Hang Tianyi was taken aback when he heard this. The girl was not very old, but her words and deeds always gave people a sophisticated feeling. He smiled lightly and said, "Isn't it really for fame and fortune that the girl went to Shuzhou? After all, you I also said that people in the Jianghu are fighting for the leader of the martial arts!"

Hongdie chuckled lightly: "I told you, I just went to see the excitement!"

"It turns out that the girl is a person who likes to watch the excitement!" Hang Tianyi said casually, but in his heart, he was guessing Hongdie's identity.

Unfortunately, in his consciousness, there seems to be no such person in the Jianghu.

Talking and laughing, running all night, in a blink of an eye, it is already dawn.

Because they were not in a hurry, they were still some distance away from the small town at Qingwu Ferry.

In the morning, the sun showed half of its face from the mountain in the east. It was red, soft, and not very warm.

In early autumn, the leaves of the trees begin to turn yellow. In the world of alternating green and yellow, whether it is in the distance or nearby, the dead air of vitality and decay circulates around.

Hang Tianyi can perceive the changes in the spirit of the world here without releasing the power of the soul.

Seasons change, everything goes round and round, this is the law of heaven and earth.

The practice of Taoism is to follow the nature of the heaven and the earth, understand the laws of the operation of all things, and use them in practice. This is the so-called way of heaven.

Hang Tianyi possessed the Taiqing Wuwei Sutra, the supreme exercise of Taoism, and his understanding of the changes in the rules of the operation of all things is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Invisibly, all aspects of his energy and spirit have improved, and changes have taken place consciously or unconsciously. It's just that he is in an extremely strange state and cannot perceive it.

Hongdie, who was walking on the side, glanced sideways, with surprise in her eyes.

A person can practice cultivation while walking. This ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After continuing on for nearly half a stick of incense, a small town came into view.

Hang Tianyi came back to his senses and looked up, only to see the houses in front of him look like houses, the streets are criss-crossed, and people come and go like weaving, full of fireworks.

This is the wonder of the mundane world. It seems that everywhere is turbid, but there is a fresh air that cannot be easily detected.

When you can discover the wonders in this world, it will be beneficial in terms of energy and spirit.reading books

At this time, Hang Tianyi couldn't help but wonder, did becoming a fairy mean abandoning everything in this world, so as to make him feel like a fairy?

If after becoming a fairy, he is just a cold wooden man, even if he can live forever, then becoming a fairy does not seem to have much meaning.

People live for a lifetime, the grass and trees fall, everything is nothing more than that!

After a night's journey, although Mei was with him, Hang Tianyi and the others felt sleepy and hungry.

Not long after walking on the street, I saw an inn and went in.

With the beauty of Hongdie, Hang Tianyi, Li Chunlai, and Zhang Chenyu also became the attention of everyone at this time.

Of course, these eyes were surprised when they looked at Hongdie, but unfriendly when they looked at Hang Tianyi and the other three.

Such a beautiful woman, accompanied by three men, naturally would not show good looks to those who are interested.

But Hang Tianyi doesn't care, if anyone thinks he is a soft persimmon, just come and try.

Of course, for no reason, he would not work hard for a woman, after all, this is a dangerous woman, not one of his own.

Not long after, the food and wine were still served, and when the three of them were eating and drinking, suddenly an old man walked up to the high platform on the side of the stairs in the inn.

When Hang Tianyi walked in, he noticed it. At that time, he guessed if there was any activity, such as dancers dancing or something.

Who would have thought that it was an old man who came up to the high platform.

The old man had a stooped body, dressed in a Confucian shirt, and had gray hair. He had a strong sense of the world. He had no resemblance to any scholar Hang Tianyi had ever seen.

It seemed that he wanted to contrast sharply with those elegant and romantic scholars.

Hang Tianyi can only describe it in one sentence: This old man really has a personality!

At this moment, someone placed a long table on the high platform with a fan on it.

Looking at the scene, Hang Tianyi instantly understood that our old man is a storyteller, and I really don't know what shocking and weeping stories he will tell.

"Everyone, today I will tell you a story about the God of Hang to solve the case and conquer the demons!"

The old man opened the folding fan and let out a whooping sound. His every move exuded an extraordinary aura. At this moment, his aura underwent an indescribable change in an instant.

He is no longer the rickety man, but a great Confucian who points out the world and inspires words.

No, the aura on him is still wrong, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Daru.

But for some reason, Hang Tianyi still felt that this was a great Confucian.

Who says great Confucian scholars have to be Li Yunbai and Wei Xuan?There are all kinds of beings.

At the same time, Hang Tianyi's mind also moved slightly. In this Dajing Dynasty, there used to be a god catcher with the same surname as himself?

It's not Hang Tian Yipiao anymore. Recently, his reputation is indeed very loud. Many people secretly call him a god catcher.

Regarding this title, for a while, Hang Tianyi was still happy in his heart, but now, his mood has changed, and he no longer cares much about these things.

However, I was still a little proud in my heart, God catcher, this sounds very exciting!

When someone was thinking wildly, the loud voice of the old man came out again from the high platform: "Speaking of which, this Hangshen catcher is eight feet long, has delicate features, and has three heads and six arms. Although demons and ghosts change in many ways, no matter what angle you attack from, he can attack you." You can see clearly, the divine sword is swung, and the sword glows across the sky, if monsters and ghosts dare to get close, one sword will kill them!"

With three heads and six arms, and a pretty face?

Hang Tianyi felt that this was like: a young old man, holding a long sword, killed a person who is still alive?

Such nonsense, but the people in the inn seem to like to hear this kind of nonsense.

Obviously, doing so captures people's novelty-seeking psychology.

It's like when he was in his previous life, some people liked to watch men and men dating, or watch some messy things.

Some serious, very connotative, but no one paid attention to.

It turns out that the two worlds have many things in common.

Someone seems to have realized something, but in fact he is secretly complaining.

Then, the more he said it was outrageous, he said that this Hangshen catcher, in order to subdue demons and demons, lurked in the den of demons, and took down a certain demon leader in one fell swoop.

After telling this story, the old man revealed that this Hangshen catcher is called Hang Tianyi.

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