Obviously, the medical and health business department led by Lu Feifei began to make rapid efforts after reaching in-depth cooperation with major Chinese medicine schools.

It's just different from everyone's imagination. Relying on many businesses that provide high-quality health services, the business breakthrough chosen by the medical and health department is not health tourism or traditional Chinese medicine beauty as outsiders think, but... hemorrhoids!


There are rumors in the world that ten men have nine hemorrhoids, and ten women have ten hemorrhoids.

Although this statement is a bit nonsense, it is an indisputable fact that Chinese people have suffered from hemorrhoids for a long time-on average, 2 in 1 people in later generations has hemorrhoids. Even in early 2002, the proportion of people with hemorrhoids definitely exceeded 30%. A more and more passionate curve rises.

The reason for this is actually not difficult to understand.

After joining the wto, China's economy has once again developed at an astonishing speed. More and more Chinese people don't need to worry about food and clothing. Before the three big mountains of housing, medical care and education have been formed, The bills that everyone can use freely are thickening visibly with the naked eye every month.

Now that there is spare money in hand, according to the temperament of the Chinese people, it must be a good time to be unrestrained, so barbecue, ktv, hot pot, and milk tea have become the four essential elements of life for Chinese people, especially young people.

You must know that there are many reasons for hemorrhoids, such as climate, diet, sedentary exercise, chili, alcohol, fried food, etc., are all important causes. When people's life and work methods become more and more "modernized" How could the incidence of hemorrhoids be so low? Otherwise, why do you think Guangdong Province, which does not like spicy food, ranks second in the country with a prevalence rate of 67.42% on the "Map of Hemorrhoids" of later generations, second only to 76.64% of Hunan Province?


Fengxian is the sales front desk of a 4S store.

At this moment, she was lying on a bed in a massage shop, and as the experienced middle-aged female technician gently pressed her back and back, she let out bursts of moaning sounds that were so comfortable that her soul would be dissipated.

Tsk tsk, as expected, Zhutou Business is reliable, none of the massage shops recommended above is bad—this technique is at least one level better than the massage shops I used to go to, and the original soreness between the waist and neck The sore muscles became obedient in just ten minutes. This is a unique skill, and I don't blame myself for taking a taxi and running four or five kilometers!

Half an hour later, just as she was about to fall asleep comfortably, following the middle-aged female technician along the spine, gently rubbing the sides of the tailbone twice, a strong sense of discomfort came, and a light hissed Fengxian woke up suddenly, frowned and looked at the technician: "Master, didn't you say not to press your butt?"

Hearing Fengxian's somewhat reproachful tone, the middle-aged female technician just smiled understandingly, and then suddenly said, "Judging from your reaction, it's a bit serious...it came out?"

Fengxian immediately blushed, and was so embarrassed that she almost got into the cracks in the ground.

Some words, those who don’t understand naturally don’t understand, but those who understand can know what they are talking about as soon as they hear these words——As a young girl, she was suddenly exposed by outsiders, and she immediately felt ashamed to face others up.

Seeing Fengxian's appearance, the middle-aged female technician smiled disapprovingly: "Girl doll, and in a place like Shuangqing, it's normal to get some hemorrhoids. How can I feel ashamed? I used to feel ashamed." Don’t you still have hemorrhoids?”

Saying that, like a doctor, he tapped on a few places near Fengxian's tail vertebra, and after observing the little girl's rather violent reaction, he turned a blind eye to the anger on Fengxian's face, and just tapped lightly. Nodded: "However, your hemorrhoid is a bit serious. If you don't treat it quickly, it will be troublesome if it develops into an anal fistula!"

Seeing the middle-aged female technician frowning in thought, Feng Xian, who was originally a little angry, lost half of her anger for some reason, and said angrily, "You don't need to worry about it!"

Saying this, Fengxian, who got down again, couldn't help feeling worried and wronged.

