Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 233, the auction ends

"The next treasure is the forging material of the Raiders, and the Bead, which is a strange beast with incomparable strength. When I walk, there will be a gravity barrier around me. The function of the Bead is to create this kind of barrier. If If there is a chance, you can refine the bead into a rare soldier." The taller female foundation-builder introduced the use of the bead, and everyone present is also a feast for the ears.

As the name suggests, Raiders are treasures with unique functions, also called strange treasures or strange treasures. It is also a rare item that can be forged by Orbs. It can have a strong effect in fighting skills, but ordinary Raiders are difficult to find, after all, they can be upgraded. Treasures are hard to find.

Master Zixue left behind two strange soldiers, but his strange soldiers have been promoted to the fourth level of Dao, and Cheng Tianyi is powerless to drive them against the enemy.

If you get a Raider starting from a low-level refinement, it can be like a treasure that is better than a general refinement.

Although 狪zhu is rare, the final price stayed at [-] spirit stones. After all, most monks still need resources to cultivate. Although 狪zhu is good, strength and cultivation base are more important.

As soon as Cheng Tian put away the bead, this was the second spiritual object he had photographed.

"Second-level spiritual fruit, five mysterious heart fruits, this fruit has the effect of improving spiritual enlightenment, suitable for breakthroughs, and the starting price is [-] spirit stones!" The taller female cultivator said with a smile.

Cheng Tianyi's eyes narrowed. This is one of his goals today, Xuanxuan Xinguo. Su Ziyan's two exercises plus cheats are based on the combination of spiritual objects such as Xuanxang Xinguo.

It is best to refine it into a elixir, Xuanxuan Xindan, which has a much better effect, and other auxiliary medicines are not difficult to find, and Cheng Tianyi has already prepared it for Su Ziyan, Xuanxuan Xindan is easier to refine, The main reason is that the main material is hard to find.

As soon as Cheng Tian asked for [-] spirit stones, the price rose all the way up, and Cheng Tianyi didn't export the next asking price, which made the others think they were being tricked by Cheng Tianyi.

But a good thing is a good thing after all, and the final price soared to [-] spirit stones. After making it all up, Cheng Tianyi harvested five Xuanxuan Heart Fruits and refined them into Xuanxuan Heart Pills, enough for Su Ziyan to practice for a long time up.

"Fellow daoists, please pay attention. The starting price for the second-grade top-grade body training liquid, purple gold body training liquid, is [-] spirit stones." The taller female cultivator took out three bottles of body training liquid, and the purple-gold light flowed into the white jade bottle. between.

The eyes of many monks present were bright, but there were also many monks who were cash-strapped and kept silent.

The price of Zijin Body Forging Spiritual Liquid soared to 15 spirit stones in the end, and it hasn't stopped, and it's still going up.

Cheng Tianyi holds a million spirit stones in his hand, he will not let go of this opportunity, these three bottles of body training liquid are enough for Cheng Tianyi to cultivate to the late stage of foundation establishment, if there are more, Cheng Tianyi doesn't mind bought.

"18 spirit stones!" Cheng Tian gritted his teeth and shouted out the highest price in the market one by one. Even the previous second-tier high-grade spirit weapons did not catch up with this price.

No one was bidding anymore. After all, the auction was just less than halfway through, and there were still many good things down there, so no one continued to increase the price.

Cheng Tianyi pocketed three bottles of Zijin Body Training Spiritual Liquid. These three bottles of Purple Gold Bodybuilding Spiritual Liquid were quite substantial, much better than what Cheng Tianyi got before.

"Five 600-year-old Huoyan dates, starting price is [-] spirit stones." The taller female nun smiled and took out five jade bottles.

Cheng Tianyi doesn't really need fire-attribute spiritual objects, but Su Ziyan has fire-attribute spiritual roots, and Huoyanzao is of great help to her. These spiritual objects are hard to find. He will not let go of these good things that are useful to himself and Su Ziyan.

In the end, Cheng Tianyi spent 15 Lingshi to buy it.

After taking pictures of two spiritual objects in a row, even the auctioneer on the stage unconsciously glanced at Cheng Tianyi.

"The next treasure is a talisman that can be attacked several times by a Jindan cultivator. This is a hammer-shaped talisman. As we all know, the talisman is a replica of a part of the power of a magic weapon. Prepared things." The taller female cultivator smiled and took out a piece of animal skin. The power of the talisman is powerful, and it is usually engraved on the animal skin of a high-level monster or some high-level spiritual things, so that it can be more powerful. A good one to carry the power of the talisman.

"The starting price is [-] spirit stones!" The higher nun said with a smile.

Then there were more calls for prices, and the price of this hammer-shaped talisman even reached 15 spirit stones, and there was no intention of stopping at the price.

Su Ziyan sent a voice transmission to Cheng Tianyi in private. After all, the current auction is estimated to have just reached the middle stage, and even the talisman treasures have come out. It seems that there are many good things behind.

