Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1334 Not the scene of the first crime

"It's the direction where the bolt broke!" Hang Tianyi said.

Jiang Tong nodded: "Yes, if he broke the door bolt from the outside, then the direction of the door bolt's breaking should be reversed!"

"So, there must be something wrong with Xu Guanghua, but we can't be sure whether he arranged this place carefully!" Hang Tianyi said.

Jiang Tongdao: "There is another question. What kind of role did he play in this case? It is certain that he is incapable of killing Guo Hong!"

Hang Tianyi walked over and looked at the location of the corpse and the bleeding place again.

He said: "The murderer was too anxious to arrange everything, but still left another clue!"

"That's right. Although the place where the blood is flowing is correct, what's the matter with these few drops?" Jiang Tong pointed to the few drops of blood in the direction of the window.

Wisdom flashed in Hang Tianyi's eyes: "There is only one explanation. This is not the first scene of the crime. This Guo Hong was killed and moved his body here!"

"And it came in through the window, not the door!" Jiang Tong said.

Hang Tianyi nodded: "When you come here, the blood continues to flow. It's not that you haven't coagulated. There is only one explanation. The scene of the crime should be very close to here!"

"Yes!" Jiang Tong seemed a little excited at this moment.

"But where is the first scene of the crime?" Zhang Shilang asked.

Hang Tianyi and Jiang Tong looked at each other and smiled, and then they walked towards the window at the same time.

This is the second floor, coming in through the window, and Guo Hong's body was bleeding at the time, the murderer must have left some clues in his haste.

The two looked at it. The window on the first floor was open, and there were a few drops of blood on the window. From the shape of the blood falling on the window, it can be generally inferred that the murderer brought Guo Hong's body, Where did it come from.

"It's diagonally opposite!" Jiang Tong looked up, and there was a teahouse.

Hang Tianyi suddenly thought of many things again, and the look in his eyes became extremely exciting.

"Teahouse, let's go, let's go to the teahouse diagonally opposite first!" Jiang Tong said.

Both he and Hang Tianyi were cultivated, and with a breath of true energy, they swept across the street like wild geese and came to the opposite teahouse.

Zhang Shilang looked like this, but he really wanted to hit someone. He is the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, but he is really a scholar, and he has no strength to restrain a chicken.

Hang Tianyi and Jiang Tong came to the opposite teahouse, which was a private room of the teahouse.

It was still early at this point, there were no customers, and the teahouse staff and shopkeepers had not yet started to work.

"Could this be the first scene of the crime?" Jiang Tong said, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Hang Tianyi said: "This needs a good look!"

Jiang Tong nodded, and then began to check this private room. There are a total of two seats here. Under normal circumstances, it is suitable for two people to sit and drink tea facing each other.

On the table, there is still a tea stove, and the tea bowls have not been cleared away.

After a cursory look, it can be judged that someone was drinking tea here last night. It was probably too late at night, so the shopkeeper of the teahouse had no time to clean up.

Drinking tea at night doesn't seem to be a good habit. It can be seen that the people who drank tea in this room last night had a big problem.

"Did you find any clues?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Jiang Tong looked at it carefully again, and said, "There is no trace here at all. Is there something wrong with our speculation?"

"According to the shape of the blood dripping on the window, he was probably transported from here!" Hang Tianyi said.

Jiang Tong nodded: "The strange thing is, why is there no clue here?"

"There are clues here, but they are a bit messy!" Hang Tianyi said.

Jiang Tong was startled when he heard the words, and asked, "What did you see?"

Hang Tianyi said: "This teahouse is opposite to the Four Seas Inn, and the teahouses and taverns on this street are all visited by rich or expensive people!"

"So, there were two rich or noble people sitting here last night?" Jiang Tong took a look. There were many teacups on the table, but judging from the traces, there were only two of them that were actually used.

"No, if this is the scene of the first crime, one of the two people sitting here is Guo Hong. Although Tianfeng Academy is not as good as Baifeng Academy and Qingyun Academy, in the past few years, the There are quite a few students who are officials, this Guo Hong must be someone who thinks highly of himself!"

Jiang Tong's reasoning is obviously reasonable.

But he really couldn't understand why there were no traces that should be seen here.

Could it be that the murderer had dealt with the first scene of this case?

Jiang Tong thought of this, and looked at it carefully again.

The tea stove, tea bowl, and the tea in the tea bowl were all placed on the table, and he really couldn't see any flaws for a while.

"How could there be nothing? It shouldn't be!" Jiang Tong whispered to himself, he refused to let go of any corner, and looked at the private rooms of the teahouse carefully.

Inadvertently, Jiang Tong picked up the tea bowl on the table.

Hang Tianyi thought to himself, if he looked up the Zhiwen left on these tea bowls on the earth in his previous life, and then compared them, he would definitely be able to know who the tea drinker was here, but here, it obviously doesn't work.

"Everything on the tea table is natural, and there may not be any traces of cleaning! In this way, it doesn't look like the first scene of the crime in the dark night!"

Thinking of this, Hang Tianyi began to recall that although Guo Hong's body was on the ground with its back against the ground, judging from the evidence of the wound, the murderer did not penetrate his body with a sword from the front, but from behind. .

Moreover, Gu Hong's eyes were open, obviously he didn't expect that he would be killed, from this it can be speculated that the murderer was a surprise attack.

Sneak attack from behind, the teahouse's private room is not big, logically speaking, it is not easy to use it, so it is very possible, at that time, he was killed by a sword, so Guo Hong didn't have any chance to struggle.

What is the purpose of attacking from behind?

Opposite is the inn, here is the tea house, and from the window, you can just see here.

Hang Tianyi's thoughts became clearer and clearer. At this moment, a very bold guess appeared in his heart.

Jiang Tong, who was standing next to him, sensed the change in Hang Tianyi's breath, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Hang Tianyi took a deep breath, his eyes became sharper: "It's hard to say!"

After the words fell, Hang Tianyi walked towards the door of the private room.

Everything here is intact.

After looking at the door and window, Hang Tianyi walked to the window again.

Just at this time.A gust of breeze blows, and the coolness pervades the air. There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, but suddenly there is an eyebrow.

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