The so-called sales front desk is like an administrative clerk, helping to register customer information and answer many inquiries from customers, while like a salesman, constantly testing and digging out the needs of customers, and then recommending things such as engine oil and car care to them. , Parts replacement and a series of value-added services, so as to get a commission-in fact, they are sales, but the point of entry is different.

Since it is essentially a sales post, entertainment in the company is absolutely indispensable.

In fact, due to the particularity of this industry, most 4S stores have a strong Jianghu culture, and there are many internal entertainments. There are entertainments within the department, between departments, and between the company and some external organizations—as the in-store Among the few girls, none of these social phoenixes can escape. After a month, 30 out of 15 days have dinner outside.

But everyone knows the eating habits of Shuangqing. Unless it’s a high-end banquet, you basically can’t avoid red oil, alcohol, and barbecue when you eat out—under multiple stimuli, it’s not a strange thing for Fengxian to get hemorrhoids .

In fact, Fengxian had undergone surgery for hemorrhoids a year ago; but it is a pity that Western medicine treats this kind of thing roughly. The hemorrhoids recurred again, and the pain doubled.

So when she heard the middle-aged female technician suggest that she should be treated quickly, although Fengxian knew the horror of the butt piercing and pus, if she was killed, she didn't want to go to the hospital to suffer that knife again.

The middle-aged female technician has so much experience in life, she immediately saw Fengxian's thoughts, she kept moving her hands, but she said in her mouth: "The current western medicine is really not good at this... If you are afraid of using a knife , and if you’re afraid that the cure won’t be complete, you can try traditional Chinese medicine, there’s a kind of medicine called Hemorrhoids, which is quite effective for hemorrhoids!”

Fengxian curled her lips, then turned her head to look at the female technician with a half-smile, "I'm just here today for a massage. You don't need to recommend the exclusive secret medicine in your store!"

Perhaps due to the influence of Teacher Tony and beauty shops, some massage shops or pedicure shops are now selling their own "exclusive products". Although Fengxian is young, due to the nature of her work, she knows these things very well. Therefore, she subconsciously thought that the middle-aged female technician was trying to sell her the medicines in her store—she didn't want to be taken advantage of.

The middle-aged female technician laughed: "Kuzhiding is a prescription left by our ancestors nearly a thousand years ago. No matter how thick-skinned we are, we are embarrassed to take the things from our ancestors and say it is our exclusive secret medicine!"

"Besides, any traditional Chinese medicine hospital has this thing, and the price is not expensive. Our store can't afford to smash our own brand that has been around for more than ten years for such a small amount of money."

Hearing the female technician say that this thing is available in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and the price is not expensive, Fengxian suddenly felt a little embarrassed-after a long time, she was not selling medicine, but she misunderstood her good intentions!

After a little embarrassment, Fengxian asked curiously: "What is that dry thing, why have I never heard of it before, how does it work?"

The middle-aged female technician began to help Fengxian relieve the muscles in her legs, and corrected her: "Yes—this thing was first used in the Song Dynasty, and it was recorded in the book. It seems that the basic principle is to let the bad meat in the intestinal wall Naturally wither and fall off to achieve a radical effect;”

"Effect... A prescription can be passed down for nearly a thousand years, do you think it has any effect?"

"It's just that arsenic was used in the original prescription, so in modern times, with the influx and slander of Western medicine; even though the effect of dry hemorrhoids is very good, people are gradually afraid to try it-- besides , This thing is troublesome to make, but it is not expensive to sell, and you can't make much money, even if those Western hospitals don't care about the difference between Chinese and Western medicine, with such a small profit, do you think they will be willing to recommend it to you?"

When Fengxian heard that there was arsenic, she was taken aback immediately, and the curiosity that had just emerged was immediately extinguished.

