Rebirth in 1998 is also a kind of life

Chapter 202 Company Confidential, No Comments

As soon as the words fell, there were noisy whispers around. Not only did all the job seekers look in disbelief, but even the personnel of the foreign company in the nearby tent showed a look of "Are you stupid?"

Indeed, as one of the highest universities in China, Di University is said to be the pride of heaven among the pride of heaven. Other companies can't ask for it, and you Zhutou Business and Trade have turned them away! ?

Li Yong's mouth was wide open, and it took a long while to digest the news that was like an auditory hallucination.

Although he actually plans to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and his family has arranged the way to study abroad for further study, he went to various job fairs to submit his resume in the past few days, just to prove his worth and satisfy his inadequacies. Humane vanity.

Unexpectedly, international giants such as Baojie and Lianlihua have offered olive branches to him. This small domestic private enterprise just glanced at his resume and turned him away like this! ?

Feeling that he had been insulted, Li Yong had an ugly expression on his face: "Hello, I want to know why your company refuses to recruit us Di university students. Is it discriminating against us?"

Hearing Li Yong labeling himself, Li Li's smile remained unchanged: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to discriminate against you, it's the company's regulations."

It has already been stipulated, and it is not discrimination?

Li Yong laughed back, turned around and pointed at the long queue behind and said loudly: "There are many students from other schools queuing up at the back. Since your company recruits selectively, you might as well tell me what other schools are graduating from this year." Students are not within the scope of your recruitment, this will save some students the hard work of queuing up."

Facing this proud son of heaven who behaved a little naively, Li Li just smiled and said in a calm tone: "The company is confidential, no comment!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "This student, please make room for a little trouble, the students behind are still queuing up."


Sure enough, Zhutou Trading's rejection of the Emperor's college students quickly became a small piece of news, and it was uploaded to a large-scale Internet portal website, which attracted many people's attention.

With the development of the incident, under the investigation of some reporters, it was found that in the nearly one-month-long autumn campus job fair, there were many similar operations of Zhutou business and trade. Business, why not move? " article.

In this article, the reporter did not know how to get all the interview invitation lists of various colleges and universities, and listed a long list of data, pointing out that in the recruitment activities of Zhutou Commercial and Trading, there was a problem of "not recruiting those who graduated from the Imperial University". ", "Graduates from Qinghua are not recruited", "graduates from all foreign language schools are not recruited", "female graduates from Lu University are not recruited", and they are completely incomprehensible. Explain why you do this.

As soon as this article was published, it was immediately reposted by many other newspapers, and the social reaction suddenly became intense.

You must know that Zhutou Trading is now one of the most well-known companies this year. In addition, its O2O model has achieved great success. Maybe it will cause other companies to imitate, so it has to be paid attention to by the public.

And... this refusal to recruit is truly incomprehensible!

It's fine if you say not to recruit graduates from foreign language schools. After all, everyone knows what's going on, and officials can use the reason of "inappropriate majors" to fool them.

But Emperor University and Qinghua are the two top universities in the country, why don't you even recruit their graduates?

Also, if the above-mentioned refusal to recruit can be regarded as a relatively normal corporate employment policy, then the matter of "not recruiting female graduates from Lu University" is blatantly sexist, although Zhutou Commercial and Trade did not say it outright. If you refuse to recruit, but this factual behavior has seriously violated the country's labor law, you will be put on the job!

So, facing the turbulent public opinion, Director Yan had no choice but to stand up, held a press conference, and explained a few words to the two issues that reporters were most concerned about.


"The reason for not recruiting graduates from Emperor University and Qinghua;

"First of all, I want to leave the best quality students to the country. After all, the country is now vigorously building the four modernizations, and it is the time when talents are needed;"

"Secondly, as far as I know, most of the undergraduate graduates of these two schools plan to go abroad for further study, and our company's workers' home project needs employees who can grow together with us, and our employees Continuous training is adopted, and the cycle is very long, and it takes at least one to two years to study while working, and we are afraid that it will delay other people's further study plans."

"If you are really interested in our company, you can apply for a job again after returning from further studies~"

Hearing Director Yan's emphasis on the words "study abroad", the eyes of all the reporters in the audience lit up, and they guessed the reason why Zhutou Business rejected the graduates of the two top universities;

I couldn't help being ecstatic in my heart, this topic is good, at least there will be news content for the next time and the next time.

"It's nonsense to say that we don't recruit female graduates from Lu University!" Speaking of this topic, Director Yan's expression was a little excited.

"Our headquarters is in Quancheng. Many of our executives are from Qilu. How could we discriminate against Lu University, the number one school in Qilu?"

"Actually, the reason why no female graduates from Lu University were selected in this recruitment activity was completely accidental—according to the staff of our personnel department, the number of female students who came to apply was not many, and unfortunately, The scores of this group of girls did not meet our admission standards, and they all failed in the primary election, which caused misunderstandings for everyone.”

As a matter of fact, Zhutou’s business was indeed a bit wronged this time. At this time, there are still a few years before the incident of the foreign students accompanying students in Lu University. The allocation quota has been reduced a bit.

But he neglected that Qilu's employment preferences are completely different from those in other places, and the concept of "the establishment is too big" is still deeply rooted even after more than ten years, let alone now?

Those aggressive boys are fine. For the girls of Lu University, the No. [-] school in Qilu, "stability" and "presence" are what they value most. Everyone rushes to invest in large state-owned enterprises and public institutions. The resumes are gone, how many are willing to commit themselves to a "small private enterprise"?

Therefore, in the recruitment at Luda University this time, there were really not many girls who came to submit their resumes. Even if there were, they were the kind of crooked melons who knew that there was no hope of getting a job; The zero duck eggs were harvested, which caused misunderstandings from the outside world.


A few days later, as some media obtained the data on the return rate of international students from Imperial Capital and Qinghua University in the past ten years, the public's attention was quickly diverted;

Starting from the, it attacked the terribly high rate of going abroad for further study and the pitifully low rate of return of overseas students of the two top universities, and pointed out those topics that were extremely hot in the future.

For a while, there were endless debates on the Internet and in the newspapers about the two universities and the issue of studying abroad at public expense, and Zhutou Business also successfully disappeared from the public eye.

At this time, the autumn recruitment plan of Zhutou Trading has come to an end.

On December 12th, Wan Bing, the new recruiting director of the Human Resources Department, was reviewing the list of resumes on the desktop—this is the last batch of lists. It's time for interviews and inspections.

Just as he ticked off the last name on the list, stretched his waist, and planned to hand over the list to the people below and fax it to the universities, a figure sneaked in.

Looking at the thin resume that suddenly appeared in front of him, Wan Bing raised his head in surprise...

! ! ! ? ? ?

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