Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 866 Black Light

Hang Tianyi said: "The land of Shuzhou seems really extraordinary!"

"It's just the environment. People who live here, over time, are not surprised by poisons and drugs!" Xu Liang said.

This is true. After getting used to it, many things that are novel in the eyes of others will become commonplace.

Things in the world have always been like this.

Thinking of this, Hang Tianyi looked at the poisonous miasma in front of him again, and felt normal.

"Look, there is someone in front!" Li Chunlai shouted loudly.

"Why are you excited, even if there is someone, they are dead now!"

Hang Tianyi didn't hit Li Chunlai, because at this moment, he really didn't feel any vitality.

In the gray mist, thirty feet ahead, a figure leaned against a black stone wall.

His clothes are also black.

As the breeze blew, the black clothes suddenly made a hunting sound, releasing an indescribably strange aura.

"Should...he's a living person, look, he's moving!" Li Chunlai shouted loudly.

He himself knew that it was not a human being, and the sound came out just to confuse that ghost.

At the same time, a ray of light shot out from the fingertips, which was the manifestation of the power of the sword talisman.

The moving sound and shadow suddenly let out a scream, and a black ray of light sank into the gray mist from three places inside.

At this moment, the moving figure fell to the ground.

The wind was still blowing, and the black clothes were flipped, making hunting sounds.

"What's going on?" Li Chunlai froze on the spot, his sword energy was just testing, but who would have thought that such a strange scene would happen?

Hang Tianyi didn't speak, but his expression was extremely solemn, and even he didn't see clearly the black light that shot out just now.

It is conceivable how fast that thing is.

Xu Liang and Meng Jiaojiao walked in front and came to the place where the fallen figure was. Meng Jiaojiao drew out her long sword and moved the black clothes away, but there was a white bone on the ground.

The three Hang Tianyi who came up from behind were startled when they saw such a situation.

"Could it be this bone that moved just now?" Li Chunlai said.

Zhang Chenyu said: "To be precise, the bones can move because of the black light flashing inside!"

"What is that?" Li Chunlai asked.

Zhang Chenyu didn't speak, he obviously didn't know.

Here, Hang Tianyi and Xu Liang, who are well-informed and knowledgeable, can barely be regarded as the best.

Because Hang Tianyi recognized Bi Fang during the day, everyone agreed that Hang Tianyi was the most powerful one.

Well, in fact, just looking at the image, Hang Tianyi is handsome, he does have a refined atmosphere, and he has the demeanor of a scholar. All of this is naturally due to the Confucian Haoran formula.

Of course, his own natural temperament is also placed here.

"This is really weird!" Zhang Chenyu said again.

Hang Tianyi said: "Do you think there is a possibility that this man has only bones left because the black thing ate all his flesh?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt chills down their backs, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Boss, don't tell ghost stories at this time!" Li Chunlai subconsciously looked behind him, really afraid that a dark ghost would suddenly come from behind and kill him.

Hang Tianyi couldn't help smiling, and after Li Chunlai's words, the atmosphere suddenly eased.

Xu Liang smiled and said, "It's not unusual to see a ghost in this place!"

"I'm a ghost hunter, what am I afraid of?"

Thinking of this, Li Chunlai stood up straight, but this thing, this is not a ghost, so he was really afraid in his heart.

Hang Tianyi looked at the place where the black light passed, and said, "Where does this road lead? This is just a clue that the adults left us, how about..."

"You mean go in the direction where the black light went out?" Meng Jiaojiao said. .dfyxs.

Hang Tianyi said: "I mean, you rest here now, I'll go over and have a look!"

"No, it's too dangerous, we have to go together!" Xu Liang resolutely objected.

Hang Tianyi said: "If we all go in the past and the road goes astray, then it will be a big problem!"

Several people wanted to talk, but they were blocked by Hang Tianyi's words: "You are here, you can help each other, and I can go there alone, that's enough!"

Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai were about to say something, but Hang Tianyi's attitude was very firm, and he released a majesty that could not be rejected.

"Boss, then be careful!" Li Chunlai was no longer as careless as he was just now.

Hang Tianyi nodded. The reason why he acted alone was that his injury had fully recovered under the circulation of Taiqing Zhenqi. wǎp.

Li Chun came to several people, and all of them were still injured.

In this poisonous miasma, although everyone takes antidote pills, everyone knows how dangerous it is.

It was night again, and it was the best choice for them to stop and rest.

Walking into the gray mist, Hang Tianyi felt as if he had walked into another new space after only a few feet away.

Moreover, Hang Tianyi could clearly perceive the gray mist that permeated the room, and it contained highly toxic substances.

The black ghost just now disappeared suddenly, which shows that it is not afraid of the poison here.

It also shows from the side, that ghost thing must also be poisonous.

In this poisonous miasma, to find something that is not poisonous, it can be said that it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Naturally, Hang Tianyi was not too surprised by this speculation.

"Maybe that thing grew in it, and it will react like that when it sees us!"

Hang Tianyi made a judgment, because the toxicity of the things on that road was much weaker than that on this side.

It is almost impossible for that person to be soaked in poison, and then only bones are left.

The meat must have been eaten by that ghost.

At this moment, that black light kept appearing in Hang Tianyi's mind, and he really wanted to see clearly what the hell it was.

Unfortunately, there is still no way to judge after all.

While thinking, a gust of wind blows, and the poisonous gray mist suddenly rolls towards this side.

Hang Tianyi's sleeves vibrated, and the mist was blown away, and the wind was blowing on his feet, and he moved forward lightly. .xiumb.

When avoiding the gray mist, Hang Tianyi stopped.

Here, it is a flat land, but the soil is also black.

Hang Tianyi looked down, and there were a few footprints on the ground, which were not so obvious, but could be vaguely judged, they looked like mice.

But he knew that ordinary mice would definitely not be able to survive here.

Even if there are rats here, they are extremely poisonous rats.

Moreover, this kind of poisonous rat is an expert in eating meat, and the white bones placed in front of it are the best proof.

Thinking of this, Hang Tianyi's expression became a little serious. It is obvious that this poisonous miasma is not a pool of stagnant water.

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