After the new demonstrators had gathered and the three priests greeted each other, with the humility of the other two priests, the old priest who drove the ducks to the shelves sorted out his thoughts and continued to speak impassionedly:

"Under the watchful eyes of the Lord, I will count down the five sins of Meng Shandu and reveal how they tried to desecrate the majesty of the Lord!"

"First of all, the first sin: [gluttony]"

"As we all know, Meng Shandu's first product is the famous saccharin;"

"This artificial sweetener was accidentally discovered in 1879 by the Maoxiong national chemist Constantin Fahlberg;"

"In the past, because the beautiful country could not produce saccharin, all had to be imported from Germany,"

"Therefore, Meng Shandu began to privately produce and sell saccharin when the patent protection law was not perfect, which is not a bad thing for the people of the beautiful country, after all, the other party is the axis of evil country;"

"But soon, Mengshan relied on the cooperation with Coco-Cola, and after making a big fuss, it revealed its hideous face-they kidnapped various food vendors in the beautiful country through profit, except for the Coke that the people of the beautiful country must drink every day In addition, it is adding various sweeteners to the foods we eat, thus making us addicted to these sweeteners."

"For decades, under the corrosion of various sweeteners, the people of the beautiful country have become more and more degraded in their sense of taste, eating more and more, but their contempt for food has become more and more serious; now more than half of the country's population is Super fat people, the amount of waste and unnecessary food expenditure generated every year is an astronomical figure..."

"So, I said, Meng Shan has committed the crime of [gluttony], do you have any opinions!?"

"No!!" Thousands of people answered in unison, and the sound shook the riot police with fear.

Only Mario Drake felt a little awkward. As far as he knew, there was more than one type of sweetener, saccharin, and the current main production of various sweeteners was not Meng Santo.

However, the other party firmly grasped the name of Coca-Cola, but he couldn't say too many objections. After all, as a beautiful Chinese, he knew that Coca-Cola was their main source of sweetener intake.


"Next, I will accuse Meng Shandu of the second crime... [greed]"

"Except for sweeteners, Mengshandu has also aggressively entered the military chemical market, and put polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as the first product. For a long time, this kind of widely used heat carrier, insulating oil and lubricant 99% of chemical products such as oil come from Monsanto;”

"Perhaps some people don't know that PCB is a highly toxic substance. Long-term exposure has strong teratogenicity and carcinogenicity; it can be absorbed and enriched by the human body through the skin, respiratory tract, and digestive tract, which can affect reproductive development and cause various immune system disorders;”

"Moreover, the impact of PCBs on the environment is also very long-lasting and serious. It can be said that even after decades of land polluted by PCBs, the nearby air and grown food still contain harmful substances. Seriously sickening chemical residue!"

"In the town of Anniston where Monsanto set up a factory, the PCB content in the body of residents has exceeded 200-500 times that of normal people, and the incidence of brain tumors, lung cancer, heart disease, hepatitis, diabetes and other diseases has risen to a frightening proportion. A pure land has been abruptly turned into a small town of death."

"However, everyone should know that the beautiful country has completely banned the use of such chemicals as early as 1979, and Mengshan is still secretly producing this extremely polluting and long-lasting chemical for profit. chemicals, and has concealed the truth for decades, and is currently setting up many factories overseas in Southeast Asia,”

"The Lord is just, whether rich or poor, whether in a beautiful country or backward Southeast Asia, all people are the Lord's people,"

"Isn't this practice of disregarding human life for money worth condemning?"

"Let Meng Shan pay the price it deserves!" There was another tidy reply, and the angry voice was a little louder than before.


"Next, I want to accuse Meng Shandu of the third crime... [Laziness]"

"In addition to PCBs, Mengshan has one more notorious thing-the pesticide DDT;"

"Although this drug, which has a miraculous effect on killing mosquitoes, was once praised to the altar and won the Nobel Prize, it was soon proved to have a huge impact on the environment. It is extremely difficult to degrade and can be absorbed by humans and animals. Savings, thus deforming people, even penguins in Antarctica can detect DDT in their blood, and the national bird of the beautiful country, the bald eagle, is almost extinct because of DDT;”

"However, in the face of accusations from the scientific community and piles of evidence from environmentalists, in order to save scientific research funds, Mengshan did not even think about how to improve the formula, but kept pretending to be deaf and dumb, insisting on promoting that DDT is safe and pollution-free; "

"It wasn't until 1972 that DDT was completely banned that Mengshandu was willing to change its mind and agree with the theory that DDT is harmful."

