Jianming Chaos

Chapter 201 The Xiapi Conspiracy

The time goes back to the third year of Jian'an (198 AD).

Lv Bu, a flying general at the end of the Han Dynasty, was brave and self-willed, not only lost the favorable opportunity to control the general situation of the world, but also turned against Liu Bei and other former allies.After Cao Cao raised troops to attack Xuzhou, Lv Bu chose to defend Xiapi, a city that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, despite frequent defeats in previous battles. He ordered to stick to the city and refuse to fight.

Twenty miles outside the city, Cao Ying.Cao Cao is discussing with his counselor Guo Jia how to destroy the city.

Cao Cao was very anxious at this moment, because the soldiers were exhausted from fighting for days, but they could not attack the city for a long time.Due to the situation, he decided to retreat for the time being and make plans later.

Guo Jia persuaded: "If we retreat now, wouldn't it be a failure? The hard work and sacrifices of the soldiers for many days will be in vain. How can the lord bear it? Have you forgotten that Xiang Yu killed himself in Wujiang? Since ancient times, there have been brave men without a plan Neither can achieve great things. Lu Bu is ambitious, but he forgets righteousness when he sees profit, and goes to Qin and Muchu. He killed Ding Yuan before and Dong Zhuo later, and offended all the princes. But the courage of a man alone cannot shake the torrent of history. Now that he is at the end of his battle, he is still able to defend a city until now. It is nothing more than listening to Chen Gong's strategy and resisting stubbornly. He intends to exhaust our army's food and grass and force our army to retreat without a fight. .”

Cao Cao frowned, and said: "I don't know the tricks of the three family slaves (referring to Lu Bu)! Chen Gong is also a man who swings around, and the two of them together can really be described as "like attracts like, and people like." Divide by group'ah! It seems that the other party was not moved by the letter of persuasion sent by someone before."

"No, I believe that Lv Bu has already moved his heart, and Chen Gong persuaded him not to surrender." Guo Jia analyzed, "Lv Bu is currently on the edge of the precipice of life and death, and he can only rely on Chen Gong. Chen Gong is resourceful, but there is not enough opportunity to change things. , good at long-term defense. Now it has become a protracted war, which is quite detrimental to our army and must be resolved as soon as possible!"

"What's the trick of Fengxiao (Guo Jia's character)?" Cao Cao asked.

"Xiapi is low-lying, with the Huai River to the south, and the Surabaya River passing through the city, which is prone to floods. I suggested that the soldiers be urgently ordered to dig trenches outside the city, dig trenches and ditches, and divert water to irrigate the city. The enemy will not attack. Destroy yourself." Guo Jia offered advice.

"This plan is very good. Didn't the other party think that we would make this move?" Cao Cao was worried that the other party would use his tricks.

"I did think about it. I secretly sent people to observe for a while, and found that the enemy would send people to patrol the river every night to prevent our army from opening canals to divert people; but in the past few days, no one patrolled. It must have been Lax. The humble staff has long thought of a water attack plan, and they have deliberately held back during this period of time to make them relax; now it seems that the time is ripe. The humble staff is sending people to conduct on-site surveys to find the most suitable construction sites for secret operations. "Guo Guo Jia lightly shakes the lupine, confident in his chest.

Cao Cao expressed a complicated expression, and said: "Actually, I have intended this for a long time, but I am just hesitant. After all, this move will kill a large number of people in the city. A few years ago, I committed the crime of massacring the city of Xuzhou, and tens of thousands of innocent souls are still gathered here. Every time I think about it, I have trouble sleeping and eating, and I can’t sleep at night; Chen Gong and others have also betrayed the old man because of this. This kind of crime that destroys humanity, unless it is absolutely necessary, the old man must not commit it again. Is there a way to achieve both in filial piety? "

"The humble official also considered sending people into the city in advance to inform the people to evacuate, but it was too late; besides, this move would inevitably arouse Lu Bu's vigilance, and he might flee here in the chaos. Lu Bu is a fierce tiger in troubled times. Once hungry and thirsty, anyone You can bite. Letting the tiger go back to the mountain is not a wise move. In this troubled world, my lord, don’t stress too much about women’s benevolence. You should make a quick decision and make a quick decision!” Guo Jia insisted on his own opinion.

"...Since that's the case, let's implement it according to Fengxiao's wishes." Cao Cao had no choice but to agree when the army was short of food.

"In addition, I suggest that an assassin from the White Tiger Team be sent to assassinate Lu Bu." Guo Jia threw another blockbuster.

"Send assassins? Since the whole city is going to be flooded, it is unnecessary to send assassins?" Cao Cao was puzzled.

"No, the assassination is just a cover. Lv Bu's martial arts are so strong that one against a hundred, even a master of the White Tigers may not be able to take his life. The real intention of the humble job is Cai Wenji." Guo Jia said mysteriously.

"What Feng Xiao means is to let the assassins inquire about Wen Ji?" Cao Cao suddenly realized.

