Jianming Chaos

Chapter 136 Surprise attack on the port

Travel back in time to not so long ago.

General Coopers arrived in Carmania earlier than planned, and brought reinforcements, including fifty scythe chariots, twenty giant war elephants, armored cavalry, infantry, and about 5 horses. Go to the capital.

The army marched to the Pamida Plain near the Persian Gulf, and suddenly a crow flew over and landed on the shoulder of Gubbs without fail.In this era, the Persians had trained crows to be as agile as homing pigeons.

Coopers took off the roll of paper tied to the crow's feet, and re-tied a piece of paper, which stated the current location of the army, and asked the crow to take it back to the palace.

Gubbs read the contents of the note, and told them to join the navy at the port along the Persian Gulf with the king's oral order, and set off from the sea to the current location of the coalition forces of Macedonia, Greece and other countries - six miles south of Susa City. A strategic sneak attack was carried out at the station ten miles away.

Because there was the king's autograph and seal on it, Coopers didn't think too much about it, so he ordered the army to turn around a little and head towards the Persian Gulf.He didn't realize at all that this was a conspiracy by Governor Diridas.

The army advanced to the port of the Persian Gulf, and it was already sunset.The army is getting tired and ready to rest here for a while.

Seeing the dead silence around here, there are neither soldiers who came to meet them nor shipbuilders, but only a strange atmosphere of dead souls everywhere, everyone couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Gubosi, who is good at using spells, feels that something is wrong: "This place should be a scene full of excitement, why can't anyone see it? Could it be... Was it attacked by the enemy in advance?"

At this time, the war elephants in the center of the army began to scream, and then became restless.

The Macedonian crossbowmen ambushing nearby began to release arrows, and all of a sudden the arrows flew together, and countless people fell to the ground after being hit by the arrows.

Just hearing the sound of a cannon in the distance, tens of thousands of Macedonian ambush soldiers came out to encircle and suppress the Persian army.

Coopers had expected it a long time ago, and he ordered the troops not to panic, and quickly lined up to break through.The army began to march and form a formation, and made a way in the middle, allowing the elephant troops to charge first.

Twenty giant war elephants with a height of more than five meters rushed towards the enemy's spear phalanx under the control of the driver; an iron frame was fixed on the back of the war elephant, and four archers sat inside to assist sexual assault.

Fifty scythe chariots were not far behind. Under the driver's driving, the soldiers divided into two groups, and went to kill the heavy infantry phalanx on both sides of the enemy.The two horses at the front of the chariot were also fully armed, not only wearing iron armor, but also wearing steel helmets and sharp blades. They neighed and roared with murderous aura, which severely frustrated the enemy's spirit.

At the beginning, the Macedonian army was always at a disadvantage, and was smashed and scattered by the rampant tactics of the war elephant army.Some were trampled down by the giant elephant and turned into pulp; some were picked up by the two tusks of the giant elephant and then fell to death; some were directly knocked into the air by the giant elephant and died.

The scene was chaotic for a while, and the Macedonians were panic-stricken, and their flags were in disarray.

The scythe chariot also has a lot of military exploits. The barbed blades and scythes installed on the axles of the wheels on both sides cut off the enemy's arms and legs, and cut them into pieces.

Gubosi rode his horse to charge back and forth in the enemy's formation, and his sword skills like the wind made the enemy fearful.He is one of the most powerful people in martial arts in the Achaemenid dynasty, and he is also the martial arts coach of Prince Hills. In addition, he has practiced various strange dunjia spells, and he can almost be described as an invincible golden body.

Four soldiers with tomahawks approached.Gubosi threw the scimitar in his hand, and the scimitar turned into a boomerang, cutting off the heads of four people in an instant.

When the scimitar returned to his hand, there was not a trace of blood on the blade.

Suddenly, a spear pierced from behind.Without turning his head back, Gubosi directly turned his head to one side, and the spear pierced his cheek.

Coopers reached out and grabbed the spear, and with a thrust back, the spear knocked the enemy soldier off his horse.The enemy has not yet got up, and has died under the soldiers' random knives.

Several armored knights rushed forward.Gubosi waved his hand, and suddenly a strange air flow was rolled up from the ground, directly rolling the enemy soldiers with their horses into the sky, and then fell to the ground.

