm... he's a village doctor! If you have any questions, you can come to my clinic to see a doctor. I'm busy selling rabbits, so I won't chat with you for now. See you next time!" After counting the money, Chen Yang accepted it contentedly, and waved at Li Han at the same time, then started the electric tricycle and left here directly.

Seeing the back of Chen Yang leaving gracefully, Li Han was completely stunned.

Who is this?

With such superb medical skills, it's just a village doctor who sells rabbits?

Is medical skills a part-time job, or is selling rabbits a part-time job?

Li Han was a little speechless, but silently wrote down Chen Yang's specific address in his heart.

"The village thirty miles away, Liuhe Village!" Li Han recited silently, until Chen Yang's back completely disappeared from her sight, then she turned and returned to Puji Hall.

On the other side, Chen Yang was still secretly happy about the 390 yuan just now.

Originally, according to his estimation, those medicinal materials can be sold for 1000 yuan, which is not bad.

Why did I not expect that those herbs could be sold at such a high price!

What a surprise.

"Medicine and game, these are two ways to make money! You can get rich by relying on mountains and eating mountains!"

The three-wheeled tricycle was flying like lightning, and Chen Yang shouted excitedly while sitting on it.

Passers-by on the side heard it and thought it was a psychopath.

But Chen Yang didn't care about them, and after leaving Puji Hall, Chen Yang rushed to the vegetable market in the county town.

It is now 09:30, and the vegetable market is almost over.

Chen Yang had to hurry up and sell the rabbits in his hands as soon as possible, and he would go back to catch them in the afternoon.

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