Jianming Chaos

Chapter 194

Zhiming devoted himself to cultivating under the guidance of Gu Bosi in Langgu Mountain for seven days. Except for the reminder from the old god, he made an exception and used black hole magic twice: one was to go to Fankou to destroy the giant wolf, and the other was to send the revived Huang Zhong to him. Go back to Fankou.Originally, he had never been to Fankou before. Fortunately, he had a map in his hand, and he could use the position sensing technology taught to him by Gubers to go directly to the destination.

"Today is already the seventh day, and your progress has been great, beyond my expectation. I never thought that you would learn black hole magic in just one and a half days. Zhiming, your talent and potential are truly terrifying. "Coopers had to obey.

"That's because of your guidance, Master." Zhiming was elated at the moment. He has mastered martial arts and magic at the same time, and has reached a new level on the road of cultivation.

"After today, it's time for our master-student friendship to come to an end. I wanted to teach you one last trick, but time doesn't allow it." Gubosi seemed to have more to say.

"Is there another trick?" Zhiming thought he was already full of teachers.

"Yes, it's the moving body of the mind. This trick is not easy to learn, and even people with high magical attainments may not be able to fully master it. But you have already done the math, and you have learned so much." Gubosi almost said "Legend "Home Treasures" all moved out.

Zhiming didn't speak, and started to close his eyes to get luck.

"What are you doing?" Coopers felt his body gas rising.

Suddenly, Zhiming began to "go out of his body" and rushed to attack Gubosi.

Before Coopers could react, he had already been hit and fell to the ground.He saw Zhiming's body standing motionless.

The "soul" smiled at Gubosi, and returned to the deity, merging with the body.

Coopers stood up, unable to speak for a while.

Zhiming looked at Master complacently, waiting to receive a compliment.

After a long time, Coopers said: "You learned it yourself?"

"Yes, I figured it out myself, but I haven't mastered it yet, and the attack distance is not far enough. Offended, Master." Zhiming stuck out his tongue.

"But...I didn't teach you at all, how could you learn it?" Coopers couldn't understand.

"This is called 'integrated mastery' in Chinese. Although I haven't learned it before, I quickly realized it through mixing various similar knowledge, incorporating personal understanding and experience, and combining practical operations." Zhiming said proudly.

"...It seems that your skill has surpassed that of being a teacher. However, if you want to surpass Yulong, you have to practice hard for a period of time. His magic power is higher than yours." Gu Bosi said truthfully.

"I understand. I can't guarantee that I can reach his height in the future. I just hope that I will never be an enemy of him. Because, my real enemies are the White Tigers and Fu Mingsheng, and there may be more, I'm not sure. Big man There are too many crises, and now even the emperor has been blackened." Zhiming said with a serious expression.

"Everyone has their own mission, and I am no exception. The mission of my resurrection is to train Yulong to become a man qualified to be an emperor, and your mission is to maintain the peace of the great man and calm the troubled times. Since you have learned , I don’t have to worry about it.” Coopers was very pleased to see that the apprentice had achieved something in his studies.

"There is a saying in the big man, 'Professionalism comes from hard work, waste from playing'. As long as I work harder, I will definitely reach a new level." Zhiming is full of confidence in himself.

"Actually, if..." Coopers hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter, Master?" Zhiming saw that he had an idea.

"No...it's nothing, you probably don't have time. I plan to go to Wuchao Mountain first, meet with Alice and Yulong, and make a decision later." Gubosi planned to leave here.

"I'll go with you, I happen to be looking for someone." Zhiming wanted to bring Xuechan back.

Yang Ji came over and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Bring someone back to show you." Zhiming winked at him.

"Who?" The first person Yang Ji thought of was Yu'er.

"You'll know soon." Zhiming pretended to be mysterious.

"Let's go on horseback. Don't abuse magic, it will hurt your vitality." Coopers said.

"It's too late, let me use it." Zhiming cast black hole magic and brought Gubosi to Yuezhai in Wuchao Mountain.

"Master, I'm going to meet someone first, and I'll meet you later." Zhiming wanted to see Xuechan wholeheartedly.

"Female?" Gubbs guessed.

"...a confidante." Zhiming was slightly embarrassed.

"But, if you don't take me to see Yulong, this place is so big, where can I find him?" Gu Bosi didn't expect that Zhiming would "prefer sex and despise friends" and abandon himself halfway.

Zhiming pointed out a way for him and said, "Master, please go ahead, I'll be here soon."

"Don't call me Master anymore, just change it back to the original title." Gubosi walked in the direction he pointed alone.

Soon, he saw Yu Long who was practicing martial arts hard, and Alice who was standing nearby watching.

Seeing Master appearing, Yu Long was very surprised and said, "Master, you came here with black hole magic, right? But, how did you sense this place?"

"It came here using black hole magic, but it was used by another person. He brought me here." Gubos greeted Alice.

"Is it Lei Gang?" Yulong taught Lei Gang to use this kind of magic not long ago, but unfortunately, after learning of Tianfeng's rebirth, Lei Gang became distracted and uncertain about his destination.

"Who is Lei Gang? It's not him, it's your old friend Lei Zhiming."

"Lei Zhiming? How could he use this trick?!" Yu Long was shocked.

"I taught him." Coopers said the truth.

"Why did you teach him this kind of magic?" Yu Long was puzzled.

"Because... this country needs one more person like this." Coopers said tactfully.

Based on what he knew about Master in the past, Yu Long quickly guessed his real thoughts, but pretended not to know, and asked, "Didn't he come here? Where is it?"

"He said he wanted to find a confidante first."

"A confidante?" Yu Long knew who Zhiming was looking for.

"You know who it is?" Coopers asked back.