The middle-aged technician smiled lightly, and said in a chatty manner: "Don't worry, adding arsenic to dry hemorrhoids is a matter of the old calendar;"

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the 50s, Mr. Ding Zemin, a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, improved the formula and successfully developed arsenic-free hemorrhoids. Therefore, this stuff is very safe now, and you don't have to worry about toxicity. Now there are dry hemorrhoid needles that can be used for injection, the effect is better and the pain is less, but I don’t know which traditional Chinese medicine hospital has this.”

The middle-aged technician's obviously superior massage techniques and his failure to sell his own medicines or value-added services from the beginning to the end easily won Fengxian's initial trust.

Just like a drowning person will always grab any straw around him desperately, Fengxian, who suffers from hemorrhoids, is obviously interested in the dry hemorrhoid, which has been passed down for nearly a thousand years and is said to have a nose and eyes: "Master , meaning that after using dry hemorrhoids, my hemorrhoids will be completely healed?"

The middle-aged technician smiled: "My hemorrhoids were cured by dry hemorrhoids, and I haven't relapsed for so many years. It must have been basically eradicated;"

"It's just that this thing is different from what you imagined. It is not taken internally, but externally. Therefore, the accuracy of the doctor's technique is very important-if the dry hemorrhoids are not inserted in the right place, no matter how good the medicine is, it will be useless."

"In addition, due to the large-scale artificial planting of Chinese herbal medicines in recent years, the efficacy of the medicines has dropped drastically. There is no distinction between Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine. If the quality of the medicine is not up to standard, no matter how good the formula is, the effect will be greatly reduced;"

"No matter what kind of treatment hemorrhoids are, it will be more or less painful to treat, so it is best to be able to get rid of it at once-but in the current situation of our country, it is necessary to meet these two points at the same time, I am afraid it is still a problem. It takes a certain amount of luck."

Ah? ?

Fengxian was a little disappointed. In the chat just now, she knew that even with dry hemorrhoids, there would be a period of discomfort for about half a month; although the pain was far less intense than Western medicine's direct cutting of meat, it was still suffering after all. If she needs to turn her intestines repeatedly and apply medicine several times, and her butt can't sit down for several months, she really can't guarantee that she can bear it.

Seeing the disappointment and entanglement on Fengxian's face, the middle-aged female technician suddenly remembered something: "By the way, didn't Zhutou Trading open a Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment section in the home of workers, it is said that a large number of domestic Chinese medicine experts have gathered, you go up Look for it, there should be a diagnosis and treatment service in this area.”

Eh? ?

Fengxian looked at the middle-aged female technician with some surprise, but didn't react immediately.

The middle-aged technician smiled helplessly: "Think about it, Zhutou Trading has always had a good name, has always had a nickname, and has also set foot in the Chinese herbal medicine planting business; with their temperament, as long as you seek medical advice on their platform Clinic, the medicines for you must give priority to the high-quality medicinal materials they grow themselves-even if they don’t have some medicines themselves, when they buy them, they will definitely block the quality of this piece;”

"In addition, Zhutou Trading Co., Ltd. has cooperated with so many Chinese medicine colleges and connected so many well-known Chinese medicine experts with rich experience. I can't guarantee anything else, but it's not difficult to cure a mere hemorrhoid at once— —Good medicine is matched with a good doctor, if such a minor disease as hemorrhoids can’t be cured, then you are underestimating the wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years.”

Seeing Fengxian's confused expression, the middle-aged female technician explained: "The so-called traditional Chinese medicine is based on medicine, and the dialectics of Chinese medicine is the essence, but the quality of medicinal materials cannot be ignored; the medicinal properties of medicinal materials are guaranteed, so the prescription's The effect and power will be truly revealed, and the healing effect will be good. As a related practitioner, I can tell you responsibly that in many cases, the things left by our ancestors are comparable to those of foreigners. The set is much stronger, but now the medicinal properties of Chinese medicinal materials have declined sharply, and high-level Chinese medicine is scarce, plus some other objective reasons, so you feel that traditional Chinese medicine is not easy to use.”

