Hosting the program: The beginning drives thousands of foreigners crazy

214. The number of online viewers worldwide has exceeded the 1 million mark!

So in the next moment, the entire live broadcast room was overwhelmed by the phrase "Teacher An Ruisibai".

Those barrages were like snowflakes flying, overwhelming, and soon flooded the entire big screen!

at the same time.

The show scene.

The Xia people sitting in the guest seats all set their eyes on Mr. An, waiting for him to announce the final result.

There was also a look of anticipation on the faces of each family member.

Obviously, they couldn't wait to see the scene where the foreigners were wiped out again!

on the stage.

The lights gather and attract the attention of all.

Teacher An also lived up to the expectations. After seeing that the foreigners sitting on the answering table did not intend to modify their answers, he directly opened his mouth and announced the answers.

His voice was as calm as water, but it seemed to contain thunder, full and explosive, and it spread throughout the audience, shaking everyone's body and mind!

"Congratulations! Once again...all wrong answers!


With this sonorous and powerful voice sounded.

The audience was silent for a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the Xia people on and off the court were all in a state of excitement and excitement!

All the family members laughed happily.

Their smiles either look sunny, or bright and gorgeous, or happy, or contented... and so on, and so on!

Especially the family members in the live broadcast room have already put their hands on the keyboard.

With the announcement of the result, they tapped without hesitation, and began to swipe the barrage crazily, in order to vent their joyful mood!

"Hahahaha, every time I hear Teacher An announce the answer, I feel like I drank a bottle of Sprite from 86. My whole body feels refreshed inside and out!"

"Wow Kaka, I finally saw the scene where the foreigners were wiped out!"

"Quack, this result really won my heart! I hope that in the next eight questions, you can enjoy the scene where foreigners lose so badly!"

"Haha, brother upstairs, be more confident and remove the word 'hope'!"

"That's right! With Teacher An here, those foreigners don't want to take away any points!


"Speaking of this show, it is really the wisest choice to invite Teacher An as the host!"

"Hey, why didn't I find out before, what about Mr. An, the treasure host? But it's not too late to meet her now, and it's just right to give birth to Mrs. An..."

Just when the family members were swiping the barrage, and sprinkled flowers to congratulate the foreigners for being wiped out again.

Some family members asked out their doubts.

Which dynasty is the answer to this second question?

And why?

"Haha, sisters, don't worry! Teacher Hoi An will tell us the answer, and I will teach those foreigners another lesson!"

"That's right! Let's take a good look at the expressions and reactions of those foreigners! I really can't get enough of it hahaha!"

"That's right! Isn't the greatest pleasure of watching this show just to admire the expressions of those foreigners? Look! Look at those foreigners on the answering table..."

So one by one Xia Guo people quickly looked at the foreign professors and experts on the answering table.

The directors and teachers are also very good at coming.

Almost when Teacher An gave the answer.

They have already given the camera to the group of foreign history professors and experts sitting on the answering table.

Every shot naturally captured the expressions and reactions on the faces of foreigners in the first place.

After listening to the answer announced by Teacher An, professors such as Dekafu and Mikanako all stared wide-eyed and stunned!

Then they all showed dumbfounded expressions!

There are even some experts who shook their heads repeatedly and kept saying, "No! This is impossible!"

"No! I don't believe this is true!


"Fuck! The host must be playing with us! We've already talked about Xia Kingdom's dynasty, how could we still lose?"

"Shit! If the host doesn't give a reasonable explanation, I will leave here on the spot and never participate in this show again!"

The last sentence was unanimously nodded and approved by other foreigners.

Obviously they all felt that it was impossible to lose this time!

If you still lose after all this, then there must be something inside the program team!

What's the need for them to participate in a global program with inside stories? !

There were also foreign language masters and students sitting in the guest seats. After hearing this result, they all dared not accept it, and all showed dumbfounded expressions!

Some language masters even stared wide-eyed, grabbed their hair, and shook their heads desperately, even spouting saliva.

They all felt very incredible and shocked!

"How is this possible? It must not be true!


There were even tears in the eyes of some female students.

They stared blankly at the instructors on the answering table, and couldn't believe that the instructors staged annihilation again this time? !

Is there still a God here? ? ?

In addition, the foreigners in the live broadcast room were all angrily brushing the barrage.

They were all cursing and scolding the host, playing such routines again.

Do you have to play them to death before giving up?

"Fuck! Trash host, get out of here!"

"I don't believe the mentors will lose this time!"

"I don't believe it either. The mentors have talked about all the dynasties of the Xia Kingdom, and there must be one answer that is correct!


Just when the foreigners were venting their anger.

In the monitoring center in the background of the program group.

Staff, once again shocked by the rising curve!

I saw that curve, there are two periods of the fastest rise.

One of them is the stage from 0 to 7500 million!

It takes less than half an hour!

To be precise, it is within 23 minutes from the start of the broadcast.

The number of online viewers of the second episode has already broken through the record of the first episode, reaching a shocking number of 7500 million!

And when this record was broken, the second episode had just finished the first topic.

Another time period is from 7800 million to 1 million!

At this stage, it was also the time when Teacher An uttered the second question and announced the answer just now!

That's right!

After Teacher An announced the answer just now.

The number of people from all over the world who flocked to watch the live broadcast instantly skyrocketed at a rocket-like speed!

Then, all the staff showed a dumbfounded expression.

Even in their almost dull eyes.

That growth curve directly broke through the [-] million mark!

And the number of people watching online is still skyrocketing at a frightening speed, and it hasn't slowed down!

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