treasure hunter

Chapter 386: The Frozen Old Man and Long Yuan

Liang Siqin is not only powerful in martial arts, he has almost inherited all the mantle of West Kunlun, such as organ skills.

West Kunlun can create a big killer like the Qianlong that surpasses the times. It can be seen that its mechanism technique has reached the realm of unpredictable gods and ghosts. The road of the rebel army to conquer the Yuan was more effective. A very simple example, originally attacking a city required a loss of 3 people. With excellent siege equipment, only 5000 people were lost to take the city.

According to historical records, among the anti-Yuan rebels at that time, Zhu Yuanzhang's rebel army did not kill the most enemies, but in the end, Zhu Yuanzhang's rebel army saved the most power. There are people, there are equipment and equipment, and the battle damage is the least. Therefore, in the end, Zhu Yuanzhang became the biggest winner.

When the Ming Dynasty was established, Liang Siqin did not ask for an official position, but only wanted Zhu Yuanzhang to fulfill his promise and realize his ambition. What kind of ambition, six words-"Limit yellow power and suppress Confucianism."

These six words are easy to understand, reducing the power of the emperor, reducing the status of Confucianism, and developing other knowledge. Among them, Liang Siqin proposed the development of mathematics and structure.

This kind of thinking, if you look at it now, is quite admirable, but in that era, it was simply a provocation to Huang Quan, no, it is no longer a provocation, it is almost standing on the emperor’s head and shitting .

How could Zhu Yuanzhang tolerate it, but at the beginning of the uprising, he had promised Liang Siqin, how could he renege on his promise and become fat.

In order not to let himself break his promise, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to kill Liang Siqin. He knew that Liang Siqin was extremely skilled in martial arts, so he summoned Liang Siqin to drink in the palace, and ambushed 3000 elite soldiers.

What Liang Siqin drank was highly poisonous wine.

How clever Liang Siqin was, he saw through Zhu Yuanzhang's intentions at a glance, but he didn't expose it. He picked up the poisoned wine and drank three pots in a row, and then told Zhu Yuanzhang that this turbid world was really not suitable for him, so he chose to leave , I will leave after finishing speaking.

How could Zhu Yuanzhang let him go and ordered 3000 armored soldiers to surround and kill him.

However, the 3000 elite soldiers were nothing in the eyes of Liang Siqin. Liang Siqin used his own peerless martial arts to easily defeat the 3000 elite soldiers, and then walked away, scaring Zhu Yuanzhang from embarrassing him anymore.

Liang Siqin came to Kunlun Mountain and built the West City here. The underground palace of the West City was built at that time. He originally planned to use it as a tomb for himself, but later, he was not buried here. Made a place for myself here.

After reading all the murals, he understood the story almost. Pei Miao had a general understanding of the founder of the West City.

Ah Fa recalled it by himself, and said: "Go back, there seems to be a painting in front of you that is about water control."

Pei Miao and the others followed Ah Fa back, and finally came to a mural. It was a water control map of the Yellow River. Countless laborers were moving mud and rocks and building dams on the banks of the Yellow River.

"Yes, this is the River Control Picture." Ah Fa said excitedly, staring at the painting carefully.

This painting is not just a simple river control map. On its side, there are detailed dam cross-sections, side views, 3D drawings, and all dimensions are marked.

Similar to this mural, there are almost 30 pieces here, all about arithmetic and structures.

Pei Miao unfolded the whole mind domain and looked at the wall behind the painting, and found that behind the wall was a real mountain wall without any traps.

So he couldn't help but said: "How to solve this map of river governance."

Ah Fa said: "It's earthwork, it's not difficult."

Pei Miao said: "What I mean is, after you calculate the answer, where do you input the answer? There seems to be no mechanism here."

Ah Fa said: "Now we just walked around the wall, and walked through the passage in the middle. We haven't looked for other places in this hall, so let's look for it."

"Okay." Pei Miao nodded and said, "You first calculate the answer to the River Control Map."

"Okay." Ah Fa said, then took out a pen and paper, and began to calculate on the spot.

This river control map is to calculate the earthwork required for the construction of the dam, but this dam is not simple because its shape is very irregular. When encountering this situation, it is very particular about the method and method, and very complicated calculations are required. Very big.

Fortunately, Ah Fa has done the problem of river governance before, but the data is different, but the method is the same. What he needs to do now is a complicated calculation process.

The calculation process of this problem is very complicated, and the amount of calculation is quite large. Even Ah Fa calculated it for an hour. Finally, Ah Fa happily said: "It has been calculated!"