"It's a female warrior I trained." Yu Long didn't want to say too much, so he brought his mother over.

"Alice, although I haven't seen her for many years, you won't become so gray-haired and pale, right?" Coopers hadn't seen her for more than 30 years, and he couldn't hide his excitement for a while.

"You are not the same, General Coopers. You seem to have experienced more vicissitudes than me." Alice also used this teasing way to express her friendship.

All three laughed.Alice said with emotion: "I really didn't expect you to still be alive in this world!"

"Things are unpredictable. I thought the God of Eternal Life would take back my body in time, but I didn't expect him to be so tolerant to me. Thank God!" Gubosi put his right palm on his chest, expressing his gratitude to God.

"By the way, Master, do you plan to stay with us?" Yu Long asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'm old, I'm afraid it will disturb you if I stay." Gubosi didn't want to involve them.

"How is this possible! We still wish for it!" Yu Long hoped that Master would stay.

"Then let's stay for a few days before we talk about it." Coopers also has nowhere to go at the moment.

At this time, Zhiming arrived and asked Yulong out of breath, "Where is Xuechan?"

"What? Isn't she in the women's camp?" Yu Long was taken aback.

"No, I've searched and asked people, but I don't know where she went." Zhiming was a little anxious.

"I haven't contacted her for the past few days, so maybe someone took her away?" Yu Long really didn't know.

Zhiming thought of Lei Gang who could use black hole magic, and said, "Lei Gang must have used magic to take her back to Baihuzhai. He wants to return her to Tianfeng to show his loyalty!"

"I was careless." Yu Long regretted that he taught Lei Gang the black hole magic.

Zhiming was tangled at the moment: Xuechan was originally Tianfeng's woman, and now that she returned to her man, would he still want to grab her by force?

Yu Long knew what he was thinking, and said: "From the moment she lost her memory, all her memories were cleared; for her, everything that happened before no longer exists. So, you don't have to worry too much. "

One sentence reminded Zhiming that he decided to go straight to Huanglong and take back Xuechan after defeating Tianfeng, although the word "take back" was a bit awkward.

"Don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent now!" Coopers asked him to calm down.

"Believe me, my skill is not what it used to be, and I can definitely defeat him!" Zhiming knew that once Tianfeng controlled Xuechan's body and mind, he would not be able to take her away.He must rush to Baihuzhai as soon as possible to fight Tianfeng.

"Don't forget, it will slowly absorb your vitality." Coopers pointed to his magic ring.

"It doesn't matter, even if I only use [-]% power now, I can defeat him!" Zhiming only has Xuechan in his eyes at the moment, and no matter who snatches her away, he will meet God and kill God.

"Tell me, what did you promise me on the first day of special training?" Coopers demanded.

"...Don't be impulsive in everything, and calmly think about countermeasures." Zhiming replied.

"Then why are you acting so impulsively now?"

"I just want to save her."

"No, your heart tells me that you are only going your own way because you have been unable to be with her many times and your psychology is unbalanced. In fact, it is your inner demons that are causing trouble." Coopers hit the nail on the head.

Zhiming didn't understand this truth, but he was worried that after a long time, Xuechan would be controlled by Tianfeng's mind, and there would be unforeseen changes at that time.Zhiming couldn't let go of this feeling, although it wasn't deep.

"Impulse is the devil, and every decision you make in the current mood is wrong!" Gubbs sternly reprimanded.

"Master... no, General, just let me be self-willed for a while, I know exactly what I'm doing." Zhiming thought that since "Tian Mie" can destroy the incarnation of the Sirius God, it shouldn't be a problem to eliminate the White Tiger God .

"If the opponent also knows how to use skills such as spirit control, no matter how powerful you are, it will be useless." Gubosi reminded him three points.

"I've fought against him before, don't worry. See you later, I'm leaving." Zhiming began to use black hole magic.

Watching Zhiming disappear into the black hole of another dimension in an instant, Gubosi let out a long sigh.He always believed that Zhiming was not ready yet.

"Master, maybe he can really win." Yu Long also marveled at Zhiming's potential and talent.

"If the two of you work together, I don't doubt it; it's just that if he goes by himself, he will definitely lose." Gubosi seems to have predicted the result.

"If he loses, I will personally defeat Tianfeng for him. I wrote an IOU many years ago in the first battle, and now it's time to return it." Yulong began to gear up.

"Don't be impulsive! I have already lost your father, and I don't want to lose you again." Alice was worried that something would happen to her son.

"Don't worry, mother, I know it well." After Yulong finished speaking, he said to Gu Bosi, "Master, please give me one last piece of guidance. My mind and body are not yet mature enough."

Coopers nodded and said, "It's not too late, let's start right away..."


On the quiet and picturesque river, a crescent-shaped boat is maintaining a relatively fast speed under the vigorous oars of the boatman, and its destination is Wulin.

There were two people sitting on the boat, one was Pang Tong, and the other was Zuo Ci, an immortal whom he invited down from Mount Taihua by means of flying pigeons.

"Shi Yuan, it's been a long time. I didn't expect that you would think of me only when you are in the most dangerous time!" Zuo Ci likes to joke with old friends.

"Don't laugh at me, Teacher Zuo Ci, I can't do without you this time. If my identity is seen through by the Fang Warlock of the White Tiger Team, my trip will be in vain... not only in vain, but also by them... ..." Pang Tong made a neck-cutting motion.

"Cao Cao is an unpredictable person. Sometimes he is open-minded and open-minded; sometimes he is self-willed and suspicious." Zuo Ci said, stroking his white beard.

"I just hope he can accept my iron chain chain plan, otherwise how can I win this battle! If the task can't be completed, I will have no face to go back to see Kong Ming." Pang Tong expressed his determination of "I will never return Loulan if I don't break it".

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