Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1339 Shanhe Hall Intervenes

Hang Tianyi landed on the ground, and the moment his feet touched the ground, he crossed his hands in front of his chest, and then pushed out violently.

The two forces met and exploded suddenly, so how could Pang Qi be Hang Tianyi's opponent?Kites with broken strings usually fly upside down.

Wang Kui yelled, swung his long knife again, and attacked Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi didn't make a backhand palm, which caused Wang Kui to fly backwards.

At the same time, he took a step forward and came to the street.

Pang Qi stood up, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Hang Tianyi firmly.

"How did you find out!" In Pang Qi's heart, there was indescribable horror. There were obviously no flaws in many things.

Hang Tianyi was too terrifying. Wang Kui had warned him at the beginning, but Pang Qi didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until the moment he fought against Hang Tianyi that he realized how stupid he was.

Hang Tianyi said: "If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, Dean, you have already exposed your secrets by going to the Four Seas Inn to investigate the case during the day!"

"You really tested me on purpose at that time, so that I could show my flaws!" In Pang Qi's eyes, there was indescribable anger.

Hang Tianyi said: "That's right!"

"But tonight, I won't be caught without a fight!" Pang Qi's voice came out, but he took the initiative to attack.

A long sword stabbed out, and the condensed light of the sword, like a galaxy running across the sky, released an indescribably fierce aura.

Hang Tianyi formed palms with both hands, pushed forward, and the condensed palm strength went out to meet him.

With a bang, Pang Qi backed up involuntarily, while Hang Tianyi shook a few times.

Wang Kui rushed over again, Pang Qi fled without turning around, but cooperated with Wang Kui to draw the sword.

At this moment, the front and back swords struck, and the concentrated sharp force pierced the void repeatedly with loud noises.

Hang Tianyi's body twirled, producing two invisible forces. In the future, the swords, one in front and the other in the back, would move with him. Then he opened his hands, and the roaring force shot out, knocking Wang Kui and Pang Qi away. , were all sent flying out.

"What I'm afraid of is that I didn't catch you. As long as I find you, how can I let you escape?" Hang Tianyi's words were a scheming plan.

During the day, he guessed that the two people who talked at the Four Seas Inn last night were Wang Kui and Pang Qi.

It was precisely when Guo Hong saw their conversation that he became suspicious, so he sneaked into the teahouse quietly. Unfortunately, he was discovered, and he was murdered to silence him.

At that time, Wang Kui and Pang Qi considered a lot, so they didn't destroy the corpse.

It just so happened that yesterday Guo Hong had a conflict with Liang Heng, a student of Baifeng Academy, and they happened to be drinking not far away, so Pang Qi and Wang Kui came up with a plan to put blame on them, thus secretly promoting everything.

But they underestimated Jiang Tong too much. Although they had doubts at the time, when they went to Hongyuan, they thought that Hang Tianyi was in Hongyuan, so they discussed with Zhang Shilang and asked Hang Tianyi to come out.

Some of these are calculated by human beings, but others are not controllable by human beings.

It was precisely because of this that Pang Qi was in such a hurry to kill Xu Guanghua to silence him.

Xu Guanghua was also taken advantage of. He originally thought that if he helped Pang Qi, he would be able to soar into the sky, but he didn't expect that from the moment he decided to participate in this case, he was doomed to die.

Even if Pang Qi was not in a hurry to kill him, how could Pang Qi keep a knife hanging over his head when the matter was settled in the future?

"I'm really curious, what were you guys talking about yesterday!" Hang Tianyi said, he was naturally probing.

When Wang Kui and Pang Qi heard this, their pupils shrank. It was obvious that they were plotting something very big, and they couldn't let outsiders know about it.

"Hang Tianyi, you are sure to die!" Wang Kui shot again, and the condensed sword lights intertwined in pieces, attacking Hang Tianyi at an extremely fast speed.

Pang Qi was also determined to kill. He swung his long sword and struck out seven or eight swords in a row.

Hang Tianyi was on the cusp of the storm, but his mind was as smooth as a mirror. It was not too difficult for him to kill these two people, but it still took some effort to capture them alive.

It was Lu Zijian, only to see that Hang Tianyi punched with one hand and formed a palm with the other. The fist and palm showed two completely different powers.

The fist is the force of exhalation, while the palm is the force of suction. With the cooperation of these two forces, both Wang Kui and Pang Qi felt an indescribable strange feeling, as if their attacks were being sucked into endless Inside the maelstrom, there is no way to escape.

Not only that, but at this moment they are still moving towards Hang Tianyi.

It was as if Hang Tianyi's knife had been raised, but they took the initiative to bump into Hang Tianyi's knife edge.

"What's going on?" Wang Kui had never encountered such a strange force before. Immediately, indescribable fear arose in his heart, and with a long cry, the long knife struck in all directions.

Not only him, at this moment, Pang Qiyezi was swinging the long sword aimlessly.

Each of their blows contains the power to destroy mountains and mountains, but they all seem to hit an invisible wall.

The strange thing is that the thick power disappeared without a trace, like a mud cow entering the sea.

"No, if this continues, it's really over!" Pang Qi's voice came out, he bit his tongue, and a bloody smell rushed towards the Tianling Gai.

At this moment, like a sleeping lion, he suddenly woke up. The long sword was either hitting horizontally, stabbing straight, or slashing obliquely. Every strike of the sword contained supreme power.

In the void, there was a violent noise, and after a short while, the light wall with Hang Tianyi as the center was shattered one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Kui also accelerated his attack.

They didn't know that this was Hang Tianyi's plan. When they were exhausted, they would be captured alive.

Hang Tianyi's plan is good, but unfortunately, many things in this world will not go according to plan.

At this moment, a ray of sword light pierced through the night and pointed at Hang Tianyi's back. .

At this moment, Hang Tianyi had to give up Wang Kui and Pang Qi to deal with the sword light.

Because this sword light was enough to threaten his life.

Hang Tianyi paused, stretched his hands, and with the concentrated strength, rushed out like a mighty river to meet the sword light.

A deafening sound came out, and Hang Tianyi shook a few times, only to see a black shadow standing on the wall.

Although this black eagle was covered, Hang Tianyi knew who he was.

"Master Shanhetang, I didn't expect you to be involved!" Hang Tianyi had a look of surprise in his eyes.

The person who came was Bian Heng, and my long sword in his hand flowed with momentum, connecting with the heaven and the earth.

"To be honest, I really admire you. It seems that you will be there whenever there is something interesting!" Bian Heng said.

Fighting alone, he had to admit that he was indeed no match for Hang Tianyi, but it was obviously not difficult to rescue Wang Kui and Pang Qi under Hang Tianyi's hands, after all, they were also masters in the Yuantai realm.

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