Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 982 Another Strange Case

Hang Tianyi went forward, and the eunuch guarding the door motioned him to go in directly.

In the imperial study room, Chen Junmo stood with his back to the door, and when Hang Tianyi walked in, he happened to see the back of that stalwart.

At this moment, in the eyes of Hang Tianyi, this Ninth Five-Year Lord, the lord of the world, is just an ordinary person. wΑp.

As a human being, there are seven emotions and six desires, even emperors are no exception.

But the people in the royal family know how to hide their feelings best, because they are more intrigues and intrigues among each other, and everything is for the supreme power.

So, if you don't hide your emotions, how can you get to this point?

Sometimes, Hang Tianyi really felt that being born into the royal family was not a kind of glory, but a kind of sorrow. Although they were also human beings, they lacked a lot of things that people should have.

In fact, not only emperors, but anyone who is obsessed with power, who is not like this?

Whether it was on the earth in the previous life or in this world at present, this point seems to have never changed.

Hang Tianyi is the Lingguan of the Zhenxuan Division. He does not need to bow down, but the proper etiquette is still indispensable. After all, what is in front of him is the monarch of the Dajing Dynasty.

"I've seen Your Majesty!" Hang Tianyi looked respectful, but the awe that should have been in his heart was gone.

Chen Junmo turned around slowly, his expression was indifferent, and he still had that superior look.

As the king of a country, it is very important to judge and employ people, and Chen Junmo has never been short of this.

If he hadn't met an opponent like Wang Boduan, it is no exaggeration to say that Chen Junmo would very likely become one of the most accomplished monarchs in the history of the Dajing Dynasty.

It's a pity that all his energy is now devoted to dealing with Wang Boduan and the Wang family.

If there was no Chen Junmo, the Chen family's dynasty would probably have been named Wang by now. This is also lucky for the Chen family.

"Don't be too polite!" Chen Junmo had a faint smile on his face. The more he looked at the young man in front of him, the more delighted he felt.

Hang Tianyi Yuanshen is so powerful, he can feel the changes in Chen Junmo's eyes, and the emotions contained in them. At this time, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Your Majesty summoned my minister, what are your orders?" Hang Tianyi's words were obviously commonplace, but sometimes, even if it was commonplace, it was inevitable to say it. After all, it was a process.

Chen Junmo said: "There is a strange case in Jingzhou, and the Yamen can't solve it. I'm afraid I need you to go there!"

Jingzhou, which is one of the 36 prefectures of the Dajing Dynasty, is located in the southern border of the Dajing Dynasty, facing the [-] mountains in the south.

It is also the place where Chen Junmo, the king of Zhennan, is stationed. Chen Junshan, the king of Zhennan, also serves as the governor of Jingzhou.

Of the 36 states of the Dajing Dynasty, the only ones that are still in the hands of the royal family are the southern Kyushu, the eastern Kyushu, the north and the west, which were once under the control of the royal family.

Shuzhou is located in the southwest. Under Chen Junmo's plan, Wen Ruhai and Yao Chongtian were appointed to control Shuzhou. Although there are still remnants of the Wang family, they have finally regained a state.

In the current situation, the picture of the country controlled by the dynasty is only slightly more than that of the Wang family. One can imagine how powerful Wang Boduan's methods are.

It is true that Wang Boduan is powerful, and now Chen Junmo has gradually taken the top spot, but no one can guarantee that the accident in Jingzhou this time was not caused by Wang Boduan.

"A strange case?" Hang Tianyi was taken aback when he heard that, didn't it happen in the army?Then why did the soldiers of the Chiyun Army enter Beijing?For a moment, he was in a daze.

"People in Jingzhou were poisoned, and many people died, but there is no way to find out the cause of the poisoning, and there is no way to detoxify!" Chen Junmo said, he didn't deliberately go to see Hang Tianyi, but his every move was naturally clearly. .xiumb.

Hang Tianyi said: "If it's just a case, there is a state government office!".dfyxs.

"Why, you don't want to go?" Chen Junmo looked at Hang Tianyi, he had a gentle expression and a faint smile on his face.

The emperor doesn't seem to have any anger for Hang Tianyi's actions. He really is the king of a country.

It was only at this time that Hang Tianyi realized that there are some things that cannot be said, and you have to pretend to be. After all, this world is like this.

"No, I just think that this matter will not be so simple!" Hang Tianyi showed respect.

Chen Junmo nodded: "First, the people in Jingzhou were poisoned, and the governor became alert, and isolated those soldiers who had contact with the people, and now these soldiers are also..."

Needless to say, Hang Tianyi already understood.

"So Your Majesty suspects that it's not poisoning, but... the plague?" Hang Tianyi said.

The plague, to put it bluntly, is an extremely severe infectious disease, and there is no way to contain it in a short time.In this world, there is no technology, but the methods of the gods and ghosts are surprisingly weird.

If such a big problem really happened, Hang Tianyi knew better than anyone what would happen to the [-] Chiyun Army and what would happen to the Dajing Dynasty.

At this time, his mind really weighed tens of thousands of catties, and he felt that his body was almost unable to bear it.

"Yes, the governor was also suspicious, so he sent someone to report it urgently!" Chen Junmo said.

At this time, Hang Tianyi fully understood what was going on.

Although Hang Tianyi had never met Chen Junshan, King of Zhennan, the younger brother of the emperor in Jingzhou, but from his actions, it can be judged that he is definitely a powerful person.

"This case is not an ordinary case. It is related to the safety of the entire Dajing Dynasty. Now that you know the whole story, do you dare to go there?" Chen Junmo looked at Hang Tianyi, and in his voice, he heard Nothing comes out.

"Can I not go?" Hang Tianyi's expression straightened, he was not only a head catcher of the Kyoto Prefecture, but also a spiritual officer of Zhenxuan Division.

Zhenxuansi was the guardian of the Dajing Dynasty. As the spiritual officer of Zhenxuansi, Hang Tianyi had no choice.

Chen Junmo laughed loudly: "Okay, as expected of Hang Tianyi!"

If Hang Tianyi chooses to back down at this time, Chen Junmo will not be disappointed, because he knows better than anyone else what this matter has to do with it.

For Hang Tianyi to do this, Chen Junmo personally thinks that his ability is far from enough. He originally wanted that person to go in person.

But since that person recommended Hang Tianyi, Chen Junmo naturally had his own considerations. Until now, he had actually been testing Hang Tianyi.

Fortunately, Hang Tianyi did not disappoint.

Although the burden was heavy, Hang Tianyi didn't flinch in the slightest!

"You are very good. With your current ability, it is a bit lower to be a fifth-rank spiritual official!" Chen Junmo said.

Hang Tianyi couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and lowered his voice a bit. The emperor made it so clear, could it be that...

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