treasure hunter

Chapter 323: Being Picked Up

Although Li Chufeng's words made Zhang Cheng feel reasonable, Zhang Cheng was not confused. He thought for a while and said, "If I can convince the teacher to transfer this painting, I'd like to buy it, so I won't bother you." You bother."

Li Chufeng was stunned when he heard the words, and then said with a dry smile: "That's right, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, you are right to do so."

He said so, but he was depressed in his heart: "This guy is the same as Pei Miao, he doesn't talk about martial arts."

Seeing that Li Chufeng was clearly depressed but forced to smile, Ye Xiangnan secretly smiled.

Zhang Yanghe waited downstairs in the restaurant for a long time, but he couldn't wait for his little father-in-law and mother-in-law. He could only sigh softly, and called Zhang Cheng, asking him to accompany him to pick up the bride.

The bride lived in a nearby hotel, and within 10 minutes, the bride picked her up. Zhang Yanghe and the bride Zhang Ling walked into the Peony Hall together. Immediately, all the guests in the Peony Hall stood up and applauded. Say congratulations.

Zhang Yanghe and Zhang Ling walked hand in hand and greeted the guests with smiles.

I saw that Zhang Yanghe was wearing a Tang suit today, Zhang Ling was wearing a red cheongsam wedding dress, and Zhang Yanghe even went to dye his hair black. The old couple and young wife didn't look awkward at all.

After everyone's applause subsided, Zhang Cheng said excitedly: "Teacher, ah no, it's uncle! Hahaha, uncle, we are very happy to be married, let's talk a few words."

Zhang Yanghe smiled and waved his hands: "What are you talking about, I'm not prepared at all, let's start the banquet quickly."

Everyone booed: "Old Zhang, just say a few words, after marrying such a young and beautiful daughter-in-law, don't you want some post-marriage feelings?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, say a few words."

Zhang Ling also blushed in a rare way. As far as I could remember, it had been a long time since anyone praised her with words like young and beautiful.

When everyone was running on Zhang Yanghe, Zhang Ling got excited and suddenly said: "Why don't I say a few words first."

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng hurriedly said, "Okay, aunt will come first."

When everyone heard that the bride was about to speak, they applauded excitedly.

Zhang Ling waited for everyone's applause to stop, and said slowly: "I have lived for more than 40 years, and I have also waited for more than 40 years. To be honest, sometimes I am at a loss and don't know what I am waiting for. They scolded me for more than ten years for not falling in love and getting married. I can only tell them that I want to find someone who is good at painting, quite good. In fact, this is just my excuse. The heartbeat."

Speaking of this, she suddenly turned her head to look at Zhang Yanghe, her eyes were tender and full of deep affection, and she continued: "Until I met Lao Zhang, I don't know why, my heart was moved. He is elegant, upright, and Responsibility and vicissitudes, in him, I saw all the advantages that a man should have. From that moment on, I told myself that the person I waited for was him, so..."

When Zhang Ling said this, she couldn't help covering her mouth with a shy smile, and said: "So I tried my best to get him, and now, I finally got my wish. Many people can't understand our marriage, even my parents don't understand it. Didn't come to the wedding, but I don't care, really thank you, for coming to our wedding, thank you."

After she finished speaking, she bowed slightly to the guests, and Zhang Yanghe quickly followed suit.

Immediately, everyone applauded. Although the bride's words were not particularly exciting, they showed true feelings everywhere. In this era where money is the most important thing and people are impetuous, everyone can't help but believe in love again.

The bride has already spoken, Zhang Yanghe, as the groom, naturally couldn't be more embarrassed, so he said: "Let me also say a few words, thank you all for coming to congratulate me today, this wedding is very ugly, It’s a bit of neglecting everyone. I also feel very sorry for Zhang Ling. After all, this is her first wedding. I also proposed to hire a professional wedding company for the semi-wedding in a big hotel, but Zhang Ling rejected it because she said, Marriage is for living, and weddings are for those little girls to keep the beautiful memories of their youth, but she doesn't care about these, as long as I can accompany her more in the future and live her little life well, she will be satisfied."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yanghe's eye circles were a little red. He took a long breath, and then let out a long breath. Obviously, he was restraining his excitement. After a long time, he continued: "Today, I just want to give Zhang Ling a Promise, I am 72 this year, I am very old, but I will work hard to maintain health, keep fit, make myself healthy, and spend another 20 years with my wife and children!"

Jia Xiangping heard the words and shouted: "20 years is not enough! At least 30 years!"

Zhang Yanghe laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Okay! Just 30 years! I must make Zhang Ling's hair whiter than mine!"

"Good! Long live a hundred years!"

Everyone shouted and applauded, and the atmosphere in the hall was very warm.

Zhang Ling quickly turned around, covered her mouth, and burst into tears.

It turns out that the simplest love story is the most touching...