Seeing their companions and horses fall heavily, and their skeletons shattered, the cavalry behind did not dare to get on, and turned their horses around one after another to attack others.

However, using this kind of magic requires a lot of vitality. No matter how powerful Gubos is, he will be unable to support it alone. After all, he will not be able to change the situation of the battle.

Seeing that his own army was in dire straits and the enemy was retreating steadily, Coopers decided to take advantage of the victory to pursue and fight for the commander-in-chief.Little did he know that this was an enemy strategy.

He saw a scepter standing in the southeast from a distance, shining dazzlingly under the setting sun.He knew that the coach was there, so he waved his sharp knife and shouted to command the soldiers to rush there.

A few war elephants were ravaging the enemy soldiers nearby like pounding grain. The driver saw Gubbs' gesture and turned to follow him to kill here.

At this time, Macedonia's coach was Alexander's confidant and close friend Hefisky. It was he who, under Alexander's instruction, led the army to attack the port and lurked here waiting for Persian reinforcements; Alexander also taught him how to deal with scythe chariots and Giant war elephant.

Hefisky saw Gubbs coming this way, and knew that the other party had been fooled, so he waved his hand to indicate the next move.

Coopers saw victory in sight, but he didn't expect that there was a trap on the beach ahead, and he and his horse fell into a big pit covered with sharp wooden thorns.

Fortunately, his physical skills are extraordinary, and at the critical moment, he stepped on the horse under him and jumped up, jumping out of the trap.Ma Guangrong died, but he was safe and sound.

Due to the effect of inertia, the few war elephants in the back couldn't stop their feet. They "stumbled" one after another, fell into the trap, and were pierced into their bodies by sharp wooden thorns.Due to the huge size of the war elephant, these sharp wooden thorns did not kill it.

The archers in the iron frame on the elephant's back were all ejected, and were swarmed up by the axemen who were ambushing nearby, cutting them into several pieces.

The unlucky war elephant let out a heart-piercing howl, and half of his body sank into the pit, unable to get up for a while.

The sword and axe cut off the long trunk of the war elephant, so that it could not move freely.These war elephants are tantamount to being scrapped.

The scythe chariot that rushed to help out also had the same fate. Horses, chariots and people all fell into the pit.The scene was a mess, ghosts were crying and howling.

Seeing this, Gubosi was furious, swung his saber wildly, and knocked down dozens of people in a row.He circumvented the trap and rushed straight at Hefisky with murderous aura.

Hefisky's guards formed several rows of shield formations, using crowd tactics to block the enemy's attack.

Gubosi used a spell to knock off the shields of several soldiers with a strong air current, but the number of opponents was too large, and his skill was not enough to knock off all the shields. In addition, he was thrown just now, and his psychology fluctuated, and he was defeated instead. The enemy was forced to retreat step by step.

The enemy army adopted the "shield staggered" tactic. Some soldiers erected their shields, while the other soldiers turned their shields horizontally to form a cross-staggered shield array, which increased the shear force and prevented Gubers' spells from being cast.Obviously, the Macedonians had a good understanding of the internal situation of the enemy army, and had already known that there was a general in the Persian army who was good at using magic.

Coopers was dizzy by the enemy's ever-changing tactics, and his strength gradually weakened. Fortunately, soldiers came to respond in time.

At this moment, Coopers saw a familiar face - Diridas!He was standing next to the enemy commander. Although half of his face was covered by a steel helmet, he was recognized by his colleagues who had worked with him for a long time.

Apparently, Diridas also recognized Gubers, so he didn't dare to face him, so he had to turn his head away.

"What? Could it be that the governor has rebelled?!" Coopers couldn't believe it, and he wanted to go over to confirm it.

Hefisky waved his gesture again, and a row of crossbowmen suddenly appeared, firing arrows again.Due to a momentary distraction, Coopers was unfortunately shot with an arrow in his left arm.

Fortunately, the rescue force arrived in time and used shields to protect him and retreat.

At this moment, the Macedonian army had the upper hand.Hefisky ordered the whole staff to counterattack and wiped out the enemy.He deeply remembered Alexander's words: "The Persian army fought bravely. Don't attack by force at the beginning. You must lose for a while, let the opponent relax their vigilance and then make a surprise move, in order to win."