"This kind of irresponsible and compassionate behavior without making any changes in order to save a little cost, isn't it lazy?"


"Let's talk about Meng Shandu's fourth deadly sin... [Furious Rage]"

"I believe that everyone must still have an impression of the Vietnam War that just passed not too long ago, but what everyone doesn't know is that in order to open up the war, the military of the beautiful country carried out the so-called [Ranch Operation Plan], which used a lot of Agent Orange produced by Monsanto and Dow, "

"That's right, it's the star herbicide from Meng Santo,"

"These Agent Oranges are rich in [the poison of the century] - dioxin, which caused irreparable and huge damage to the land and people of Vietnam. Even the soldiers of the beautiful country who participated in the war suffered from the sequelae of Agent Orange."


"The next thing I'm going to charge is Meng Shandu's fifth and most unforgivable crime...【Arrogance】!"

"As we all know, arrogance is the first of the seven deadly sins; all expecting others to look at you or loving yourself too much, feeling superior to others because of possession, and positioning yourself as a superior being to God or others; punishment!"

"And Mengshandu, since the 1980s, began to divest the chemical industry department and vigorously acquire seed companies. After ten years of hard work, it has completely transformed into a high-tech bio-transgenic company and achieved a major breakthrough in the field of biotechnology— — For the first time in human history, the genetics of plants have been altered;”

"At this time, Meng Shandu had the arrogance to put his hand into God's forbidden area, and began to lobby Congress and members of Congress, in the name of high technology, trying to spread GMO (genetically modified organisms) from every inch of the land of the beautiful country, and to realize his own ulterior purpose."

"Unfortunately, in 1994, Meng Santo's first genetically modified product [glyphosate soybean] was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture;"

"In the beginning, soybeans, whose yield almost doubled, made the farmers very excited. With so many raw materials, the industry, food industry and animal husbandry in the beautiful country will usher in a big explosion;"

"However, some scientists soon pointed out that long-term consumption of genetically modified foods will cause irreversible damage to the human body;"

"But at this time, because the planting of genetically modified soybeans requires the cooperation of Agent Orange to remove the lush weeds, the polluted land cannot grow safe and harmless food at all, and the farmers can no longer rely on the seeds of Meng Shandu. gone."

"Because of the huge benefits, the Congress ignores the dangers of Mengshandu's genetically modified soybeans, and instead vigorously promotes this kind of seeds from hell. It is just out of consideration for public opinion that these genetically modified soybeans cannot be directly eaten by the people, and change It exists in the form of edible oil, animal feed, food additives, etc."

"But anyone with a brain knows that no matter how it changes its shape, it will still be ingested into our body in the end? This kind of deceitful behavior is really ridiculous."

"After the rumors of genetically modified soybeans passed a little bit, Mengdushan Company began to continue its promotion plan of genetically modified seeds. So far, 90% of the world's genetically modified seeds have come from them;"

"And more than 70% of the wheat, corn, green beans, vegetables, etc. that we eat on weekdays are genetically modified foods of Meng Santo;"

"In the past ten years, the reason why various diseases have risen sharply in the beautiful country, and even the national intelligence has seriously deteriorated. According to the research of the scientific community, it cannot be ruled out that it has a lot to do with the long-term consumption of genetically modified foods."

"I firmly believe...everyone who forsakes the Lord will also be abandoned by the Lord!"

"But although I am a loyal servant of the Lord, I am also a citizen of the beautiful country. I really can't bear to see the people being abandoned by the Lord because they were bewitched by the evil of Mengdu Mountain;"

"Just imagine, if we continue to eat genetically modified food like this every day, in another ten or twenty years, we, who are only seven or eight years old in intelligence, can only lie in the hospital bed every day, using machines to maintain our damaged body?"

"And this... is the price we pay for allowing Meng Shandu to blaspheme the majesty of the Lord;"

"And this is also the real purpose of the satanic agent of Meng Shandu - they are no longer satisfied with controlling our food, they want to control and destroy everything about us!!"

