"There is indeed a special place where many magical powers and exercises in Pudu Temple were enlightened by eminent monks!" Master Kurong said.

Hang Tianyi asked: "Do monks often go there?"

Master Kurong shook his head: "That's not an ordinary place. If you don't have the cultivation base of the Yuantai realm, you can't bear it there. Even if you are in the Yuantai realm, you can't last long! You know it, Master Fahai, right?" ? His Heavenly Dragon and Buddha powers are realized there!"

"Is there such an extraordinary place in the Heavenly Buddha's enchantment?" Hang Tianyi's heart was moved when he heard it, he was actually interested in this place.

The same is true for the rest of the people. In the realm of Yuantai, if you put it in the world, you can already be called a first-class master.

Only the Yuantai realm can withstand that place, which is really unbelievable.

"How far is it from here?" Hang Tianyi asked.

"It's not that far, but a distance of thirty miles!" Master Ku Rong clasped his hands together. At this moment, he was thinking, what exactly is the person behind the scenes going to do?

While thinking about it, Master Ku Rong and the monk he brought led the way ahead, and together they went quickly to the place he said.

In less than a while, he came to that extraordinary place.

From afar, Hang Tianyi sensed an invisible force that was constantly moving in all directions.

He couldn't help but tremble, this place is really extraordinary.

The rest of the people, as long as their cultivation base is in the state of concentration, can't move forward at this time.

Of course, Hang Tianyi is an exception. Although he is in the state of concentration, his ability is absolutely no worse than that of anyone in the state of Tongxuan.

"Is this formed naturally?" Hang Tianyi couldn't help asking.

He looked up, and there was a white jade wall nearly two hundred feet in front of him, standing among the mountains.

Under the sunlight, the rays of light flow, and the mysterious power flowing on it is very extraordinary, as if everything in the world is derived from it.

Such an extraordinary piece of jade, inlaid among the mountains, became a part of the cliff, and it is also the most extraordinary part of this Pudu Temple.

No wonder, the Pudu Temple in the east can be as famous as the Dami Temple, the birthplace of Buddhism. This level of heritage is indeed extraordinary.

Master Kurong looked at the jade in front of him, with a bit of awe on his face.

"It is rumored that the founder of Pudu Temple was enlightened under this jade disc, combined with all kinds of Buddhism, formed a family, and established a school of its own!"

Hang Tianyi has reason to believe in any legends here, because the jade biscuit produced by the heaven and earth is really not something that should exist in the world.

The most unbelievable thing is that the circulating power is actually a natural Buddha power, not man-made.

At this time, Hang Tianyi didn't know whether this feeling was correct or not, but he just felt this way.

In some respects, Buddhism originated from the Great Mi Temple in the West, and Pudu Temple is no exception.

Moreover, it is rumored that the founder of the Purdue Temple was also from the Purdue Temple.

It's just that after he realized Taoism and Founding School, the concept of Pudu Temple has changed, almost colliding with the West.

Over the years, there have been countless discussions on Buddhism between Pudu Temple and Dami Temple.

Dami Temple wants to subdue Pudu Temple and admit that Dami Temple is the only authentic Buddhist school. Unfortunately, Dami Temple and Pudu Temple are just equal every time.

In this way, on the contrary, the position of Pudu Temple became more and more stable, and it became the orthodox head of oriental Buddhism on an equal footing with Damian Temple.

Perhaps, the monks in the Dami Temple would never have imagined such a result.

Hang Tianyi looked at the jade disc in front of him quietly. Pudu Temple was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Dami Temple. Isn't this jade disc a great contribution?

At this moment, a golden light spread out from the steeply standing jade wall, like a tidal wave.

In an instant, the entire Heaven-Buddha enchantment trembled violently.

Hang Tianyi stabilized his body, his eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that someone started to move.

At this time, there was also light shining on a small mountain peak on the side of Yubi.


There was a thunder-like sound, and the golden light that rolled out from the jade disc rushed towards the mountain in an instant.

The sound of clicking spread, and the light that shrouded the hill was shattered for a hundred years in an instant.

Then, there was a scream.

At this time, Li Chunlai who was behind shouted loudly: "The missing child is on the opposite mountain!"

From a distance, Hang Tianyi and the others saw that there seemed to be an altar on the mountain, and all the children surrounded the high altar.

They stood there blankly, as if they were unconscious.

"What's going on here?" Hang Tianyi looked at Master Kurong and couldn't help asking.

Master Kurong shook his head: "The poor monk has never seen this altar, let alone know that there is such an arrangement on the hill!"

"The child must be rescued quickly!" Hang Tianyi said.

At this moment, only Hang Tianyi, Liu Ying, Liao Daheng, Nangong Qi, Master Ku Rong, and the few monks he brought could continue to move forward.

To be honest, at this time, Hang Tianyi's Taiqing Inaction Sutra can unseen the natural Buddha power from this jade bi, so he is the only one among the crowd who can keep up with Master Nangong Qi and Master Kurong.

No matter who it was at this time, seeing that Hang Tianyi possessed such abilities, they all showed horror.

At this time, the radiance emitted by the jade bi became stronger and stronger.

Those streaks of golden light continuously formed big circles, rolling away like stones falling on the water, wave after wave.

At this time, Hang Tianyi and the others were less than three hundred feet away from the mountain in front of them, but the most dangerous place was under the mountain.

At this time, there was a formation force sweeping across the mountain peak, trying to invade the jade disc, but it was repeatedly blocked.

In this way, the places where the powers converged continuously whipped up strong winds, and the chaotic powers intertwined and eroded continuously formed a large vortex in the void, filled with a destructive atmosphere.

"Brother Hang, it's dangerous here, why don't you stop first!" Nangong Qi's hair swayed violently, and he could barely open his eyes.

"It's okay!" Hang Tianyi's voice came out. At this moment, his primordial spirit released its power, constantly detecting the chaotic power flow around it, accurately finding the gaps, and avoiding the whistling and rolling away power.

This kind of action once again made Nangong Qi and Master Ku Rong look incredible. At this time, they gathered their minds and quickly caught up.

The three of them started to move, and they reached the halfway up the mountain not long after.

At this moment, there was a loud bang from above, with unrivaled strength, like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky, rushing directly towards the three of them.

Hang Tianyi turned around on the spot, struck out with the big sword, shattered the force that was rushing towards him, moved his body sideways, formed a "zigzag" shape, and swept straight up.

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