At the end, the middle-aged female technician looked at the clock on the wall and found that the time was almost up, so she gradually eased the strength on her hand, and then said: "In short, I sincerely suggest that you go to the platform of Gongyou's Home to take a look— —Anyway, their business in this area, in addition to their own medical insurance and accidental injury insurance, they also add a maximum amount of 5 yuan, if you really can’t cure it, it’s not a loss if you make a small fortune.”

"Not satisfied with the compensation?" Feng Xian looked at the middle-aged technician with some surprise.

The middle-aged female technician looked like a fool: "The so-called compensation for dissatisfaction means that after you register for treatment on their platform, if you feel that the doctors have not cured you or your symptoms have not alleviated, as long as you can Provide evidence, Zhutou Trading will give you compensation ranging from 5 to 5 yuan on the spot immediately after the free inspection for you, and the leader of the company will come to the door to apologize-there is no guarantee in this world Good disease, isn't Zhutou Trading stupid?"

Fengxian, who has been fighting in the front line of the market, heard the words, but she didn't think so at all—although there can't be doctors and prescriptions who can cure all kinds of diseases in this world, but people's hearts are born with meat, and they can invest in business with their hearts. She believes that even if some people's condition does not improve after diagnosis and treatment, unless there is a medical accident, based on the simple Chinese virtues, there is a high probability that these people will not complain or apply for this compensation .

As for whether there will be someone playing a rogue to take advantage of this loophole, Fengxian believes that there will definitely be, but the same will definitely not be a lot, at least this loss is within a controllable range for Zhutou Trading—you know , although Zhutou Trading has always emphasized customer-oriented, it has never compromised blindly. If someone finds that someone has exploited loopholes to repeatedly blackmail maliciously, their usually inconspicuous legal department is not a vegetarian.

Besides, isn't it a good public relations method to suffer a proper loss? ——If Zhutou Trading really stupidly let some people take advantage of it and compensate them for dissatisfaction, the public will probably only feel that this company is honest and distressing, and they will support their Chinese medicine consultation business out of love .

It's just that Zhutou Trading's daring to carry out this business with great fanfare at least shows that they are very confident in their own strength in this area. Do you want to try it at the risk of not being able to get your butt off for half a month? ?

Without much hesitation, Feng Xian gritted her teeth and made a decision—she went to the website of Gongyou's Home to submit an application in a short while. Anyway, with the reputation of casting investment and trading, she didn't believe that the other party would find herself a quack doctor who didn't understand farts!


At this time, Ren Minghan was respectfully handing a weekly report to Lu Feifei: "Mr. Lu, this is the business report of our medical and health department this week. Take a look."

Lu Feifei, who was about to collapse from exhaustion, cheered up, took the report and looked at it, with a relieved smile on her face, and the joy in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Ren Minghan strikes while the iron is hot, and a large number of flatterers who are wise and powerful and have a unique vision are sent over, and then he sighs: "Mr. Lu really has the essence of Mr. Yang - breaking through the hemorrhoid medical market with a huge potential customer base, which not only effectively avoids It highlights the edge of Western medicine and demonstrates the characteristics and strengths of Chinese medicine; and because of the privacy and pain of hemorrhoids, the people who have been cured will definitely have a huge sense of trust in our Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment services, thus forming a relatively stable basic market ;”

"The most wonderful thing is that most of these customers turn to Chinese medicine for consultation because they can't bear the huge pain after the failure of hemorrhoid cutting surgery. Once Chinese medicine successfully helps them solve their pain, they will definitely have the impression ;This impression will not only quickly stimulate the rest of our TCM diagnosis and treatment services, but also spread through word of mouth, and gradually expand the pan-social influence and popularity of our TCM diagnosis and treatment services;”

“What the healthcare industry fears the most is that the public is unwilling to easily try businesses and products that they don’t understand because of safety concerns. Once they succeed in tearing a hole in the minds of consumers and transform our general trust into professional trust, Then the next business of our department will be much easier!"

