Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1284 Sudden clues

"You asked, who lives in that house?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Zhang Chenyu nodded: "It belongs to the thief, his name is Wei Xiang, he sneaked in as a scholar!"

"As a scholar, he is mixed in Mingfeng Building, it seems that he may not be an ignorant person!" Hang Tianyi said.

Zhang Chenyu said: "Those who can go to Mingfeng Tower, who doesn't have something in their stomach?"

Talented people gather in Mingfeng Tower, which is already the tacit fact in Kyoto.

"Do you feel that this clue came out of nowhere?" Hang Tianyi said.

Zhang Chenyu said: "It's not just sudden, I feel that it's too easy for us to get this clue!"

"Do you think someone is helping us? Or is there something else hidden?" Hang Tianyi said.

Zhang Chenyu shook his head: "It's hard to say!"

"It's really hard to say!" Hang Tianyi took the mask and looked at it carefully. The material of this mask is very extraordinary. Although it is destroyed, you can still see the traces of the formation prohibition from above. It can be seen that this mask needs to be made. How difficult.

"Boss, what are your plans now?" Zhang Chenyu asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "It's all like this, what else can I plan? Naturally, I have to go to Mingfeng Tower!"

"By the way, what is missing?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Zhang Chenyu said: "It's a calligraphy painting!"

For scholars, this kind of thing is indeed a treasure.

"Whose calligraphy is it?" Hang Tianyi asked.

"It's from Lan Ping!" Zhang Chenyu replied.

"Who is this Lan Ping?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Zhang Chenyu glanced at Hang Tianyi and said, "Baifeng Academy!"

After hearing this, Hang Tianyi suddenly had a faint smile on his face: "It seems that Lan Ping is an interesting person!"

"I thought so before, but after secret observation, he is actually very ordinary!" Zhang Chenyu said.

Hang Tianyi said: "In the Dajing Dynasty, Baifeng Academy was second only to Qingyun Academy. The disciples who can enter will be very ordinary? Even if they have no talent in practice, they are definitely outstanding!"

Zhang Chenyu heard this, and sighed: "It seems that I was fooled by him!"

Hang Tianyi said: "There are many celebrities in Mingfeng Tower, but among the celebrities, there are many scholars. Tell me, let's go there, what identity should we use?"

"The shopkeeper of Mingfenglou knows about us, so there is some trouble!" Zhang Chenyu said.

In fact, it is more than just the shopkeeper of Mingfeng Tower?There must be many people who knew Hang Tianyi and Zhang Chenyu there.

Hang Tianyi smiled faintly, and took out the two masks, which were made by Gongsun Shengxue himself, which is very impressive.

"If you wear this, you won't even recognize yourself!" Hang Tianyi said.

Naturally, Zhang Chenyu had never seen this mask, but he never doubted Hang Tianyi's words.

Putting on the mask, Zhang Chenyu brought the bronze mirror and looked at it, and he turned into a middle-aged man.

Hang Tianyi took out the mask and put it on himself. He is also a middle-aged man.

"Now, we still need a decent set of clothes!" Hang Tianyi said.

The two took off the mask, and went to the tavern to get two sets of clothes. After they put them on, their temperament seemed to change all of a sudden.

"Boss, aren't we waiting for Li Chun to come?" Zhang Chenyu asked, he was used to working with this kid, and he was not used to suddenly not being there.

"He hasn't come back yet, which proves that this patrol is not easy. We don't have to wait for him. Maybe when we come back, he will bring some news that we didn't expect!" Hang Tianyi said,

In fact, even if Li Chun came back, Hang Tianyi would only choose one of them, because the three of them acted together, even if they didn't show their true colors to others, it was easy to remind people of something.

In this way, it is easy to be exposed.

"The boss is right!" Zhang Chenyu said.

The two of them didn't return to the tavern if they didn't get drunk, like ordinary guests going to drink, without the slightest shadow of the previous policeman.

"Now my name is Gong Yi, your name is Gong Zhi, we are cousins, and I am your elder brother!" Hang Tianyi said a name casually.

These two masks are somewhat similar. When I asked Gongsun Shengxue for it, I never expected to use it today.

"Brother!" Zhang Chenyu yelled, as expected of the fourth-rank spiritual officer of Zhenxuan Division, he instantly adapted to his identity.

Hang Tianyi nodded in agreement, and then walked into the crowd together.

In Zhang Chenyu's and Hang Tianyi's knowledge, such a crowded capital city had never happened before.

The meeting of the three churches is related to the way of practice of the people in the world, and it is also the discussion of the way of life. It is from the past, and it is not just people in the practice. Some scholars who explore the way will definitely come.

In addition, in addition to these, there are people who come to watch the fun,

No matter which side of the world it is, there are the most people watching the excitement.

It seems that watching other people's liveliness can give light to one's own life and enlighten oneself.

Squeeze through the lively crowd, pass through an alley, turn into the street where Mingfeng Tower is located, walk along the street for a while, and finally come to the gate of Mingfeng Tower.

Looking up, everything here remains the same.

It seems that no one has remembered the case that once happened.

This journey, Hang Tianyi felt a little long.

In fact, it's not that the road is long, but that he has too many things to think about along this section of the road, which is why he feels that the road is long.

People, sometimes their feelings are actually a reflection of what they think and think in their hearts.

During this journey, Hang Tianyi couldn't think of anything.

Because he had to think about some things, and only when he came to Mingfeng Tower could he deal with it calmly.

"A busy place is never short of things. After so many years of ups and downs, Mingfeng Tower can still stand in the capital. This shopkeeper is not easy!" Hang Tianyi said.

Zhang Chenyu said: "Are you suspicious of the shopkeeper?"

Hang Tianyi said: "Who called you over?"

"It belongs to the shopkeeper!" Zhang Chenyu asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "Do you think the shopkeeper should not be suspected?"

Zhang Chenyu sighed: "It seems that I overlooked something again!"

"It's not that you overlooked something, it's just because you're in the game!" Hang Tianyi said.

Zhang Chenyu thought about everything. It is indeed easy for people in the situation to overlook some things.

However, the person who pulled him into the game was the shopkeeper of Mingfenglou.

While speaking, Hang Tianyi had already stepped into Mingfeng Tower.

Zhang Chenyu abandoned his messy thoughts and followed Hang Tianyi.

Just when he walked in, someone had already greeted him.

Mingfeng Tower is not an ordinary inn, here, it is more like a celebrity's home.

The servant who greeted him must have asked Hang Tianyi and Zhang Chenyu if they needed to stay in a hotel, eat or something.

Hang Tianyi chuckled, ordered two appetizers, ordered a jug of wine, and had an excellent location where he could watch the scenery and see the literati reciting poems and composing poems.

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