Pei Miao and Yao Wenhu were sitting on the ground, smoking boredly, when they heard Ah Fa saying that they had figured it out, they quickly got up happily and said, "Let's go to the agency."

Next, the three of them began a carpet search in the hall, looking for the mechanism.

After searching for a long time, they finally found a sand table on the left side of the main hall. The fine sand on the sand table was piled up to look like a river control map. The dam was almost exactly the same as the dam on the mural.

There are several small round shovels on the sand table, which are a bit like the shovels used to sell bulk rice in supermarkets. Each of these shovels has a scale. Obviously, these shovels are used to shovel sand.

Beside the shovel, there is also a stone-polished cylindrical container with a height of about 40 cm and a diameter of about 8 cm. It is a bit like a large scale, but there is no scale for this scale.

Next to the sand table, there is a balance with a strange shape. This balance is a bit like the steelyard used in the past, as if two steelyards were spliced ​​together.

On the left tray of the balance, there is a very smooth cylindrical stone, so the balance at this moment is completely tilted to the left.

Yao Wenlong looked at the sand table and the balance, and said in a bewildered expression, "This can't be a mechanism, it doesn't look like it."

Pei Miao inspected the sand table and the balance in the All-God Domain, and found that both the balance and the sand table were connected to organs, and the passage was just below the sand table.

Pei Miao said, "This is it."

Yao Wenhu asked: "Then how to break this organ?"

Ah Fa stared at the sand table and the balance for a moment, and said, "It should be enough to put the sand needed for river regulation into the balance tray."

Yao Wenhu said: "That's easy. Isn't there a dam on the sand table? Get all the sand from the dam into the tray, and it will be successful."

Pei Miao shook his head and said, "No, this dike looks about the same size as the one on the mural, but it's actually not the same size at all, and the parameters are also different. This dike is probably just erected at any time to remind people who enter here , the topic is on the mural."

Ah Fa nodded and said: "That's right, the parameters of this embankment are indeed wrong, the second half is a bit narrow, I need to calculate again according to the data I calculated, according to the scale on the mural, and then shovel the standard amount of yellow sand Get up and put it in the tray on the right side of the scale so that the scale is level and the mechanism should open."

Pei Miao said, "I think when you release the yellow sand, you must do it in one step, and you can't release it several times, otherwise you can open the mechanism by turning the balance with your hands."

Ah Fa thought for a while, then nodded in agreement: "I think so too, then I'll prepare the yellow sand I need first, and then pour it all in one go."

Pei Miao said, "Let's begin."

Without wasting time, Ah Fa immediately picked up those small shovels and began to look at the scales on these shovels. The scales on these shovels were all in ancient units. Fortunately, he knew the ancient volume measurement units very well, and he understood it at a glance. Then, He used a shovel to shovel the yellow sand into the stone mass, and scraped each shovel evenly, so that the measured yellow sand had a standard volume.

In order to get the amount of yellow sand he wanted, Ah Fa changed the shovel seven or eight times halfway through. After a while, he finally succeeded. Putting down the shovel, he saw that the stone was only half filled with yellow sand.

Ah Fa walked to the scale and said, "I'm about to start."

Pei Miaodu: "Fall it."

Ah Fa took a long breath, took the stone liter, and fell on the tray of the balance. All the yellow sand was poured into the tray, almost filling the tray, and the balance gradually regained its balance, but it was not absolutely balanced. , the balance swayed left and right for a while, and finally stopped slowly. At the moment it stopped, there was a light "click", and the mechanism was triggered.

Sure enough, the sand table began to move slowly, revealing the dark entrance below.

The three looked at the entrance excitedly, but soon, Yao Wenhu's expression became ugly, and he complained, "It's going down the stairs again."

For those who had just entered the underground palace, it seemed that Yao Wenhu was almost exhausted from walking the two thousand stairs, and now he encountered the stairs again, and he didn't know how long the stairs were, so he looked bitter and hated.

After all the entrances were opened, Pei Miao said, "Let's go, go down."

Yao Wenhu could only hang his head down and follow Pei Miao down, Afa was at the end.

Entering this passage, walking down the stone steps, the colder you feel as you go down. After walking more than 200 steps, Pei Miao felt that the temperature was close to zero.

He frowned secretly, it was not a good thing to be so cold.

After going down more than 100 steps, the stairs finally came to an end, and a stone door appeared in front of it, and the door was covered with ice slag.

Ah Fa looked around in confusion: "It's time to go to Guiguzi to ask the disciples the question, where are the questions and the mechanism?"

