Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 739 Advance to Broken Mountain

In the storm, Hang Tianyi's primordial power was constantly consumed, but at this time, his perception of the power of Tianlong and Buddha became more and more profound.

The Primordial Spirit in the Sea of ​​Consciousness sat cross-legged above the golden sea of ​​Consciousness, surrounded by three forces from top to bottom, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable aura.

Back then, when Fa Hai passed on the power of Tianlong and Buddha to Hang Tianyi, he never thought that Hang Tianyi would go back to where he is today. He integrated the rules and rhymes of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. They are all in a special state that has never been seen before.

In the future, with the improvement of the realm, I don't know what changes will happen and where I will go.

There were constant whirring sounds in his ears, and Hang Tianyi stepped down, but it was extremely light. After a while, he finally saw hope.

As long as you continue to walk a distance of thirty feet, you can pass through this evil spirit storm.

There is naturally a reason for the evil spirit to stir up and form a storm.

But this is a storm after all, it is mobile, as long as you can walk through its coverage, you can be safe.

Not only Hang Tianyi was excited, but the people who followed were also excited.

Because they saw that after walking through the storm, there was a broken mountain range in front of them, and there might really be a great opportunity hidden there.

This is a legend in ancient times. Who would have thought that today, it is about to reappear in the world, what will the sword master leave behind on this battlefield?

Gods and demons have always been relative, just like the yin and yang in the movement of heaven and earth, but whether they are gods or demons, they are all within the category of immortals, which is why there are so-called immortals, demon immortals, and so on. .Κanδhu5.iá

The sword master is considered a strong man in the human race, not a god, nor a magic fairy, maybe he can be called a human fairy.

This is a peerless powerhouse who prevented the western magic fairy from attacking the east. Although that stop has been submerged in history and has become a legend, it can be speculated from the current cultivation base of people.

Back then, the sword master alone blocked thousands of demon troops. What a spectacular scene and what a tragic battle it was.

But at this time, Hang Tianyi saw something strange again.

At the periphery of the storm, there seemed to be a wall of light. This wall of light was obviously formed after the evil spirit condensed and they walked in.

This is the manifestation of the ruled Daoyun, which is very terrifying. If they want to walk through this storm, they must open this protective wall.

In this way, Hang Tianyi walked in front, but if there was a moment of stagnation, those who followed would definitely fall into a life-and-death crisis in an instant.

Hang Tianyi's expression froze slightly: "It's a little troublesome, but it's nothing more than that!"

The moment the sound spread, Hang Tianyi's body paused, and then he spun violently. The big sword flew out, and the swords of others merged into one, turning into a shooting star, rushing towards the light wall.

Hongdie and the others behind also saw the danger here, and their hearts were all raised in their throats.

At this time, there is no way out, and I don't know what to do.

But at the critical moment, Hang Tianyi was so fierce. At this time, they all formed a protective wall with true energy, and then followed closely behind Hang Tianyi.

It's just that the speed is obviously not as good as Hang Tianyi's.

At this moment, if Hang Tianyi was in danger, the entire army would obviously be wiped out.

Fortunately, Hang Tianyi, who is one with sword and man, is really not a cover-up.

The sharp sword intent erupted suddenly, and directly pierced a big hole in the Yunguang wall.

With a bang, Hang Tianyi had already heard the location of the center of the storm, and all the people behind followed him.

Several people looked at the past storm from a distance, and they really had lingering fears.

At the same time, they finally had time to look at the young man in front of them, he was truly unfathomable.

Could it be that a strong man is here?After all, anyone who enters the realm of the Purple Mansion can stay beautiful.

If Hang Tianyi was really some old monster, then obviously it wouldn't be a surprise.

However, just now, Hang Tianyi's aura was definitely in the realm of Tongxuan, so they couldn't figure it out.

At this time, many people looked at the big sword in Hang Tianyi's hand, and they felt that it was probably because of the sword in his hand that Hang Tianyi was able to be so aggressive tonight.

From the moment he saw Hang Tianyi, there was an indescribably fierce aura on his body, but anyone who was not weak in cultivation knew that it was the release of sword energy.

At that time, they thought that Hang Tianyi was a powerful swordsman, and that's why he had the aura on him.

Now it seems that everything is because of the sword in his hand?

Thinking of this, several people have already started to move, and they have taken a fancy to Hang Tianyi's great sword.

Hang Tianyi didn't need to look to know what these people were thinking.

No matter what their thoughts are, as long as they don't come to die, they will be fine. If anyone doesn't have eyes, he can only blame him for being rude.

"Go!" Hang Tianyi walked out first, Li Chunlai, Zhang Chenyu, and Hongdie all followed, and soon entered the dilapidated mountain range ahead.

Looking around, the mountain is either broken, or there is an abyss thousands of feet deep on the ground, or there are horizontal rocks.

In the meantime, there was an unfathomable dead air.

This death aura is much more terrifying than the previous evil aura. Obviously, it comes from the western demons.

Although they died, the aura remaining between the heaven and the earth can still infect all things.

If the mind is not firm, I am afraid that at this time, they will be lost.

"Boss, it's a bit scary here. The Juggernaut, an old man, probably wouldn't put good things in this kind of place, would he?"

Li Chunlai felt in his heart that before he got close, he had already sensed the indescribable horror, as if thousands of roads had been unsheathed and aimed at the place where they walked in.

"Who knows if the Juggernaut has any good things?" Hang Tianyi said, this is true, and this made Li Chunlai even more reluctant to go in.

But at this moment, the kid suddenly thought, if he was afraid at this time, would Hang Tianyi and the others laugh at him?

Furthermore, he, Li Chunlai, is he the kind who retreats when encountering a little danger?

No, absolutely not, Li Chunlai felt that such thoughts at this time were because Hang Tianyi and the others were not guiding him correctly, and wanted to make him look ugly. How could he be a policeman from the capital of the capital and a spiritual officer from the Zhenxuan Division? May be fooled?

A certain person thought wildly for a while, but he didn't know that Hang Tianyi and the others really didn't care about him so much.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the broken mountain in front.

Hang Tianyi operated the profound arts, directly swayed away the pervasive death energy, and then stepped out. For a moment, he felt that there were countless needles moving in the air, and there were indescribable pains that pierced the skin. pain.

The awe-inspiring power of Confucianism played a predictable role at this time.

At this time, under his skin, there was a faint light that filled the scrolls, and the acupuncture-like rules of dao rhyme were all dissolved one by one.

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