Coopers reluctantly pulled out the arrow, and suddenly felt dizzy, chest tightness and nausea.It turned out that he was hit by a poisoned arrow and must be detoxified as soon as possible.

Several lieutenants saw that the main general could no longer fight, so they had to order the whole army to retreat.

The Persian army retreated towards the capital one after another, but unfortunately, they still could not escape the palm of Alexander, the king of war.

Hefisky raised his left hand high and clenched his fist, signaling the army to stop pursuing.The soldiers stopped their horses and let the enemy retreat.

Seeing that Gubosi's face turned pale and his lips turned black, the lieutenants all thought that he would not last long.

Coopers knew that morale should not be low, so he insisted and said: "I'm fine, don't be discouraged, our main force has not disappeared, there are still fifteen war elephants and more than 30 scythe chariots, as long as we return to the capital Together with our partners in the city, the Macedonian coalition forces will not be able to break through our line of defense!"

Less than ten miles away, they encountered an ambush again.The members of this ambush are mainly from the states surrounding Macedonia. It is an extremely brave mercenary army. Although it is only an auxiliary army, its combat capability is not lost to the army.

The leader of the ambush ordered the use of hook and sickle tactics, using a hook and sickle gun to hook off the horse's legs of the chariot.

Since this place is a grassland, the ambushes were hiding in the grass, and the sun had already set, so the Persian army could not detect the existence of the enemy at all, and all the chariots and horses were attacked in an instant.If the scythe chariot loses the drive of the horse, it is useless and cannot be used.

As for how to deal with war elephants, Alexander gave instructions like this: "No matter how huge a beast is, it cannot change its nature of being afraid of fire. Attack giant elephants with rockets, make them go mad, trample on each other, and confuse themselves."

This trick did work, for the elephants, seeing the innumerable arrows coming, became panicked and ran wild, and made such a mess of the Persian army that even their charioteers could not control them.

Countless Persian soldiers died unjustly under the feet of the giant elephants; the archers and drivers on the backs of the war elephants were all thrown far away, either dead or maimed.

At this moment, Gubosi was sweating profusely, delirious, and completely lost his ability to command; several lieutenants were weak and exhausted, and could no longer care about cleaning up the mess, they could only protect the general and flee all the way.

After all, he is a person who is proficient in magic. Gubosi's vitality is very tenacious, and he gradually approached the capital under the protection of the lieutenants.At this moment, there were less than 20 people around him.

As they approached the capital, they realized that the capital had fallen.Alexander's main force had breached the city gate, and the two sides fought fiercely in the city.Alexander himself charged into the city on horseback, leading an army of cavalry straight into the palace.

The chaos in the palace was out of control at the moment. Although the Greek alchemist invited back by Kloos successfully revived Prince Hills with the blood of the king, the Spartans under Kloos subsequently rebelled collectively. The most direct reason is that the Greek alchemist found his younger brother Minoch, told him that the capital was about to fall, and suggested him to rebel.Originally, Greece and Macedonia were one family, and the death squads also felt that the Persian kingdom was over. Under such imminent circumstances, they decided to rebel collectively.

Among the Macedonian coalition forces that invaded the capital this time, there were many Greek mercenaries, many of whom were relatives and friends of members of the Spartan Daredevil Corps.Faced with the reality of relatives and friends entering the city and the decline of the empire in the past, coupled with the instigation of the Greek warlocks, the inner defense line of the Spartan Legion collapsed like a dam bursting. They used all the tactics they usually used on the battlefield. To deal with the Royal Palace Guards, the kind of fighting state that is not afraid of death makes the well-trained Palace Guards unable to resist, and they all abandon their weapons and flee.

Alexander was not only good at using tactics, but also good at attacking the heart. He firmly grasped the psychological weakness of the Spartan Army and caused civil strife among the enemy.He deeply remembered the words of his teacher Aristotle: "In any war, as long as there is civil strife on one side, its winning rate will be greatly reduced. This is like a fight between a normal person and a seriously ill person, and the result is silent. And metaphor."

Although Kloos himself has a high degree of loyalty to the country, he is helpless in the face of this sudden collective rebellion.He and Bronn, the general of the first team of the defenders, joined forces to resist. Although both of them had invincible courage, they would be at the end of their strength and unable to recover.

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