The three of them stepped out at the same time and came to the flat ground on the top of the mountain.Master Kurong's expression was a little complicated, and he clasped his hands together: "Amitabha!"

"You have won, the winner and the loser!" Master Withered Wood wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The impact of the formation just now had caused his meridians to be severed, his soul to be broken, and it was impossible to survive.

"Why?" Master Kurong asked.

Deadwood heard the words, but showed disdain, and sneered: "Why? Don't you understand? It is clear that Purdue Temple does not allow you to learn the power of Heavenly Dragon and Buddha. Haven't you learned it?"

"This is different. I only learned it with the permission of my mentor. In addition, Grand Master Uncle is not the murderer of that big case back then. The real murderer is you. His unique knowledge is authentic Buddhist supernatural powers. Why? Can't learn?" When Master Kurong said this, his mind was a little unstable.

In any case, the two of them are considered the leaders of the younger generation. They usually exchange ideas with each other, whether it is Buddhism or cultivation, because there is a certain friendship.

Deadwood didn't speak, he closed his eyes and waited to die.

"Brother, you are not the culprit behind all of this. Now, are you still unwilling to tell the people behind?" Master Kurong said.

In fact, who was behind the scenes had already been guessed last night, but there was no evidence, and now, Deadwood has become the only witness.

Hang Tianyi had already speculated that the only monk here who knew the identity of that person was Master Deadwood.

Master Kurong still closed his eyes, ignoring Master Kurong.

At this moment, in the void, there was a burst of piercing sound, but it was Master Jiaxiang, the abbot, and Master Jiaying, the great elder.

The jade here naturally releases the Buddha power as thick as a mountain, but this Buddha power obviously has no effect on the two of them.

It can be seen that the cultivation of these two people obviously surpassed the realm of Yuantai.

At this moment, Li Chunlai and the others in the distance all stared straight at him.

They couldn't even go one step further, but the two masters, Jiaying and Jiaxiang, flew directly from the sky, and they were obviously land gods.

After the formation was destroyed, Liao Daheng and Liu Ying also climbed to the top of the mountain at this time.

The two eminent monks of Purdue Temple pre-controlled the flight, and they were one step ahead of them. Compared with this, it seemed a bit embarrassing.

But it was only for a moment, and the two felt relieved.

These two eminent monks are both well-known existences in the world. They are just two juniors. Maybe they will have a chance to catch up in the future.

"Sinister!" Jiaying's expression was very ugly, this dead tree was his most proud disciple.

Deadwood didn't say anything, and opened his eyes to look at Master Jiaying.

But Jiaxiang sighed: "Fortunately, these children are just in a coma at this moment, and they didn't make a big mistake. Don't be too angry, junior!"

"How can I not be angry? This evil disciple dared to do such an outrageous thing in this Purdue Temple. This is because the younger brother is ignorant and lured wolves into the house!" Master Jiaying was heartbroken and his face was full of anger.

"On the way of practice, who can guarantee that he will not make mistakes all the time? Now..." Master Jiaxiang originally wanted to say that now that a mistake has been made, as long as he can repent, it is naturally possible.

But he suddenly discovered that the dead wood's meridians were cut off, and it was obvious that he would not be able to survive.

For a moment, Master Jiaxiang clasped his hands together, with a complicated expression on his face: "Amitabha!"

"Evil disciple, even if you die a hundred times, you will not be able to forgive your crime!" Master Jiaying raised his palms and concentrated his strength, and was about to attack the dead wood.

Hang Tianyi shouted loudly: "Master, please slow down!"

Master Jiaying stopped his hand in the air and looked at Hang Tianyi: "What advice does the benefactor have?"

"I don't dare to teach you, but this dead wood master can't be killed!" Hang Tianyi said.

"Can't kill? People like him can't be killed, so who can kill?" Master Jiaying said.

Hang Tianyi looked indifferent: "Because of the dead wood, it is definitely not the real behind-the-scenes!"

"He is not suitable to be behind the scenes, who is? Now that the evidence is solid, who will wrong him?" Master Jiaying's voice was like thunder.

Hang Tianyi said: "He's just a chess piece, but he doesn't have the consciousness of a chess piece!"

Hearing these words, Master Deadwood's mind moved, and he couldn't help looking at Hang Tianyi.

At this time, Master Jiaying snorted, "A chess piece? Does the donor have any evidence? You say he is not the real behind-the-scenes, so who is the behind-the-scenes?"

Hang Tianyi looked at Master Jiaying: "It is not difficult to speculate that in this Pudu Temple, the only person who can command and order Master Kumu is probably only you, the Great Elder, Master Kumu's mentor, Master Jiaying !"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence on the mountain peak.

The cold wind blows, and everyone is in a state of extreme sobriety.

"Aren't the benefactors joking?" Master Jiaying had a peaceful expression, no longer the glaring Vajra just now.

Hang Tianyi said seriously: "Master thinks I'm joking?"

"No, to be precise, the poor monk has never heard such a funny joke!" Master Jiaying said.

Both Master Kurong and Master Jiaxiang knew about the doubts about Jiaying.

But Master Jiaxiang has always been unwilling to believe it, he told Master Deadwood, unless it is proved by evidence.

Master Kurong couldn't produce any evidence, so he couldn't say anything.

But Hang Tianyi was not from Pudu Temple, so he didn't have any worries.

Of course, Hang Tianyi's identity restricts him from talking nonsense, after all, he is the head catcher of the Kyoto Prefecture.

Slandering the eminent monks of Pudu Temple, not to mention what the imperial government will do, I am afraid that as soon as he goes to Wuhua Mountain, people who believe in Buddhism will immediately come out to deal with him.

In Huazhou of the Dajing Dynasty, there were quite a few people who believed in Buddhism. It was absolutely impossible for Hang Tianyi to get out of Huazhou alive. After all, he was only in the state of concentration.

Under such danger, seeing that Master Kurong and Master Jiaxiang were silent, he was still willing to take the risk and stand up.

If it was Hang Tianyi in the past, it would definitely not be like this. All of this was obviously influenced by the Taiqing Inaction.

Life is alive, something to do, something not to do, life and death, why bother to think about it?

Hang Tianyi just counted, there are 360 ​​four children lying here, if the bear child Tao Ran didn't escape, 360 five lives must have died here today.

During a war, many people would indeed die, even those who came to this world died at the hands of Hang Tianyi.

But for some reason, he just couldn't bear it.

After all, these are children, and they are all innocent.

Life is worthy of respect, and no one has the right to deprive others of their lives for their own selfish desires.

"But this is not a joke, Master Jiaying, you are not only the culprit who sacrificed children today, you were also responsible for the disappearance of children 30 years ago!" Hang Tianyi said seriously.

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