Lu Feifei has been with Yang Zhu for several years, and what she faces every day is not Yang Zhu's ridicule and Wan Qingyi nodding or shaking her head noncommittally.

However, Ren Minghan is not only a high-level executive of the company, but also speaks with reason and evidence. It is not comparable to those unnutritive flattery. At that moment, his eyes are smiling like crescent moons, but he waved his hands vigorously: "Uncle Ren, you must not Praise me, if it weren't for your help to solve the problem of doctor resources, no matter how much I think about it, it would be useless!"

Ren Minghan saw that the little aunt was being coaxed happily, so he quickly stepped up and shook his head sternly: "You can't say that, Director Yang once said that there are tricks without morals and fake tricks—— If it weren't for Mr. Lu's unique insight to find hemorrhoids in the current medical market full of chaos and confusion to make a strategic breakthrough, even if I can ask Chinese medicine experts from all over the country, what's the use?"

Ren Minghan's words are not a complete brag, because the medical market is too deep, and the interests involved are too complicated, so it is really not that easy to choose a suitable breakthrough - it not only involves execution, resource integration force, but also involves the huge resistance when dividing the cake.

And the last point is the real difficulty—in terms of function, Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine. For so many years in later generations, Chinese medicine can only be reduced to a subsidiary of Western medicine, and there is even a possibility of extinction. The danger, the problem behind it, is naturally self-evident.

And choosing hemorrhoids as a breakthrough is wonderful. In this field, the western medical system clearly has serious deficiencies and drawbacks, and no one can deny it;

Besides, the number of people in China who are troubled by hemorrhoids is placed there. No matter who it is, it is impossible to stand in front of hundreds of millions of people blatantly and sing against these suffering people, right?

Besides, to a certain extent, this is Chinese medicine picking up leaks from Western medicine—give you a chance, but you can’t do it yourself; if you can’t make sure of what you throw out of the garbage, it’s too much Bar!

However, there are hundreds of millions of hemorrhoid patients in China. Even if the single cost of this piece is not high, and because the effect of dry hemorrhoids is too good, it is difficult to achieve "repeat consumption", but the base is there, as long as consumers can know The therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine in this area, such a small dry hemorrhoid, can definitely become a strategic business that both drains and breaks through the minds of consumers. Zhutou Trading now wants to promote the business of traditional Chinese medicine, not simply As long as a certain product can make consumers form a mental cognition that "Chinese medicine in some fields is better than western medicine", then Lu Feifei's first goal will be achieved.

After exchanging business bragging, Ren Minghan knew how to accept as soon as he saw a deal, and then continued to build a ladder, with a serious look: "Mr. Lu, with the improvement of the rebate system, various merchants under the company's platform have begun to recommend. With the level of Kuzhiding and those Chinese medicine experts, I believe that there will be more gratifying feedback in the hemorrhoids market in the short term; so... what do we need to do next?"

As the vice president of the business department, Ren Minghan naturally knew that this little sister-in-law would definitely not be limited to opening a breakthrough in the hemorrhoids market, and Zhutou Trading has always paid attention to "three-dimensional network business in parallel", and Lu Feifei followed Yang Zhu. In [-], he absolutely did not believe that this aunt was the one who gnawed on a piece of cake for three years.

When Ren Minghan asked about this, Lu Feifei felt that this uncle was more pleasing to the eye. After thinking about it, she did not hide it: "Western medicine has many shortcomings, and the side effects are obviously the most well-known point. The ecological environment is not very good, but in China, there are many market gaps that can be exploited."

Ren Minghan heard the song immediately and understood the elegance: "Lu always wants to start with the market of children and pregnant women?"