"For the glory of the Lord, for ourselves, we must protest! We must let the citizens of the whole beautiful country hear our voice!!"

As the old priest raised his arms and shouted, everyone present also shouted emotionally. For a moment, the scene was extremely spectacular.

After hearing the old priest's speech, the group of anti-riot policemen and the city government officials who felt that the situation was not good also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although the words with a lot of data and scientific words spit out from the mouth of a priest has an indescribably weird feeling, seems that what people say makes sense!


In a car 50 meters away from the demonstrators.

Lu Sisi looked at Yang Zhu strangely. Although she knew that the new boss was no stranger to Europe and the United States, she never expected that he even understood the way of thinking of people in the beautiful country.

If the old priest’s words were placed in China, more than 95% of the people would think they are long-winded, and they might leave after hearing 13, but it is completely different in Europe and the United States;

Due to cultural differences, especially differences in religious culture, people on both sides have different logics for knocking to death;

Because most people in Europe and the United States grew up under the culture of the Bible, they attach great importance to "original sin". As long as you are sure that you have original sin, then subjectively you will be in a mess, and the law can't save you. All objections and behaviors are taken for granted, and you must tolerate;

And what the old priest said just now was to use the famous "seven deadly sins" to set Mengdu down.

What many Chinese people don't know is that among the seven deadly crimes, there are priorities, among which gluttony is the least serious and arrogance is the most serious; With the smooth flow of this layer of internal logic, the crimes of Mengdushan's "arrogance", "offending God's forbidden zone", and "blasphemy of the Lord's glory" can almost be finalized;

More importantly, whenever the Western people who really fear the Lord in their hearts hear that they have become "accomplices" and are about to be "abandoned" by the Lord, the panic that comes from the bottom of their hearts is indescribable, and this will inevitably serve The launch of new products later provides an excellent opportunity to enter.


After thinking for a while, Lu Sisi asked cautiously: "Mr. Yang, why do we insist on smashing Mengshandu Company with all our strength? Wouldn't it be better to distribute some public opinion pressure to those beautiful country counterparts?"

Yang Zhu shook his head: "Let's settle the original sin of genetically modified food first, this is the [fixer] of our public opinion war in the European and American markets,"

"And if we disperse the firepower on those colleagues now, let alone whether the strength is enough, when the new product is launched, they will naturally guess that we are playing tricks, and then it will be troublesome."

After finishing speaking, Yang Zhu smiled: "Besides, as long as their industrial chain advantages are interrupted from the national mind, there is plenty of time and effort to deal with them,"

"And all of this, wait until we have a firm foothold in Europe and the United States and then take it slowly!"

Hearing Yang Zhu's explanation, although Lu Sisi hated Yang Zhu for always talking in a cloud, she finally understood part of it.

Seeing the ever-growing "Waterwork Corps" outside the window and countless media coming here, I remembered that more than a dozen other cities would hold similar parades in batches as planned. The effect is full marks, but I always feel that Yang Zhu's burden is too great.

Drag those priests into the water...

This is the West, the invisible power of religion is far beyond what a Chinese person can imagine!

Thinking of this, Lu Sisi asked worriedly: "Mr. Yang, if we do this, will those religious institutions trouble us?"

After finishing speaking, as if Yang Zhu didn't know the strength of the ticket holder, Lu Sisi added: "You know, not to mention the level of cardinals, even ordinary bishops are often distinguished guests in the political circle. At the state level, those who are very influential, as long as one sentence is ordered, it is not difficult to find us."

Yang Zhu looked at her and smiled meaningfully: "So what if you know, do you think they will really come to trouble us? I'm afraid it's too late to thank you!"

"Huh, the beautiful country is no better than Europe. The secularization here is too much. In the past 20 years, the voice of religion has been suppressed too little!"

Too secular?

Is the voice of religion being suppressed too little?

Will they thank us?

After scrutinizing these keywords one by one, it took Lu Sisi a long time to clarify the logic inside. While taking a deep breath, she felt that the person sitting opposite was a thousand-year-old demon.


Can't your old man correct some stinky problems?

Talking to you is really mind-killing to say...

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