Fortunately, this formation is just an ordinary hidden formation, and it is enough to see where the portal is from Hang Tianyi's vision.

But at this time, Hang Tianyi still had an illusion, as if the enemy had deliberately exposed the gate of the formation to him.

Hang Tianyi couldn't help shaking his head, how could he have such messy thoughts?Could it be that the enemy wants to give him his head?

Or is it yourself, didn't wake up at all?

Hang Tianyi shook his head vigorously again, this feeling was really weird.

But no matter what, the portal of the formation is right in front of you, and you can enter the courtyard by walking through here.This is an indisputable fact, no matter what dangers lie ahead, he has no choice.

Hang Tianyi stepped forward, saw the light again, and had already arrived in the courtyard.

From the outside, this courtyard is no different from ordinary ones.

After walking in, observe carefully, there is indeed not much special place, but every door of the house is locked with iron locks.

Moreover, the door of this room is made of refined iron, not ordinary wooden doors.

Isn't the arrangement like this telling the people who come in that this room is unusual?

"Why do I think this way again?" Hang Tianyi hurriedly stopped, he always felt that everything here was deliberately arranged by the enemy.

Hang Tianyi collected his mind, walked forward, quietly checked the iron gate here, and then looked at the iron locks. If there is no key, it would be really difficult for him to open these iron locks with his cultivation.

But this is not a problem for Hang Tianyi, because he still has the magic weapon and the big sword in his hand.

It is no problem for the big sword to cut mountains and crack rocks, and it is just a piece of cake to cut iron like mud.

Take out the big sword and swipe it on the iron lock, no matter what kind of fine iron it is made of, it will fall to the ground in an instant.

Hang Tianyi suspected that his methods were still a bit rough.

I just don't know why, but there is an indescribable joy in my heart.You managed to find a door and iron lock made of fine iron. I went down with a knife and gently melted it open.

Well, this... It would be very cool to change anyone.

After cutting the iron lock, Hang Tianyi didn't dare to be careless.

He watched a lot of TV dramas in his previous life. In this case, once the iron door is opened, hidden weapons or other poisons will fly out of it. Wouldn't it be fatal?

The iron door was very heavy, Hang Tianyi stretched out his hand, and slowly pushed the iron door open without making any sound.

But at this moment, the formation behind suddenly fluctuated, and Hang Tianyi's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted in his heart: "It's going to be terrible!"

Immediately afterwards, Hang Tianyi dodged behind the big tree under the corner.

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked in. When he saw the iron lock that fell on the ground, he frowned first, and then walked over.

Picking up the iron lock, the middle-aged man's brows frowned even tighter, and his expression became dignified.

"Oops, exposed!" The middle-aged man whispered to himself, and then he suddenly felt that something seemed to hit his head hard.

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes, and then fell directly to the ground.

Hang Tianyi was standing behind him at this time. The big sword was seven or eight feet long and five or six inches wide when it met.

When he beat the middle-aged man just now, Hang Tianyi met him, otherwise he could have split him in half with a single sword.

"Small, you came at the wrong time!" Hang Tianyi said to himself, put away the big sword, looked up at the closed iron gate, walked forward, stretched out his right hand, and slowly pushed it away open.

When the iron door was opened, it was pitch black inside.

Hang Tianyi was extremely vigilant, took out the fire folder, stepped into the dark room, and took a closer look, only to see that there were many children piled up in the whole room.

For a moment, Hang Tianyi's mind suddenly became turbulent.

Are all the missing children here?At this time, Hang Tianyi was full of doubts in his mind, he went up and checked a few, all of them were drugged.

"What a Hongtuxuan, there is indeed a problem!" Hang Tianyi looked a little dignified.

After standing still for a while, Hang Tianyi came out of the room. He continued to talk about the other two iron doors, both of which were opened. As he expected, the two rooms were full of children.

Rough calculation, I am afraid there are seventy or eighty.

This number is far less than the one who disappeared last night.

In other words, not all of the children who are here, not all, at least half are missing, being held elsewhere.

"It seems that we have to ask for help. With the four of us, it is obviously impossible to take these children out!" Hang Tianyi said to himself again.

After coming out, Hang Tianyi was in a bit of trouble, what should I do?It was great when the big sword cut through the iron lock, but how to restore it now?

There is no way to recover, and someone came in and found out, what should be done to transfer these children away?

In fact, it was a helpless move to break open the iron lock with the big sword, after all, Hang Tianyi didn't have the key.

"What should I do?" Hang Tianyi turned around for a while without thinking.

Just at this time, the formation fluctuated again, Hang Tianyi really had the urge to curse, why did people come here at this time?Is it possible to find someone to fight?

Hang Tianyi restrained his breath, and quietly stood at the gate of the formation, holding the big sword in his hand, ready to hit the sap again.

It's just that the fluctuation of the formation seems to be a little louder this time, and Hang Tianyi's heart is constantly beating drums. He obviously doesn't know the slightest change in front of him.

The person who came in moved quickly and naturally, Hang Tianyi didn't even have time to hit the sap, he had already walked to the front.

Fortunately, Hang Tianyi had already thrown the stunned person into the room, and hung up the broken lock pretendingly.

The people who came in didn't find anything unusual for a while.

This was also due to the power of Hang Tianyi's Taiqing Wuwei Sutra. At this time, he was like a piece of dry wood, standing under the wall.

As long as this person does not look back, he will not be found.

Hang Tianyi felt that he was careless. If he hid behind a big tree, there would still be a place to cover his body. Right now, he seemed to take off his clothes and stand in front of others.

"Don't turn around, don't turn around..." Hang Tianyi kept saying in his heart.

At this moment, Hang Tianyi only hoped that this person would take a look at the iron gate, then turn around and walk away.

I don't know if some god in the sky heard Hang Tianyi's appeal, or if it was because of his luck.

The person who came in looked in the direction of some iron gates, and saw that the locks were still on it. He didn't even take a step, and turned directly out of the gate of the formation.

Hang Tianyi felt that at this time, it was his European emperor physique that was shining again.

If not, how to explain the current situation?

After the man walked out and the whole courtyard recovered, Hang Tianyi took a deep breath and patted his chest.

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