Next, everyone began to send congratulatory gifts, Zhang Yanghe of course refused to accept them, he invited everyone over just to have a meal, he was already very happy that everyone could come, he didn't even want to accept gift money.

But Zhang Ling said with a smile: "It's everyone's kindness to accept and accept. There will be a long time in the future, so you have to plan carefully, and look, there are a lot of painting boxes."

Zhang Yanghe smiled when he heard the words. There are indeed a lot of painting boxes. He is a person who loves painting. The gifts from these people really hit his heart. He pointed to the mahjong table next to him and said: "Then put them all there. Come on, let's eat, come and take a seat."

Everyone took their seats one after another, and the waiter began to serve the dishes.

The guests here are basically people from central Jiangsu and southern Jiangsu, as well as people from Modu. Although they love to drink, they don't like to persuade him to drink. Zhang Yanghe just finished his promise to maintain health and live a long life. Naturally, everyone didn't persuade him to drink. So Zhang Yanghe drank boiled water, and the others drank or drank.

Seeing the beer in Pei Miao's glass, Li Chufeng smiled and asked Pei Miao, "Pei Miao, don't you want some white wine?"

Pei Miao shook her head, "I'm not used to drinking."

Li Chufeng asked again: "Where is the red wine?"

Pei Miao said, "I don't drink well, so just drink some beer."

Seeing that Pei Miao was only willing to drink beer, Li Chufeng didn't intend to clink glasses with Pei Miao.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaoshuai sneaked up to Ye Xiangnan's ear and said in a low voice, "Have you noticed that this Li Chufeng seems to be quite concerned about Pei Miao?"

Ye Xiangnan also said in a low voice: "It's like talking about gays, I think...the two of them are a bit...the kind of hero who cherishes heroes."

"Wrong." Wang Xiaoshuai said, "I think they are more like Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi than Crouching Dragon and Phoenix."

Ye Xiangnan argued: "His name is Li Chufeng, why is he not Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu?"

"The name doesn't matter." Wang Xiaoshuai rolled his eyes and said, "Pei Miao doesn't have Wolong in his name."

The two disagreed with each other, rolled their eyes at each other, and then...the amount of alcohol depends on the amount of alcohol.

Today's dinner was quite good, not to mention the food, the atmosphere was quite good, everyone was very warm and friendly, chatting about the world, there were many experienced old people at the dinner, and they talked about some strange things, Pei Miao and the others This group of young people listened with gusto and enjoyed eating.

After the banquet was over, at the entrance of the hotel, Zhang Cheng called one by one to help those who were drinking to find substitute drivers, while Zhang Yanghe and Zhang Ling said goodbye to the guests one by one, just walking slowly on the road and driving carefully.

It was Pei Miao's turn. Zhang Yanghe and Zhang Ling looked at Pei Miao and both smiled. Then Zhang Yanghe said, "Thank you, Pei Miao."

Pei Miao asked with a smile: "Old He's words made me a little confused, where did the thanks come from?"

Zhang Yanghe said: "I heard from Zhang Ling that you taught her to cook the uncooked rice first?"

Pei Miao said with a playful smile, "Rumors are definitely rumors."

Then all three of them burst out laughing.

Zhang Yanghe beckoned behind him, and Jia Xiangping ran over, holding a long sandalwood box in his hand. Pei Miao had seen this box at Zhang Yanghe's house, and it was for painting. There are more than a dozen scrolls in the box.

Zhang Yanghe took the sandalwood box, passed it to Pei Miao, and said, "If you give me a painting, I will give you one too."

Pei Miao didn't reach out to pick it up, but said in amazement: "Old He, on your wedding day, I should give you a congratulatory gift, but now you are giving me a painting, why?"

"From the beginning..." Zhang Yanghe smiled and said, "Thank you, Zhang Ling and I came together. This is the painting I cherish most. I originally planned to keep it as a family heirloom. Now ...sent you off."

"The most cherished one?" Pei Miao asked with a smile, "Wouldn't it be your painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival"..."

Zhang Yanghe smiled and nodded: "That's it."

Pei Miao hurriedly waved her hands when she heard the words: "Then I can't take it anymore, this is the most proud work of your life, how can I accept it."

Zhang Yanghe suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "The most proud work in my life? Hehe, that's in the past tense."

"Huh?" Pei Miao was taken aback when she heard the words, a little confused.

Zhang Ling said with a smile at this time: "My husband said that he will give you this painting that he was most proud of once, and then he will draw another one that he is proud of."

Pei Miao looked at Zhang Yanghe in surprise upon hearing this.

Zhang Yanghe's face was slightly proud, and he said leisurely: "Marrying Zhang Ling gave me a feeling of living a new life. If this is the case, I will forget my previous achievements and create even higher achievements. Although you guys from the Yangtze River The back waves are tough, but don't even try to slap us old things on the beach, I'm always climbing the peak."