"Exactly. Cai Zhonglang (Cai Yong) is half of my teacher, and he takes good care of me; now that her daughter has fallen into the hands of the Huns, I want to take this opportunity to find out about her and go to rescue her. An explanation to his father's spirit in heaven. I am worried that if Lu Bu is destroyed in this battle, no one will know Wen Ji's whereabouts. Lu Bu may be the only Han who knows about this." Guo Jia expressed his true thoughts.

"Why do you think it's the only one?" Cao Cao narrowed his eyes.

"Based on the previous battles, I can infer one or two. The Huns have assisted Lv Bu against our army many times, so I guess Lv Bu must know the whereabouts of Wen Ji. If not the only one, she is one of the few Han people. You might as well give it a try, my lord. See if it is true." Guo Jia analyzed and proposed.

"Unexpectedly, Feng Xiao is not only resourceful and decisive, but also emphasizing love and righteousness! Well, since this is the case, please let Feng Xiao take full control. As long as Lu Bu can be eradicated and Wen Ji can be rescued, I will agree to everything!" Cao Cao immediately made a decision.

Guo Jia thanked Cao Cao, and immediately went to the camp of the White Tigers to convey the results of the discussion with Cao Cao to its leader, Tian Feng.

"Cao Sikong (Cao Cao's official position in the court at that time) meant that we send an assassin to sneak into the city to assassinate Lu Bu?" Tianfeng felt strange, this was not like Cao Cao's style.

"Actually, this is just my personal suggestion." Guo Jia told him his true thoughts.

"When the battle situation is urgent, Mr. Guo can still think of Cai Wenji, a girl like Cai Wenji?" Tian Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the other party.

"It made the general laugh. As a sacrificial wine in the army, I just want to do my best for the former teacher, and I also have a concern for Duke Cao. This is an extra task, and I hope General Tianfeng will support you." Guo Jia bowed and saluted.

"Your Majesty Guo, you're being polite. There's no need to be polite when it comes to your duties." Tian Feng saw that the other party was humble and couldn't shirk, so he chose a master, "Wu Tianhu, I'll let you carry out this task."

"Assassinate Lu Bu?" Wu Tianhu was puzzled, "Isn't this the same as pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth? Besides, didn't you mean to flood the city with water? Why..."

"Master Guo also said just now that the success of the assassination is not the key; the most important thing is to find out Cai Wenji's whereabouts. Lu Bu has close contacts with the Hu people, so he must know some news." Tianfeng reminded him.

"Did the leader forget that he was injured in his arm when he fought against Lu Bu in Pengcheng? This man's military strength is not simple, comparable to that of the Overlord of Western Chu." Wu Tianhu was terrified.

"Why did you say that? Last time I just missed and was injured by it. Don't forget your identity. You are the elite army of Cao Jun-the general of the White Tiger Team! And, I repeat, assassinate It's not the main task, your first task is to find out Cai Wenji's whereabouts!" Tianfeng reprimanded.

"...Yes, leader! I will live up to the entrustment!" Wu Tianhu accepted the task with trepidation.

Afterwards, Wu Tianhu sneaked into the city at night by using his lightness skills. According to the map instructions, he sneaked into Lu Bu's mansion and hid in the dark.

In order not to startle the snake, Wu Tianhu did not show up for the time being, but lurked nearby, listening.

Lu Bu: "The meaning of Gongtai (Chen Gong's word) is to let me cover up the truth, cover Chen Cang secretly, and sneak attack Xudu?"

Chen Gong: "Exactly. Cao Cao must have no time to take care of the rear when Cao's army is suppressing the situation. While Emperor Xian is still young and unable to take power, now is the best time to usurp the throne. Marquis Wen, don't miss this opportunity."

Lu Bu: "However, I have received the grace of the Han family to have a place in the Han land. How can I go against the sky and commit the crime of deceiving the emperor? I don't want everyone to get it and punish him."

Chen Gong: "Marquis Wen forgot that Grand Master Dong had abolished Young Emperor and established Emperor Xian? Forgot about Li Guo's rebellion? , erratic, if you take advantage of this time to attack the imperial city, you will not have to worry about major failures."

Lu Bu frowned: "Gongtai forgot again, I said, don't mention my adoptive father again!"

Chen Gong: "A momentary gaffe, an unintentional mistake, I hope Marquis Wen will forgive me!"

Gao Shun: "Gongtai, don't mislead Marquis Wen! Attacking Xudu is a heinous crime at the feet of the emperor and in the eyes of the princes!"

Chen Gong: "General Gao's words are wrong! Since ancient times, the change of dynasties has always been the result of rebelling against the dynasties or usurping the throne and killing the king. I just gave the most pertinent advice to Marquis Wen at the most appropriate time."

Gao Shun: "Now our army has few generals, and it is difficult to even protect ourselves, so why attack the capital?"

Lu Bu: "I'm not sure about Gongtai's suggestion for the time being. As far as the soldiers are approaching the city, our army has been defending for several days, and Cao Cao still refuses to retreat. How can we break through?"

