Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 795 Enlightenment and Reasoning

In this world, many things are different if you look at them from different angles, but in fact, many different essences or phenomena are all due to the same reason.

Just like the shadow on the ground, although it looks different from Hang Tianyi, in fact, it is all because of the westward setting of the sun.

However, no matter how long or short that look is, it will be reflected on the ground after all.

The same is true of these dead people, they all died because of the murderer, and the reason is the same.

In this way, between them, some seemingly different things are the same.

That is, they all know martial arts, even if they are different in level, even if the prospect of Zhang Yuan's family is probably not even able to reach the realm.

Knowing martial arts is what the murderer needs, why doesn't he just choose people from the world to do it?

Obviously, not only do they know martial arts, but the martial arts they know are extremely special.

Moreover, the most likely reason for the murderer to choose a woman is because only a woman has practiced that martial art, and her soul is useful to him.

According to this logic, the murderer is probably practicing some kind of powerful magic art.

When Hang Tianyi thought of this, he also thought of the upcoming martial arts conference, and the Changsheng Tianyuan, which seemed to have no clue until now.

At this time, Hang Tianyi felt that there must be some connection, but he couldn't think of the key point.

"This point is not important. What's important is to know the murderer's goal next. As long as you understand what kind of magic art he is practicing, you can sit on the sidelines!" Hang Tianyi thought in his heart.

What Dai Xiaochai and Hong Xuan sent were not in Xu Liang's files.

It's no wonder that what they usually record is the birthday, and some conditions of the people who were killed. How can they pay more attention to who is what kind of person in the ordinary world?

Hang Tianyi came back to his senses, he looked at Dai Xiaochai and the two, and said, "After I leave, you must be careful, don't be watched, after all, we are rebellious!"

"Understood!" Hong Xuan agreed.

Hang Tianyi nodded, came out of the broken house, and headed straight for the yamen.

Xu Liang was very anxious yesterday and couldn't hold himself steady, but today, he went out to investigate the case himself.

When investigating a case, the scene of the crime is always very important.

Xu Liang was able to go to these scenes, and found some clues from them, but it was obviously not that easy.

After returning, all the cases were involved in my mind, but there were still no useful clues.

Many times, if people's thinking is stuck in a dead end, it is very difficult to get out.

"Brother Xu, we have a clue!" Hang Tianyi approached the yard and said with a smile when he saw Xu Liang sitting under a big tree meditating.

Xu Liang came back to his senses, his eyes lit up: "Brother Hang, tell me quickly!"

The news that Hang Tianyi will get, as well as the reasoning, have been explained one by one.

Xu Liang clapped his hands and said, "Actually, we should have thought of this place long ago, but we missed an opportunity. Brother Hang, your thinking is indeed much more active than mine. You can't look at things from a single perspective!"

Hang Tianyi nodded: "That's the reason. What we need to do now is to know what kind of magic skill this murderer has practiced, and what other pieces are there for him!"

"We don't know what his chess pieces are, but since he was in that alley, it means that someone there is his chess piece. Let's go find a girl who knows martial arts, and you should be able to figure out the surroundings!" Xu Liang said.

Hang Tianyi smiled and said, "That's exactly the truth!"

"Then let's start to act!" At this time, Xu Liang's eyes were shining brightly. He cooperated with Hang Tianyi, and it seemed that Hang Tianyi was solving all the brainstorming matters.

But this is very good. At this moment, he really admires Hang Tianyi so much.

Among Xu Liang's subordinates, Xu Shan is obviously the most able to do things.

Xu Shan had a lot of opinions on Hang Tianyi, but after the two brothers talked, Xu Shan's hostility towards Hang Tianyi was still gone. .Κanδhu5.iá

He was not convinced by Hang Tianyi, but because of his elder brother Xu Liang.

A group of people set off to the alley where the war took place.

Coming here again, the strength of that night is still lingering in my heart.

In Hang Tianyi's eyes, the expression was a little complicated.

Now, he has opened his heart and no longer keeps those things in his heart.

"Brother, it's always weird for us to go door to door and ask people if they have girls and if they know martial arts!" Xu Shan said.

Xu Liang said: "There is no better way now!"

"Okay, let's take the brothers!" Xu Shan said.

Xu Liang nodded, and after watching Xu Shan and the others go away, he suddenly said: "Brother Hang, what method do you think the murderer used that night? Besides, how did he steal people's souls so silently?" gone?"

Hang Tianyi said: "It's like a ban, but it's not, and it's not a formation. It's really weird, but it does make this kid become both real and illusory in an instant, and it will also affect people's thoughts. Evil and hardship are completely magnified!"

"That's right. At that time, I seemed to be in a closed space. I kept repeating these things. I struggled desperately, but it seemed to be of no use at all. There was no way to open the shackles of that space!"

When Xu Liang thought about what happened the night before, he couldn't help breathing quickly.

Hang Tianyi nodded. His situation at that time was actually more dangerous than Xu Liang's.

It's just because in normal times, the mind is active and the eyes can see farther. Otherwise, it would be easier said than done to see through everything!

"No matter what method he used, we are not too far away from the truth now!" Hang Tianyi said.

Xu Liangdao: "But precisely because of this, the more you want to break through the fog in front of you, the more difficult it will be!"

"That's the truth!" Hang Tianyi agreed.

He looked ahead, and there was a mansion there, which was not small in scale.

"Why don't we go up and have a look?" Hang Tianyi said.

Xu Liangdao: "Naturally, we have to take a look. The person who lives in front of this place is also a famous person in Shuzhou!"

"A man in the martial arts?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Xu Liang nodded: "It is true that he is from the martial arts world, and his family has a daughter who is as famous as Liu Ling and Tang Hongdie in Shuzhou City!"

The same name, of course, refers to beauty.

Hang Tianyi smiled lightly: "I don't know which one this is?"

"Meng Jiuxiao, his daughter, Meng Jiaojiao!" Xu Liang said.

"So, this Miss Meng is most likely the murderer's pawn?" Hang Tianyi's eyes became sharper.

"I don't think it's a big deal. After all, their family's martial arts are already unrivaled in the world, so there's no need to practice some outsiders!" Xu Liang said.

Hang Tianyi didn't speak, he didn't actually say what Xu Liang said on the battlefield.

Without him, in this world, after a person's ambition and desire reach a certain level, the whole person will be distorted!

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