Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1552 1st place

For a moment, the entire Maurya Dynasty army was still rushed to the point where it was difficult to maintain its formation, and it was impossible to occupy the top.

When the big sky was closed, Tian Chong expressed his sincere appreciation and said, "For soldiers on this battlefield, Liu Shuai should be the No. 1 in my Dajing Dynasty. I'm afraid you are much inferior to Hang Shuai!"

The relationship between Hang Tianyi and Liu Ruoxi has long been known throughout the world.

Tian Chong praised Liu Ruoxi, he knew that Hang Tianyi would only be happy.The older you are, the more thoughtful you are.

Hang Tianyi laughed and said, "It's time for us to leave the customs too!"

Shi Baifang and Tian Ji watched with enthusiasm at the gate, but Hang Tianyi was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and he didn't give orders, so Shi Baifang and Tian Ji would naturally not act rashly.

This is a soldier, and it is his bounden duty to obey orders.

"Hang Shuai means that we also cooperate in the attack?" Tian Ji asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Hang Tianyi laughed loudly and said, "Let's go!"

Liu Ruoxi, this girl, came at the right time. Although the troops of the Dajing Dynasty are still not as good as those of the Maurya Dynasty, the momentum of the three armies is at its peak.

Hang Tianyi is also a person who knows how to use troops. He knows better than anyone else that this is indeed a good time.

Qiaolu and Asina had already been dispatched to the battlefield, and the battle with the army commanded by Liu Ruoxi was inseparable, and they could no longer spare their hands.

Hang Tian's escape from the city undoubtedly added fuel to the fire for the army of the Maurya Dynasty.

But at this time, Mo Yun had another idea, that is, to use this opportunity to have a decisive battle with the Dajing Dynasty, and if he won, it would no longer be a dream to include the Dajing Dynasty into the territory of the Maurya Dynasty.

If you lose... Thinking of this, Mo Yun couldn't make a decision.

While he was hesitating, Hang Tianyi had already rushed out.

Hang Tianyi was in the lead, and there were three generals, Tian Chong, Tian Ji, and Shi Baifang, and the cooperation was really unparalleled.

At this time, Mo Yun could no longer continue to command the battle, so he could only personally lead the troops to fight against Hang Tianyi.

He also took it seriously, the army lined up in a long snake formation, nearly 8 horses, far more than Hang Tianyi and the others.

But at this time Hang Tianyi is confident to fight, not many soldiers, but fine.

In this case, the opponent did not use the crowd tactics.

Hang Tianyi knew that under the absolute superiority of the troops, the number of elite soldiers could not reach a certain standard, and it would be difficult to win.

At this moment, Hang Tianyi killed from the center.

As for Moyun's troops, snakeheads and snaketails encircled them, trying to surround Hang Tianyi's troops.

But at this time Hang Tianyi waved his hand, Shi Baifang and Tian Ji were ordered to bring a team of troops and go out to fight.

The men with snake head and snake tail stood together with the men led by Shi Baifang and Tian Ji.

As for Hang Tianyi and Tian Ji, each of them sent out a group of troops. Undoubtedly, what Hang Tianyi was dealing with was Mo Yun who was in the command center.

"Moyun, it's time to fight!" Hang Tianyi's momentum was unprecedentedly strong,

Mo Yun didn't look expressiony, but in his heart he was already indescribably angry. He didn't say much, and rushed to the front to face Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi swung the big sword, and struck out with a horizontal stroke. The bright sword glow seemed to traverse the void like a piece of light.

Moyun almost collided with it, but at this moment, he leaped into the void and got out of the way of Hang Tianyi's attack.

But at this time, the soldiers of the Maurya Dynasty suffered disaster.

Dozens of people were directly submerged in the sword light, and there was no time for the screams to come out.

But just like this, Moyun got a chance to take the initiative to attack.

Mo Yun had never been a soft-hearted person, at this moment he shot without hesitation, swirling a scimitar, and came straight for Hang Tianyi's face.

Hang Tianyi could tell that the key to Moyun's move was not him, but the horse that sat down.

He is in the realm of the Purple Mansion and can fly in the air, but to display the true strength of the army, riding a horse is the best choice.

Because of this, the strength of the army can be borrowed, and the army can be led forward to stabilize the momentum of the three armies.

Therefore, at this time, Hang Tianyi must keep his horse.

The horseman he was sitting on stood up and let out a long roar, and then, Hang Tianyi stabbed out with a sword, and the bright sword glow was like a shooting star across the sky.

With a bang, the blow that Mo Yun had condensed his whole life's cultivation was neutralized by Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi waved the big sword, and the soldiers started to move under orders. At this time, with Hang Tianyi as the center, the soldiers kept moving their positions, like a spinning saw. trick. "What kind of formation is this?" Mo Yun shouted angrily, swung his scimitar, and slashed at Dajing's soldiers.

"A formation that can win battles!" Hang Tianyi's voice came out, and he swung his big sword and struck out from the side.

The sword glow was slanted, and it was already sharp, but at this moment it seemed to split the world.

Moyun's attack fell apart, and at the same time, Hang Tianyi's blow continued unabated, pointing straight at his face.

For a while, although Moyun had an army of [-], he was completely suppressed by Hang Tianyi,

Moreover, at this time, Shi Baifang and Tian Ji were very aggressive, and as the troops they led rushed back and forth, soldiers from the Maurya Dynasty kept falling.

As for the generals of Dajing, although there were also casualties, they were nothing in comparison.

"Hang Tianyi, don't be complacent, if there is no reinforcements today, the Great Sky Gate will definitely not be able to defend!" Mo Yun shouted angrily, and at the same time he attacked with a knife.

Hang Tianyi walked over sideways, and then stepped back, swinging the big sword with his right hand, and struck out, the sharp sword moves were unleashed, forcing Mo Yun to back away again and again.

As the coach, his retreat made the army lose its way.

On the other side of the battlefield, Qiao Lu tried his best to break away from Liu Ruoxi's army.

At this time, the army of the Maurya Dynasty had no morale.

"Your Highness, let's withdraw!" Qiaolu sighed, he was about to succeed, who could have imagined such a result?

Mo Yun sighed and shouted loudly: "Back!"

Hang Tianyi and Liu Ruoxi both understood the principle of not being chased by the poor. At this moment, they stopped, the army reorganized and returned, and began to count the number of casualties.

At this time, Liu Ruoxi jumped off the white horse, and suddenly fell into Hang Tianyi's arms.

The soldiers watching were so embarrassed that they wanted to cover their faces, but they were peeking again.

"There are too many people here, why don't you let go first!" Hang Tianyi blushed, and Tian Chong, who was beside him, hurriedly looked into the distance, neither leaving nor staying, it was really embarrassing.

"I don't!" Liu Ruoxi still had that temper, but at this moment, Shi Baifang in the distance was stunned for a moment, is this the same Liu Ruoxi who commanded well on the battlefield and defeated the Maurya Dynasty's army steadily?

Sure enough, in this world, the most amazing animal is still a woman.

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