Cheng Tianyi agreed with Su Ziyan's statement very much. An auction was held in Xingchuan Pavilion, and nearly a hundred foundation-building monks came, including many Dzogchen foundation-building monks. They rarely asked for prices. It seems that the things behind will be better .

So are there any spiritual objects or treasures that can attract them?Cheng Tianyi had a very amazing idea.

In the end, this talisman was bought by a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment for 20 spirit stones.

After buying the treasure talisman, the taller female foundation-builder took a few steps back, and the shorter female foundation-builder took a few steps forward.

The shorter Foundation Establishment female cultivator didn't talk nonsense. She raised her hand to get five Foundation Establishment Pills, which were auctioned separately. The starting price was [-] Lingshi. The market price of Foundation Establishment Pills was basically transparent. Spirit stones ranging in size from one hundred thousand were auctioned off.

"Three eggs of the third-order monster iron wire eagle, the bid price is [-] spirit stones." The shorter female nun who established the foundation took out three beast eggs and floated them in the air. The three iron wire eagle eggs were rich in Strong vitality, it seems that the hatching success rate is quite high.

The eggs of flying spirit beasts seemed to be more popular, and they were finally auctioned for 12 spirit stones.

The cultivation and hatching of spirit beast eggs requires a lot of spirit stones and resources, and the spirit stones that need to be spent are far more than the spirit stones bought from auctions.

The final price disappointed the shorter Foundation Establishment female nun, but she still had a smile on her face.

"The next spiritual object is an unknown beast egg. This beast egg was sent to this pavilion by a senior. The treasure appraiser in this pavilion can't know the origin of this beast egg, but this beast egg is full of vitality. It might be a dragon's egg." The shorter female cultivator smiled, but her heart was also beating, this animal egg does not know the species, so it is difficult to auction.

A huge beast egg was carried onto the auction stage by four strong men.

"The starting price is [-] spirit stones." The shorter nun smiled.

There was a lot of clapping and clapping, but most of them were dragged by Xingchuange's own bidders. They were worried that this beast egg would not be sold at the auction, so they passed the auction and smashed it in their hands.

Cheng Tian looked at the beast egg, and his perspective changed to the state of mind and soul, and the beast egg in the middle was emitting a golden light.

"Eighty Thousand Spiritual Stones" Cheng Tianyi's voice sounded, and then there was no sound around.

Cheng Tian was stunned for a moment, Su Ziyan said via voice transmission, no one bought this beast egg at auction, the price increase was due to the boating pavilion, once you exported it, they resolutely refused to increase the price.

Cheng Tianyi: ...I wouldn't call [-] spirit stones if I knew it earlier.

No need to think about it, in the end, Cheng Tianyi put the eggs in his bag.

"The next spiritual object, the beast egg of the colorful smoke butterfly, ranked No. 80 on the Yuanlan Spiritual Insect List, has a starting price of [-] spiritual stones." The shorter female cultivator shouted.

The spirit insects selected into the Yuanlan spirit insect list are all spirit insects with special abilities, like Cheng Tianyi's gold-swallowing spirit ant, which was not included in the Yuanlan spirit insect list, because its function is relatively simple. If it mutates into a black If you eat gold ants, you can enter the Yuanlan Spiritual Insect List.

The ranking of the Yuanlan spirit insect list is not the ranking of the strength of the spirit insects, but the division of abilities. The greater the ability, the higher the ranking.

The final transaction price of the eggs of the colorful smoke fan butterfly reached 15 spirit stones, not because it was worthless, but because it was relatively difficult to hatch.

"The next treasure, five hundred catties of second-level ice-cold liquid, belongs to the second-level spiritual water, suitable for alchemy, weapon refining and monks who practice special skills." The shorter female cultivator shouted with a smile on her face.

The second-order spiritual water is naturally one of Cheng Tianyi's goals, and the Kunmu Overseas Art needs water and wood-type spiritual objects.

There were a lot of calls, but Cheng Tianyi finally bought it. It cost 12 spirit stones to find spirit water with special attributes, so it is normal for the price to be higher.

"The next spiritual thing"...

As the shorter female cultivator took out one spiritual object after another, the auction soon reached its climax.

Cheng Tianyi didn't say anything about the next spiritual object. The final spiritual object was the spiritual object used by Su Ziyan for cultivation. He still had more than 20 spiritual stones in his hand.

"The next spiritual item is a complete set of second-level top-grade spiritual weapons. This spiritual tool is not simple. It is the feathers of a second-level top-grade purple-feathered peacock as the main material. Added the second-level spiritual item black jade mine , forged. The same body is black, and the soul of the second-order top-grade purple-feathered peacock is poured into it. It is the top-rank among the second-order top-grade spiritual weapons, and the starting price is [-] spirit stones." This set of spiritual weapons is really Good thing, a good spiritual weapon can play a key role in fighting the enemy.