Lu Feifei nodded, then shook her head again: "After all, we are involved in the sensitive medical and health field, and the current public opinion environment is not suitable for fast-forward business development, so after not finding a suitable entry point for pregnant women, , can't touch;"

"So, I plan to start with children first, but due to various factors behind the market, even if we want to enter the children's market, we can't cut too obvious cakes-in short, in the early stage, we still focus on peace and not overdo it. Pursue commercial profit."

Seeing that Lu Feifei has set the tone, Ren Minghan nodded. The medical and health market is no different than others. Not to mention the depth of the water, it is also very muddy. Even with the current influence of Zhutou Trading, it is better to enter the village quietly. If it is too big, they may not be able to bear it.

After thinking about it, Ren Minghan asked, "Mr. Lu, it's really not easy to cut into the sensitive group of children, but also have a good measure... Do you have any specific ideas?"

Lu Feifei smiled triumphantly, and then took out a small, crude plastic bottle from the drawer: "You know, after investigation, heat stroke, loss of appetite, diarrhea, mosquito bites, wind-heat headache, wind-heat cold, etc., have always been the most common problems for children. Common symptoms are also one of the most common headaches for parents - now everyone knows that children should be given less antibiotics, so whenever their children have these mild symptoms, parents who do not want to send their children to the hospital can only suffer, or Take some Chinese patent medicines that have no obvious effect to talk about comfort."

"But... If I told you that all these problems can be solved by this bottle of magic medicine that I have in my hand, which is said to be the cheapest in the country, what would you think?"

"We are strategic partners of Zhutou Commerce and Cultujiu.com, and the staff of the outlets under their command have enough influence on consumers. If I start to exert public opinion in various ways now, I will sell this magic drug with a price of only 2 cents. When it works...what kind of reaction do you think there will be?"

The cheapest medicine in China?

2 cents each?

Looking at the familiar white plastic bottle, Ren Minghan opened his mouth wide: "Boss Lu, you mean..., no?"

Lu Feifei nodded: "That's right, it's Huoxiangzhengqi Water, a real magic medicine that has been suppressed for a long time because it is too cheap, and is almost swept off the shelf - in fact, there are many similar medicines, such as , and so on are all like this, but this is more suitable as the first batch of infiltrates!"

"Anyway, our goal now is to build momentum first, and it doesn't matter whether it's profitable or not; in this case, these medicines with little side effects, little profit, and extremely versatile uses are the best. Bullets—I don’t believe that when everyone is surrounded by these things, pure Chinese medicine will not be able to capture this large market!”

Ren Minghan knew exactly which parts the strategic map of the Medical and Health Division consisted of, and nodded upon hearing the words: "That's right, since we are going to fight a protracted war, this kind of comprehensive sensitivity is low, but it can cut into the sensitive population of children." Cheap medicines, really suitable to be the first batch of infiltrates!"

Lu Feifei was overjoyed when she saw that Ren Minghan did not refute her opinion based on the consideration of short-term business returns—as expected, she is indeed the veteran of the company, and her vision is long-term!

Hmph, what is the profit of a mere single-product drug? By then, when the initial construction of the consumer cognition ecological chain is completed, those people will be shocked to drop their jaws!

Thinking of this, Lu Feifei turned around and carefully took out a list from the cabinet and handed it over: "Heroes see the same thing, Uncle Ren, take a look at this list. They are all Chinese medicine items that I have selected during this period. Cooperate with Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment to achieve three-dimensional penetration—help me give advice!"

Ren Minghan looked at the thick list of medicines with market demand data, and suddenly his face became bitter, but seeing Lu Feifei's expression that he vaguely regarded himself as a confidant, he had to bite the bullet and take it. Ten centimeters thick material.

It's over, with this aunt's temperament, I probably won't even be able to sleep for the next week.

An old man who thought he was hugging his thigh thought so...


Just when Ren Minghan bit the bullet and stayed up late to study the materials.

On December 12, in Shunde, Guangdong Province, a 15-year-old chef was rushed to the hospital due to a sudden illness.

The wheel of history, in a crooked form, continues to drive on the edge of the original track...

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