Blue Moon Fairy Way

Chapter 217, The Realm of Martial Dao Grandmaster

In the evening, the mayor visited Cheng Tianyan again and brought gifts.

The mayor's surname is Wang, and he is an aristocrat in the town. His father used to be the servant of Anguo. Anyone who has been an official can be recommended as a scholar, thus becoming the official class of the country.

Mayor Wang is an old man in his sixties, leaning on a walking stick, his face is wrinkled but smiling.

"Master Daoist! I'm sorry to bother you." Mayor Wang said very politely.

Cheng Tianyan cupped his hands: "Mayor Wang, thank you, what's the matter?" Cheng Tianyan asked knowingly.

"Ahem, ahem, Daoist, have you ever heard of any changes in the town?" Mayor Wang asked in a mysterious way.

Cheng Tianyan frowned, the old guy was worried that Cheng Tianyan would not go to the town to help, so he made it a mystery.

Cheng Tianyan shook his head and said with a smile, "I never heard of it. I don't know of any abnormalities because I practiced in the poor way."

Mayor Wang knew that Cheng Tianyan was not easy to mess with when he saw Cheng Tianyan didn't react.

"Master Daoist, let's tell the truth! There have been a lot of dead people in the town recently. Nine people died in five days, and they were all strong laborers. You see." Mayor Wang's face was full of sadness.

Cheng Tianyan glanced at him, and said, "I already know about this, but I don't know how these people died. Does Mayor Wang have any clues?" Cheng Tianyan did know how these people died, but he didn't have any clues. .

"To tell you the truth, the Taoist priest, we have already reported to the town demon priest in Yangcheng, but it will take two days for their people to come, so I want to ask the Taoist priest to help see if we can stop the dead people from appearing again." Mayor Wang said sincerely , Now people in the town are panicking.As the mayor of a town, one can imagine the pressure on him. Although Yangcheng said that he wanted to shoot people to investigate, but the distant water cannot save the nearby fire!

Baixia Town is far away from Yangcheng, and it takes two days to travel.

He sent people to Yangcheng a day ago, and it would take five days to do business again and again. He told Cheng Tianyan for two days because he thought it was too much, and Cheng Tianyan was unwilling to help anymore.

Cheng Tianyan frowned, and thought for a while, he didn't know if he could handle the guys in the town.

Looking at the cultivation method of pumping soul and seizing soul, the strength will never exceed the late stage of Qi training.

With the help of mortal souls to cultivate, monks in the later stages of Qi training disdain to do so.One is slowness, and the other is that evil cultivators are entangled in evil obstacles. If too many mortals are killed, it is not easy to break through.

Although the opponent may not have broken through the late stage of Qi training, his strength should be in the middle stage of Qi training. Although Cheng Tianyan is also in the middle stage of Qi training, he has not yet reached the peak of the fourth level of Qi training. If the opponent's strength is at the fifth or sixth level of Qi training, Cheng Tianyan feels a little bit hanging.

The mayor looked at Cheng Tianyan with fiery eyes, hoping that he would make a move.

In the end, Cheng Tianyan nodded and said that he would take care of it, but he needed the cooperation of the mayor. First, he had to know the origin of these people who died, so that he could find out the target of the other party and prescribe the right medicine.

"Master Daoist, before I came, I had already found out that these nine people had all been to the Yihong Courtyard in the town." Obviously, the mayor came prepared.

"Yihong Courtyard?" Cheng Tianyan was taken aback, and Niu Xin, who was beside him, said, "I said Mayor Wang, don't make trouble. The guy who just sent him yesterday is a manure picker. He is going to Yihong Courtyard?" Niu Xin pouted.

"This strong man, the nine of them are not clients of Yihong Courtyard, they are all laborers with two arms!" Mayor Wang said.

"We found out that they have either delivered firewood to Yihong Courtyard, or delivered vegetables to Yihong Courtyard, or picked up dung, and they all have two arms." Mayor Wang said.

Cheng Tianyan nodded, signaling Niu Xin to stop talking.

"Mayor Wang, please continue." Cheng Tianyan said.

"According to the results of the autopsy, the deceased seemed to have been extremely frightened and died of fright, but there is one thing, the spirit of the deceased was sucked away, and the lower body was dried up." Mayor Wang said, looking up Cheng Tianyan.

Cheng Tianyan was taken aback for a moment, he could only tell that the soul of the deceased had been sucked away, but unexpectedly, the energy was gone.

I don't want Cheng Tianyi not to observe carefully, in fact, he didn't think about checking the lower body of the deceased either cough cough cough, he didn't have that hobby.

"Mayor Wang, let's go to Yihong Courtyard at noon tomorrow, let's take a look first." Cheng Tianyan said.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a matter of setting up wine for a banquet, so please bring the money to the Taoist priest." Mayor Wang smiled.

"Thank you, Mayor Wang." Cheng Tianyan cupped his hands.

"I will take my leave." Mayor Wang left Yizhuang where Cheng Tianyan was.

After Mayor Wang left, Cheng Tianyan called Niu Xin to his practice place.

"Niu Xin, you have been with me for a year. I didn't want to care about this matter, but I came here to cultivate my mind. I can't shrink back when I have difficulties. Besides, I also have certain means of life-saving. So tomorrow There is no need to worry too much about the trip.

In this year, you can be regarded as a saddle, and I will help you to become a grand master tonight, so that you will have certain means of life-saving tomorrow. "Cheng Tianyan took out a pill.

Niu Xin's eyes were full of fire, and he quickly knelt down and said, "I would like to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for the immortal master!"

A smile flashed across Cheng Tianyan's eyes, and Niu Xin took the elixir and went to retreat to break through the realm of the great master.

As the highest state of a mortal without spiritual roots, the great master of martial arts is fundamentally the opening up of Ren Du's two veins, and his strong martial arts true energy.

These are not difficult for monks with spiritual roots, because the spiritual roots will absorb the spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy will directly rush through Ren Du's second meridian, which is why the monks are directly in the state of opening the meridians. Once the meridians are opened, the spiritual energy can swim away all over the body.

But in terms of round force value, the master level basically beats the monks who have directly entered the pulse opening level, and even the monks who don't know spells in the early stage of Qi training.

The true energy of martial arts is strong and domineering. Before the middle stage of Qi training, there is no spiritual energy for body protection. If you don’t know how to spell again, then sorry, the master of martial arts will teach you how to be a human being.

Cheng Tianyan helped Niu Xin break through the realm of the great master today, with the purpose of letting him be the bait.

During the conversation with Mayor Wang today, Cheng Tianyan could hear that the other party was attacking the strong labor force, sucking his energy and soul.

Niu Xin can go to Lei first.

The night passed suddenly, and Niu Xin, who had been meditating all night, stretched his waist, feeling refreshed, and felt that he could kill a tiger with one fist.

Cheng Tianyan walked out of the room, and Niu Xin quickly stepped forward to salute. After one night, Niu Xin broke through to the realm of a great master, and he could basically tear tigers, leopards and wolves with his strength.

After the two had eaten and rested for a while, Mayor Wang came, followed by a tall and thick man in official uniform with a vicious appearance.

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