Many people are looking for a good spiritual tool. After all, it is very difficult for many foundation-building monks to be promoted to the Golden Core, and it is only a one-in-a-thousand chance for casual cultivators.

Moreover, the spirit weapon can offset part of the power of the thunder disaster when crossing the Jindan Thunder Tribulation, which shows how important a good spirit weapon is.

In the end, this set of spiritual artifacts was taken away at a high price of 22 spiritual stones.

"Everyone, take a break. This cultivator doesn't have enough spiritual stones and wants to sell some spiritual objects on the spot." The shorter nun who established the foundation smiled.

This is the rule of the auction house. After all, not everyone can carry more than 100 million spirit stones like Cheng Tianyi.

Soon the monk's things were taken out, and Cheng Tian glanced at it, and found a strange stone. When he switched to the Yinshen's perspective, he saw that the stone was covered with blue light.

He sent a voice transmission to the monk, wanting [-] spiritual stones to buy this stone, and the monk readily agreed, after all, he didn't know what kind of spiritual thing it was.

The monk quickly sold his spiritual objects, paid off the spiritual stones and returned to his seat.

"The next spiritual object is also the first spiritual object in the finale of this auction. It is a second-grade high-grade pill, six pieces of Enlightenment Pills, which have the effect of enlightening the true heart, which is conducive to monks' breakthrough. The starting price is [-] spirit stones One." The shorter female cultivator smiled, this pill is one of the goals of Cheng Tianyi's trip, one is just right, two are not too many.

In the end, Cheng Tianyi bought two Lingshi for 22 yuan.At the end, Cheng Tianyi still had 2 yuan of spirit stones left, and Su Ziyan should have tens of thousands of spirit stones, but he couldn't use them anymore.

"The second spiritual object at the finale of this auction is the prototype of a magic weapon. This is a prototype of a magic weapon, a prototype of a flag-shaped magic weapon. The starting price is [-] spirit stones." The shorter female cultivator smiled and took out a small flag.

As soon as the magic weapon took shape, Cheng Tian felt the changes in the eyes and aura of the monks around him, but there were still monks who were unmoved by it. Cheng Tian thought about what the last spiritual object would be?

The shopkeeper of the Boating Pavilion just told that there would be resources that Cheng Tianyi wanted in this auction, but he really didn't say anything about what would be in the end.

In the end, the prototype of this magic weapon was auctioned at a high price of 32 spirit stones.

"The last treasure, cough, cough, is the treasure that can help me to survive the catastrophe and achieve the golden core by the monk who established the foundation. Lingshi." The shorter Foundation Establishment female cultivator shouted at the top of her voice.

The eyes of all the monks revealed a bright light, Cheng Tianyi felt silent from the beginning and sent a few big bosses to start the auction.

"Everyone, I believe everyone knows the value of the alchemy spirit! I don't want to talk nonsense, 30 spirit stones." A thick voice sounded, it was the monk who was sitting next to Cheng Tianyi at the beginning, and everyone took The mask, but according to Tianyi's body shape and voice, he judged that it looked like a person, Su Kunshan.

After Su Kunshan returned to Su's house, he retreated to repair his body, and he should leave the seclusion after some time.

"Fellow Daoist said it is true, I offer 40 yuan." A monk stood up, with a thin figure, and raised the price by [-] spirit stones.

"Hahaha, fellow daoist, what you said is very true, I offer 50 yuan!" the foundation-building monk said at the beginning.

The scene was silent for a moment, 50 spirit stones, Cheng Tian frowned when he heard it, Cheng Tian thought about his own golden fruit, and felt that the gift he gave last time seemed a bit high.

In the end, the foundation-building cultivator paid a high price of 50 spirit stones to accept the alchemy spirit.

"Everyone, today's auction is over. Please leave the venue. Fighting is prohibited in the venue. If you still fight, if you destroy the items in this store, you will be blacklisted in this store. Besides, the senior Jindan in this store will not forgive you." I'm sorry for you." The nurturing nun said with a gentle smile, and said the most ruthless words in the most gentle tone.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan were walking on the street, and a figure came to Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan's side.

"Son-in-law!" Su Kunshan smiled.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan nodded. Just now Cheng Tianyi said that the monk who just photographed the alchemy was like Su Kunshan, and it turned out to be here.

The three of them didn't speak, because someone was following them, killing people and seizing treasures!Normally, it's only in Heishifang City, but no one dares to do it.

The three of them walked into the Su family's residence in an upright manner. Those people looked at the sign of the Su family's Huoya Pavilion and left helplessly.

The Jindan cultivators of the Su family in Heishifang City will arrive soon, and there is a teleportation formation inside, so they don't know where Cheng Tianyi and the others will go.

Cheng Tianyi and the others took the teleportation array back directly to Su's house.

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