Chen Gong: "If the opponent does not retreat, it proves that there is still food and grass; when the food and grass are exhausted, there is no need to worry about his not returning. According to my deduction, Cao Jun's food and grass will be exhausted within seven days. I ordered the closure of the city to prevent Cao Jun from pretending to be ordinary people Enter the city to buy food. When the enemy retreats, gather the entire city and attack Xudu. Cao's army is exhausted, and it will be too late to return to the defense. The only worry now is that Guo Jia will definitely offer advice to Cao Cao and be submerged in the water. Pi."

Lu Bu: "It has been so many days, and the other party has not seen any movement. Have you given up?"

Chen Gong: "This is the 'deceitful way' in the art of war. Guo Jia wants to wait for our army to relax and then catch us by surprise. Do you think I don't know? I just deliberately chose to withdraw the patrols when they were running out of food and grass, so that they would be mistaken. I thought our army had relaxed. I expect they will start to move in these two days."

Lu Bu: "Gongtai means, when they came to dig the ditches, carry out a sneak attack?"

Chen Gong: "Exactly. In order to avoid attracting the attention of our army, the enemy will definitely go out at night and dare not light up the torches. We set up an ambush nearby in advance, and when the enemy's line of sight is poor and they are digging through the ground, Give it a hard blow."

Lu Bu: "Cao's army can dispatch some engineers at most. Even if they are all wiped out, the main force cannot be shaken. What's the point?"

Chen Gong: "No, after annihilating this engineer army, our army can pretend to be Cao Jun and sneak into the enemy's position and burn their food and grass."

Lu Bu's eyes lit up: "If you want to catch, you will play hard, this is a clever plan!"

Gao Shun objected: "It's not right. Guo Jia is full of tricks and will never be easily fooled. Why don't you let me lead the 'trapped camp' out of the city to sneak attack on the opponent's camp, and attack them unprepared, even if they are few, they will win."

Chen Gong: "It's absolutely impossible. The opponent must be prepared, and there is no possibility of a successful sneak attack. Cao Cao must be restless and will make some moves in the short term; and what we have to do is to wait for the rabbit and wait for the work."

Lu Bu nodded in agreement, and said, "The words of Gongtai are exactly what I want. The matter of attacking Xudu will be discussed after the enemy is defeated. There is still one matter, and I would like to ask for your opinions."

"My lord, please speak." The three said together.

"Two days ago, I received a secret letter from Huchuquan Shanyu (the title of the leader of the Xiongnu tribe), he asked me to do two things: first, find out about his long-lost nephew Liu Bao; Cai Yan (Cai Wenji) came back to find a new place for her to live in. I have no idea about these two things, so how can I help her?" Lu Bu's face was clouded.

"Nowadays the war is at the head of the battle, why bother with the affairs of outsiders?" Gao Shun didn't want to cause complications.

"I can ignore other people, but I must take care of Huchuquan." Lu Bu had a clear attitude.

"Not to mention the difficulty of these two things, how can we take care of others in terms of the current situation of our army?" Gao Shun spread his palms.

"Back then, Yu Fuluo helped our army repel Cao Jun in Puyang; before he died, he asked his younger brother Hu Chuquan to continue to assist me. Although Yanzhou was lost in the end, the two brothers sacrificed countless lives to help me. Young people, I have to repay this kind of favor. However, in the current situation, I am really helpless, so I ask you for advice." Lu Bu said truthfully.

"My lord, does Hu Chuquan know the current situation of our army? If he knew, why did you ask us to travel thousands of miles to bring him back? Don't you think it's strange?" Chen Gong questioned.

"You mean, Hu Chuquan shouldn't make such unreasonable demands in extraordinary times?" Lu Bu frowned.

"Exactly. Kidnapping Cai Yan was originally a shameless act of the Huns to take advantage of the fire. It has nothing to do with us. Now that Duke Cao's power is growing stronger, they are beginning to fear and regret their reckless actions at the beginning, so they want to return the property to the original owner, or Divert your attention. If you think the journey is too far away, it’s fine if you don’t send the person back, but let us pick him up in person? What if after receiving the person, the news is accidentally leaked, or the other party bites back, and then spread the rumor, it will become We are the masterminds of the kidnapping. At that time, how will we survive alone on the Han land? Moreover, how many days will it take to go back and forth from here to outside the Great Wall? By the time we bring people back, the whole of Xuzhou may have fallen into Duke Cao’s hands.” Chen Gong believes that he should not act rashly.

"What's Wen Yuan's opinion?" Seeing that Zhang Liao was silent, Lu Bu asked.

"Master Chen is right. After the Battle of Yanzhou, the Huns were overwhelmed by Cao Jun and restrained. Huchuquan is far outside the Great Wall, and it is reasonable to not understand the battle situation here, so I proposed this to Marquis Wen. Seemingly unreasonable request. On the other hand, it shows that he is really anxious in his heart, and he is eager to return Cai Yan to Cao Cao, so as not to trigger a new war; but he is inconvenient to return it directly, so he wants to "cross the bridge" through us." Zhang Liao expressed his opinion.

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