Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 227, Spirit Soil

The palace is full of dilapidation. Thousands of years have passed. Although it is protected by formations, it still cannot escape the erosion of time.

The wooden demon led the way in a hurry, and ran into the palace in a hurry.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan followed behind, and Cheng Tian didn't panic at all. After all, with his brand, the wooden demon dared not act as a demon.

Soon the wooden demon came out of the palace, and used the vines to send several elixir to Cheng Tianyi.

The moment they saw the elixir, Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan were stunned.

"A thousand-year elixir?" Su Ziyan said dumbly.

Cheng Tianyi was also surprised. A 1000-year-old elixir was enough to sell for hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. Cheng Tianyi took the elixir from the wood demon, touched its head, and praised it.

Signaling it to continue to lead the way, the two of them followed the wooden demon into the palace. The inside of the palace was very dilapidated, except for many jade slips, everything inside was almost reduced to dust.

At first glance, Master Zixue's dojo is not as well protected as the Jade Gold Yangzong's sect site, at least there are still many things left.

Cheng Tianyi put away the jade slips.

The two continued to move forward, passing through the palace, and what came into view was a big tree, very tall and very big, covering the sky and the sun.

This piece of blue soil is suspended not far from the big tree.

"Spiritual soil?" Su Ziyan exclaimed. She had only seen this kind of thing in books, but she had never really seen it.

"Spiritual soil?" Cheng Tianyi asked in doubt. He had heard of this kind of thing, which can speed up the cultivation of spiritual plants, and it is very rare.

Cheng Tian walked over and wanted to collect the spiritual soil, but he didn't seem to know how to collect the spiritual soil, his face was full of embarrassment.

Cheng Tian looked at Su Ziyan herself, and Su Ziyan recovered from the shock.

"This piece of spiritual soil is huge, as big as an acre of land!" Su Ziyan said surprisingly.

Cheng Tian looked at Ling Soil and then at Su Ziyan, but the Ling Soil in front of Cheng Tianyi was only as big as a chessboard, how could it be as big as an acre of land.

Su Ziyan looked at Cheng Tianyi's puzzled expression, and said, "Husband took away the spiritual soil first, we still have to explore other places, it seems that Master Zixue's ashram has a lot of good things, we have to hurry up. "

"Then why did you take away the spiritual soil?" Cheng Tianyi stopped playing charades and said.

"Take the volley beads! I don't have any good solutions for the time being." Su Ziyan said.

Cheng Tian nodded, and took away the spiritual soil, thinking that when he returned to his family, he would have to read the books carefully. The Cheng family had a lot of books, including the jade slips they got from the Jade Gold Yangzong, but Cheng Tianyi was busy practicing , I haven't read it much, but the monk can see ten lines at a glance, Cheng Tianyi feels that he needs to read the book when he goes back.

Cheng Tianyi looked at this big tree again, he was familiar with this tree, a third-rank top-grade Juling fir tree.This kind of tree species can speed up the advancement of the spiritual vein on the spiritual vein.

Cheng Tianyi was not ambiguous, and directly planed the Juling fir tree, collected it into the volley bead, and took all 120 nine second-tier and first-tier Juling fir trees into the volley bead, and then Cheng Tianyi He and Su Ziyan went around here again.

In the end, he took the wooden demon and left here with nothing.

Hundreds of miles away, Su Kunshan was leading three Foundation Establishment monks of the Su family to fight fiercely with a monster. This monster was a huge scorpion covered with barbs, and the tail of the scorpion was extremely poisonous.

Obviously this monster has mutated. Su Kunshan found a thousand-year-old elixir in the cave of this monster. Although it could not cure his injury, it gave him hope. Su Kunshan's injury needed a medicine called Tianye Liu. The thousand-year-old elixir of Rongju, only one leaf can heal Su Kunshan's injury, so that he can have the opportunity to form a pill.

Su Kunshan's lifespan is approaching. The lifespan of a Foundation Establishment cultivator is between 260 and 210. He is already [-] years old, and he is still busy outside, looking for the elixir to heal his injuries.

Su Kunshan was also furious. He raised his hand to see the multi-element rocket of Little Spirit Art. Arrows rained down all over the sky, and the rain of arrows hit the demon scorpion. However, this demon scorpion was very powerful. After a round of arrow rain, It's just that he was seriously injured, and he wanted Tao Zhiyaoyao.

Fortunately, the disciples of the Su family stopped him and killed him.

Su Kunshan took the elixir and the group left here. They wanted to find a way to form a baby in the blood path according to Su Bangjie's arrangement.

Not far from them, a group of female cultivators are attacking a mask. These female cultivators are all wearing white skirts with a beautiful flower embroidered on the bottom of the skirts. They are the foundation-building monks of the Hundred Flowers Sect. Here A palace surrounded by formations was found.

As the attacks continued to fall, the light became precarious and might break at any time. At the moment the light broke, several monks in black flew out from the side.

The host monk headed by was shocked, "No, it's a monk from Hei Luo Temple."

The praying mantis failed, and the oriole was behind them. They saw the monks of the Hundred Flowers Sect attacking the mask, so you just hid aside and waited for the opportunity to move.

"Stop them!" the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sect monk said, and then entered the palace alone.

The palace is full of pill bottles, and there are many pill furnaces for alchemy. The pills in these pill bottles have been turned into nothingness after a long time. The only ones that have value, Only those, the alchemy furnaces placed in the palace.

Most of the alchemy furnaces used for alchemy are second-tier alchemy furnaces, but the foundation-building cultivator of the Hundred Flowers Sect found three third-tier alchemy furnaces. He walked in and quickly put them away, followed by a black-clothed monk. .

The two rushed to put away the second-tier alchemy furnace.

They didn't fight each other. The last two walked out of the palace, and each left with their own people. After all, they had just explored the dojo a little bit, so there was no need to fight here.

After Baihuazong and the monk in black left, Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan came to this place. Looking at the destroyed formation, Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan knew that someone had been here before, and then the two of them hurriedly out of here.

The Spirit Devouring Mouse changed direction and ran towards the other side.

Here, Su Kunshan and the others ran into a Foundation Establishment cultivator from Qingyun Sect, and instead of fighting, they chatted for a while with smiles on their faces.

None of them have a map of this dojo, so they can only grope blindly.

Soon the two waves of people separated. Relatively speaking, Lingxiguan and the Wang family were more miserable. Both of their forces encountered third-order monsters. They were originally divided into two groups, with more than a dozen foundation-building monks, but now they are doing well. Three or four Foundation Establishment cultivators died in each family.

Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan were still exploring. With the help of the spirit devouring mouse, the two of them found a cave. The defense formation of the cave was only the second-level top-rank, and the two easily broke through the formation. walked in.

As soon as Cheng Tian walked into the inner cave, he found a spring of spiritual eyes. Other things were very ordinary. It is estimated that the spirit devouring mouse was attracted by this spring of spiritual eyes.

Cheng Tianyi took away the spring of spiritual eyes, and the spring of spiritual eyes turned into a bead and fell into Cheng Tianyi's hands.

This spring of spiritual eyes is enough for Cheng Tianyi and Su Ziyan's cultivation during the foundation period.

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