Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1282 The rain is coming

Hang Tianyi nodded, but then he sighed: "It's obvious that someone is going to do something later, but in this world, people's hearts are always unpredictable!"

"Nangong Qi is lying!" Liu Ruoxi said.

Hang Tianyi was stunned for a moment: "Why do you see that?"

"He said that he has a younger sister, and the story makes sense. Since he cares so much about his younger sister, why didn't he care about it later? Also, the so-called Arhat Palm is just his side story!" Liu Ruoxi said.

This point, Hang Tianyi thought of it a long time ago, in order to test a good opportunity for Nangong Qi, but unfortunately, he didn't get the result he wanted.

"I choose to believe him because I believe that he won't do anything against me. In this world, who doesn't have a little secret?" Hang Tianyi fell down, but it was obvious that he was more obvious at the bottom.

Liu Ruoxi said: "He will not harm us, but the meeting of the three churches is no small matter, it will have a great impact in the next ten years, ten years, how many ten years are there in life? "

Hang Tianyi nodded: "That's the truth, so, in fact, anyone may play tricks behind!"

"That's right, these people are sneaky and sneaky, they don't show their true colors to others, and you can justify who they are!" Liu Ruoxi said.

Hearing the words, Hang Tianyi's eyes suddenly lit up, he stood up, and said softly: "Perhaps, this is the result that the behind-the-scenes wants to achieve. Whether Wei Mingyang can be caught is not the key, the key is to let Pudu Temple, moral values , Qingyun Academy messed up by itself!"

"If this is the case, what is the purpose of the behind-the-scenes?" Liu Ruolan asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "If the three families really mess up, it will be the heretics who will benefit!"

"It's not just heresy!" Liu Ruoxi said.

Hang Tianyi's expression became serious, and he nodded: "That's true!"

"That's why Daguo, this case actually became a muddled case, which is the end of the formation!" Liu Ruoxi said.

Hang Tianyi said: "Not necessarily, the matter has just begun, we are not sure about the people behind!"

"That's the truth!" Liu Ruoxi said.

After the two brothers and sisters played a game of chess, it was almost midnight, and they went back to their houses to rest.

At this time, Hang Tianyi didn't feel much sleepiness, his mind was full of messy things.

The meeting of the three churches is imminent, and the emergence of such a force mixing in, no matter how you look at it, it is a trend that is about to come.

"Isn't the water in this capital turbid enough?" Hang Tianyi couldn't help shaking his head slightly. How could those people who counted the world care about this?

Hang Tianyi couldn't help sighing with emotion, "Xing, the people suffer, death, the people suffer."

No matter when, it is ordinary people who suffer.

Hang Tianyi didn't feel sleepy around, came to the courtyard, looked up, a bright moon, high in the sky, the bustling and noisy capital is gradually returning to tranquility.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew, and black clouds drifted across the sky, pressing down layer by layer, blocking the bright moon behind the clouds, and at this moment, the entire world became dark.

"When the clouds and mists were pushed away, I didn't know what the truth was!" Hang Tianyi couldn't help shaking his head.

People's hearts are indeed the most difficult to guess in this world.

Hang Tianyi stood in the yard all night, after all, he didn't wait for the storm, everything was still in the making.

After dawn, Liu Ruoxi went out and ordered some food, and after breakfast, they each went to work on their own.

Yu Mian's body was still in the yamen, and Wei Mingyang came to the yamen around [-] o'clock.

"I want to take him back and bury him in peace. This may be the only thing I can do for him now!" Wei Mingyang said.

Wu Zuo had already carefully looked at Yu Mian's body, but basically could not find any useful clues. The weather is hot recently, so the body cannot be kept for a long time, and it is best to put it in the ground for safety.

Hang Tianyi said: "That's fine, if you do this for him, he will be happy if he has knowledge under the nine springs!"

"Why are you happy? Everyone is gone!" Wei Mingyang turned around and left the Yamen with Yu Mian's body.

Most of the time, this kid deserves to be beaten, but it is undeniable that this kid is also a very interesting person.

"Boss, there is no clue about this case at all, should we continue the investigation?" Zhang Chenyu walked over and said.

He knew that with Hang Tianyi's temper in the past, any case would be close to being revealed.

Hang Tianyi said: "There must be an investigation. Even if we don't investigate, those masked people will definitely make moves!"

"What happened to the corpses that Nangong Qi took back?" Zhang Chenyu asked, if he didn't believe in Hang Tianyi, he would definitely not let Nangong Qi take the corpses away easily.

"They are all from the Vientiane Pavilion. As the owner of the Vientiane Pavilion, he must have an account!" Hang Tianyi said.

Zhang Chenyu said: "These corpses were found under Yunfu Mountain, boss, do you think this is normal?"

Hang Tianyi said: "It is because it is abnormal that we need to investigate it!"

Zhang Chenyu's thoughts turned quickly, and after a while, he said: "I understand!"

Hang Tianyi smiled lightly, of course he hoped that Nangong Qi hadn't been involved in this matter.

"There are a lot of people in this capital recently, I'll go out to patrol first!" Zhang Chenyu added, turned and walked away.

Hang Tianyi didn't understand these messes for a while, and the best chance was to wait for these people to act again.

He believes that these people will certainly not disappear.

There is nothing left and right, Hang Tianyi also intends to go out for a walk, he is not going on patrol, he really just wants to take a walk, calm down, and then continue to think about these troublesome things.

There were indeed more and more people in the capital. Walking in the crowd, Hang Tianyi was already overwhelmed by the crowd.

Sometimes people need to be quiet, but sometimes they also need to hear some voices.

For Hang Tianyi, quietness and excitement have never been contradictory.

Walking along the street for a while, everyone who recognized him greeted him, and Hang Tianyi responded one by one.

At this moment, Hang Tianyi felt that he was living like a human being, an ordinary person with flesh and blood.

Sometimes, it is such a pleasant thing to sit down and drink a cup of tea.

At this time, Hang Tianyi found another teahouse and sat quietly drinking tea.

Many people like to drink, and feel that drinking tea is very bland and tasteless, but Hang Tianyi thinks that it is precisely because of this light taste that people have an endless aftertaste.

The relationship between people is also to maintain a kind of "lightness", but this kind of "lightness".But you can't deliberately maintain it, you need to go with the flow, you can imagine how difficult it is to do this.

At this time, Hang Tianyi's thoughts slowly became active, and many things that could not be figured out gradually became clear.

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