"My lord, is this another game?" Xu Liang asked Wen Ruhai in a low voice.

Wen Ruhai shook his head, his expression was very solemn at this moment.

"Today everything is out of control, we can only play by ear!" Wen Ruhai said.

Xu Liang looked at Hang Tianyi in front of him, with a slightly complicated look in his eyes. To be honest, he didn't agree with Wen Ruhai and Yao Chongtian's decision just now.

But I have to admit that both of them are good officials, and working under them can realize their ideals and ambitions.

At this time, Xu Liang felt conflicted in his heart.

"Xu Baotou, our choice, in many cases, is no choice, no matter what we do, or that sentence, just have a clear conscience!" Seeing Xu Liang's expression, Wen Ruhai instantly guessed what Xu Liang was doing at this time. some thoughts.

Xu Liangdao: "I used to think so, but Brother Hang said that sometimes, just having a clear conscience is not enough. The common people in this world are not the creatures we think, but the common people in the world. Common people, all living beings!"

"This kind of view has broadened our horizons a lot, but our position is for the common people!" Yao Chongtian said.

Xu Liang nodded. The size of the scope was not only a matter of vision, but also a matter of his own identity and position. He had to admit that Hang Tianyi was the most unpredictable person he had ever met.

But at the same time, Hang Tianyi's concept is too big, and there are many things that ordinary people cannot understand and accept.

In Hang Tianyi's eyes, the orthodox Taoism and heresy are just different ways of practice, but Xu Liang's deep-rooted thoughts are not like this.

Hang Tianyi and the others followed closely behind those masters, but they were nowhere to be seen at this time.

The rainbow road is long and endless, and there are floating clouds all around. This feeling is really like walking on the road to the fairyland.

The rules of dao rhyme here are very extraordinary, but because it involves phantoms, Hang Tianyi dare not comprehend it easily.

At this moment, the zhenqi in his body forms a large closed circle, which does not communicate with the outside world.

Not only Hang Tianyi, but also Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai.

On the contrary, Liu Ling was not too nervous or cautious. She was walking on the road, constantly exploring everything here, and the memory fragments in her mind were being arranged and combined at a very fast speed, and many things were slowly recovering.

I don't know that after leaving the fruit wine, there seems to be a new world in front of me.

The mountains are stretching, indistinguishable and gray, like a dusty world. Now that it is opened, its historical civilization will be re-presented in front of everyone today.

Hang Tianyi said: "Could it be that this is the real Changsheng Tianyuan?"

"Not bad!" In Liu Ling's voice, there seemed to be a little more coldness suddenly. Hang Tianyi's perception was so sensitive. He looked at Liu Ling sideways, and saw that her eyebrows were almost huddled together. pain. kΑnshuwu.ξà

"My heart hurts so much, there seems to be a voice calling me non-stop!" Liu Ling said.

Hang Tianyi sighed secretly, Liu Ling and Changsheng Tianyuan here are indeed connected, but they don't know what the connection is.

"Could it be the means of phantom?" Hang Tianyi said.

Liu Ling said, "But why did he face me?"

"Maybe they are planning something?" Hang Tianyi said.

"Is it the elixir of life?" Liu Ling didn't know why she said such words.

Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai in the back listened to the conversation between Hang Tianyi and Liu Ling, as if they were listening to a ghost story Yes,

Until now, none of them knew what the so-called phantom was.

But they were not fools, and they also connected it with the murderer who took the soul, but they didn't have any evidence, and it was not convenient to ask at this time.

Continue to walk forward for a while, and finally come to the end of the Rainbow Road. There is an endless abyss here, but it seems to be between the sea of ​​clouds.

Hang Tianyi suddenly had a strange idea, as if everything here was reversed by the earth.

"Tianyuan is above the sea of ​​clouds?" Li Chun couldn't help but look at the clouds floating under his feet.

Hang Tianyi said: "The sky and the earth are actually relative. Don't forget, when we came down, we walked a long way. I don't think the so-called world here can be equal to that poisonous miasma!"

Hearing these words, Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai reacted instantly.

"In other words, we are still in the underworld!" Li Chunlai likes to joke.

Hang Tianyi chuckled: "Be careful, this place may not be a good place, don't really go to the underworld!"

When Li Chunlai heard it, he felt chills down his spine, and he smiled coyly: "Boss is still joking at this time!"

Zhang Chenyu changed the topic: "I don't know where those masters walking in front are at this time!"

Hang Tianyi raised his head, the blooming five-color flower was in the void in the distance at this time, but it could be seen that its branches extended from the abyss.

In this way, this plant with strange flowers, whether it is a elixir or not, has finally found its root.

It's a pity that the roots of this strange flower are not outside, otherwise, the previous method of Tang Feng and Liu Hao might really have some effect.

"That's where the longevity medicine is, let's go!" Guan Shanyue and the others also arrived at this time, and they rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

The four of them, Hang Tianyi, stood aside at this moment, and did not act rashly. .xiumb.

Not long, Xu Liang.Wen Ruhai and others have already caught up.

Wen Ruhai and Yao Chongtian glanced at Hang Tianyi and Liu Ling with complicated expressions in their eyes, and at the same time, they continued to feel ashamed.

No matter what their motives were, when they made up their minds to deal with Liu Ling, they were doomed to have a difficult hurdle in their hearts.

Fortunately, Hang Tianyi stopped them, otherwise, their Dao Xin would definitely be affected.

"Brother Hang, now that the elixir of longevity has appeared, we must stop Guan Shanyue and the others, otherwise you must be clear about the consequences!" Xu Liang said.

Wen Ruhai said: "Hang Butou, we beg you!"

Hang Tianyi said: "Some things, since they have already happened, there is no need to think about the unrealistic ones. If you hold your fingers tightly, you can't grasp anything. If you let go of your hands, you can own the whole world. My lords, Brother Xu, since the elixir really exists, we can't stop these people from fighting over it, so why continue to struggle?" wǎp.

That's what he said, but in fact, Hang Tianyi didn't think that way in his heart. There was a voice calling in his heart, asking him to prevent the longevity medicine from falling into the hands of those demons.

There will be such a thought, everything is affected by Haoran Jue, at this moment, his Taiqing Zhenqi will work on its own, making the Lingtai instantly clear.

This way, you can stay calm.

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