Pei Miao checked the door with his full attention, and found that the door was not locked. He tried to push the door, but found that the door was frozen solid because of the ice on the surface, so it was difficult to push it open.

Pei Miao said: "There is no question, and there is no trap, let's try to knock on the door and see if we can break open."

"Bumping the door?" Ah Fa asked suspiciously, "Shouldn't there be a trap?"

Pei Miao said, "This door has no mechanism."

"How did you know?"

Pei Miao really didn't know how to answer him, and he didn't bother to answer, and said, "We made an agreement when we were up there, but when we get down, everything will be under my command, and you can knock on the door."

Pei Miao had already spoken in an orderly tone, so Ah Fa naturally couldn't continue questioning him. The three of them discussed it and knocked on the door together. Pei Miao was in charge of shouting "one, two, three" to ensure that everyone's strength could erupt at the same time. .

"One! Two! Three!" The three rushed towards the stone gate together, raised their right foot at the same time, and kicked on the door.

The Shimen trembled slightly, and some ice shards fell, and the three of them all backed up several steps due to the force of the rebound.

"Come again!"

The three made preparations again, shouted one, two, three again, and kicked the door together.

This stone door is not big, mainly because it is frozen by ice, what they need to do now is to shake the ice down, and then the door can be opened.

Although the weather was cold, the three of them had been busy kicking the door, sweating profusely. Finally, after four or 10 minutes of kicking, there was a lot of crushed ice in front of the door. The kick opened a gap of three centimeters.

"Success!" Pei Miao exclaimed excitedly, and encouraged, "Persevere, it will be fully opened after a few more times!"

Killing three people continued to kick the door hard, and finally opened the stone door completely.

After entering the stone gate, a burst of cold air rushed towards their faces, and the three of them shivered together. Then, they saw a clattering sound inside, as if something had shattered and fell to the ground, and a light suddenly lit up inside.

"Fuck! What's going on!" Yao Wenlong exclaimed.

Pei Miao looked intently, and saw that there was a huge natural karst cave inside. The dome of the karst cave was filled with sufficient light. It turned out that on the dome, there was a huge round crystal with a protruding surface. It was this crystal that let the sunlight through. came in.

As for the noise just now, it was because there were many things covering the black crystal, and because they kicked the door and caused the vibration, those black things peeled off from the surface of the crystal and fell to the ground.

"What is that!" Ah Fa suddenly pointed forward.

Pei Miao and Yao Wenhu looked intently, and saw a huge block of ice on a large platform half a person's height in front of them. The light coming in from the crystal was refracted and all converged on this block of ice.

This crystal is like a large concave lens, which gathers the sunlight to one point and shines on the ice cubes. The ice cubes are melting rapidly under the sunlight.

"Go over and have a look." Pei Miao said, took the lead, walked over, came to the high platform, and walked up the high platform on the steps.

After walking up to the high platform, Pei Miao saw something in the ice and was shocked all over.

Inside this ice block, there is actually a person frozen, this person is an old man with white hair, looks very thin, with long hair draped over his shoulders, sitting on a golden chair carved with a dragon.

Ah Fa and Yao Wenhu also followed, through the ice, they also saw the old man inside, Ah Fa exclaimed: "There is a corpse inside this ice block!"

Yao Wenhu shouted: "Damn it, bad luck, why don't you make a coffin and freeze it in ice."

Pei Miao inspected the corpse in the ice with his full attention. There was nothing abnormal. He began to observe the terrain in this natural cave.

This cave is very large, and since the sunlight coming in from the top of the dome is quite sufficient, it can be seen clearly without the need for a flashlight.

Soon, Pei Miao noticed something. Behind the high platform he was standing on, there was a stone confession case. On top of the confession case, there was a jade cong. Cong is an ancient ritual vessel, octagonal in shape, with a It has a round hole, but this jade cong has a bottom, so it is already a container.

When Pei Miao entered this place, he felt a refreshing aura filled him, and now he can be sure that this aura came from this jade cong.

Pei Miao walked to the jade cong and looked inside, only to see that it was half filled with liquid. The liquid exuded an incomparably powerful aura. Pei Miao felt as if his whole body was full of strength just by smelling it.

"This is..." Pei Miao was stunned for a moment, he turned his head to look around, and finally looked up.

I saw a stalactite on the top, just facing the mouth of this jade cong. Obviously, the liquid in the jade cong dripped from this stalactite.

Pei Miao was so excited that he picked up the jade cong with both hands, his voice was a little trembling due to the excitement: "This is Long Yuan, I'm saved..."

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