Pei Miao was very moved when he heard the words, Zhang Yanghe's life attitude of living to learn and climbing the peak, really felt that all young people in the contemporary era should learn from it.

From others to himself, Pei Miao thought of himself, there is no hope in his own life, but if you don't work hard, you will never see hope.

Pei Miao stretched out both hands, and respectfully took the painting box handed over by Zhang Yanghe, with a very solemn expression and movement.

Li Chufeng watched from behind, and was quite envious. Although he didn't care about Zhang Yanghe's paintings, what he cared about was that his own light was actually taken away by Pei Miao. In the past, whenever he appeared in any place, he would definitely win the audience The focus of the body, the kind with 37 rays of light.

Pei Miao took the painting, said goodbye to Zhang Yanghe, and then led Ye Xiangnan and Wang Xiaoshuai to the parking lot.

After the three got into the car, they drove away without stopping too much.

The next morning, Pei Miao woke up a bit late, at 08:30, washed up, had breakfast, and after breakfast, went back to his room and started sorting out his books. He had a lot of books, some of which were left by his grandfather, and Some books on stone gambling and antiques were bought by myself, and the rest were books borrowed from Ye Lao.

He put these books separately, and then took out three books from Ye Lao, put them in his backpack, and prepared to show them to Shulong. Shulong is very talented in antiques and easy to learn. During this period of time, , He came into contact with a large number of antiques in the store, and read antique books whenever he had free time to accumulate knowledge. With the guidance of Professor Han, his antique appreciation skills can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has gradually become an expert.

Pei Miao drove to Jubaozhai, intending to give the book to Shulong first, and then go to Sister Niu. Sister Niu was so kind to him, but he had been back for a day or two, and Sister Niu didn't know about it, so he felt a little sorry .

When the car arrived at Chaotian Palace Antique Market, Shulong called, and Pei Miao connected the phone with the Bluetooth function. As soon as the call was connected, Shulong said eagerly: "Pei Miao, you have a friend who came to our shop. It's in, and I picked up a big leak!"

"What?" Pei Miao was taken aback when he heard the words, then suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked, "Is it Li Chufeng?"

Shulong said: "He didn't say your name, he just said he knew you, and then he started looking at things in the store, and then...he bought a painting of the Ming Dynasty, this man is really annoying, he bought everything, He also told me that this is a famous painting, and he found evidence on the spot that the painting was collected by my grandfather, and now my grandfather's blood pressure has risen, and he is very dizzy..."

Pei Miao said: "Don't worry, hurry up and give your grandpa antihypertensive medicine, if it doesn't work, send someone to the hospital, I'll be in the store right away."

"Well, I've fed him antihypertensive drugs, and now my mother is taking care of him, so he should be fine." Shulong said, "Who is this guy? He's so young, even Professor Han says he's very good. "

Pei Miao said: "A family of collectors in the capital city, it is said that the family even has a private museum."

"What a mess! There is a museum at home!" Shulong exclaimed, "Pei Miao, why did you recruit such a fairy to kick the museum?"

"I can't say a word or two. I'm almost there. We'll talk when we meet." After finishing speaking, Pei Miao hung up the phone and sped up the car a little.

Eight minutes later, Pei Miao arrived at Jubaozhai. As soon as she entered the shop, she saw Li Chufeng sitting at a round glass table in the rest area, drinking tea. On the table were a painting box and a blue and white porcelain long-necked bottle. .

Seeing Pei Miao coming, Li Chufeng smiled slightly at Pei Miao.

Shulong hurried to Pei Miao and said in a low voice, "He picked up another official flower kiln from the Ming and Qing Dynasties during the Zhengde period."

Pei Miao nodded and said, "Go and do your work, I'll deal with him."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the table and sat down, saying: "Brother Li, you are indeed here."

"Of course I want to come." Li Chufeng said, "Jubaozhai's reputation has long been like a thunderbolt, and the Ruyao Tianqing Brush Washer really deserves its reputation. I have opened my eyes today."

Pei Miao said, "I was shocked when I saw it for the first time."

Li Chufeng changed the topic, and suddenly said: "Other things are also good. I have to say that the Jubaozhai store is not big, but there are quite a lot of good treasures. Look, this is a painting and a painting that I missed in your Jubaozhai. Ming and Qing flowers, do you also appreciate and appreciate them?"

Pei Miao said, "Can I have a look?"

Li Chufeng spread her hands: "Please."

Pei Miao directly picked up the Ming and Qing flower flask and began to look at it.

Judging from the craftsmanship such as the glaze color of the fetus, this blue vase is somewhat uninteresting, but the azure background color is burnt well.

Sky blue color is very difficult to burn, and it depends on the weather when firing. Only the sky blue color burned in cloudy and rainy weather is the best, so there is such a line in the song "Blue and White Porcelain" that "the sky blue color waits for the misty rain , and I'm waiting for you."

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