Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1113 Defeating Dream Witch

He even had an absurd idea that at this time Hang Tianyi was the whole world, and he couldn't find a place to fight against it.

"Illusion!" Dream witch's way of dreams is one of the highest principles in the way of reality and reality, but this is the first time he has this feeling.

After thinking about it, Meng Wu had no choice, he controlled the Hunyuan Orb to attack again.

The blue light shoots across the world. At this moment, with the Hunyuan Pearl as the center, it seems that a new world has been opened up, and the power of rules flows, like densely packed arrows.

Obviously, at this time, Meng Wu didn't dare to keep hiding his clumsiness. He could clearly feel that every attack of Hang Tianyi was weakening his momentum. If he continued, he would only lose.

In the face of this more powerful attack, Hang Tianyi's mind is like a smooth name, reflecting everything in the world. At this moment, any power flowing from the Hunyuan Pearl is in Hang Tianyi's place. Manifest.

Hang Tianyi's mind moved with the power of the rules, and instantly found its flaws.

Although this flaw is also changing, Hang Tianyi was able to capture it accurately, and hit the flaw accurately.

There was a loud cracking sound, like the sound of a broken bone, and the flowing force instantly became chaotic, and several large whirlpools appeared in the void.

The wind howled, and the power of the rules surged, like a churning torrent of waves.

Hang Tianyi took a breath of true energy, and rushed out like a gust of wind, breaking through the chaotic force, and came to a place three feet in front of Meng Wu.

Dream witch has never felt death is so close to him like this moment.

He didn't think much about it, the Hunyuan Pearl was activated, and it was pushed out like a planet in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

There were successive noises, and the Dream Witch kept backing away. At this moment, his body staggered a few times. Obviously, under the impact, the force of the impact he received was terrifying.

Hang Tianyi paused in the air, his true energy circulated, his body was like an arrow, and he shot towards Gao Gao. Then, he shot two chapters condescendingly, and the condensed palm force rolled out, one-sidedly overwhelming the power of the dream witch to drown.

After a while, the Dream Witch didn't hold back anymore, and flew upside down, and staggered a few more steps when it landed.

"You've lost!" Hang Tianyi stood in the void with the help of the supernatural power of stepping on the wind and watching the sunset, his momentum soaring straight into the sky.

"It is true that I lost this battle, but this round..." the voice of the dream witch came out, and then, a blue light rolled up, and a hole appeared in the void.

Meng Wu fell into the opening and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Without the support of Hunyuanzhu, all the power here dissipated invisible. After everything recovered, Hang Tianyi and the others were still in the village.

"In this way, are we breaking his dream?" Gongsun Shengxue asked.

Hang Tianyi recalled Meng Wu's words, but he didn't have a definite answer in his heart.

"For the time being, it seems to be like this. It turns out that this place is a dilapidated mountain village with no one inhabited!" Hang Tianyi looked around.

Without the manifestation of the power of the Dao of Dreams, everything here has revealed its original appearance.

"From the beginning to the present, if it weren't for the loss of the power of the Dao of Dreams, it seems that we would not be able to see the essence!" Gongsun Shengxue looked dignified. For her, this was the first time she encountered such a strange thing.

It was also the first time for Hang Tianyi to meet him. At this time, he had already developed a great interest in the Tao of Dreams.

"The Witch Clan is worthy of being one of the former kings in this world!" Hang Tianyi said.

"It's almost dawn, it seems we have to move on!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

Hang Tianyi said: "Let's rest for a while and find something to eat!"

After all, people are not gods, so they can't do bigu, even if they swear that they are in the realm of Zifu.

People depend on food, and food is the key to all operations. After Hang Tianyi's reminder, Gongsun Shengxue also felt hungry.

The two hunted some wild game in the mountains, picked up dry firewood, roasted it indiscriminately, and ate it for breakfast.

Hang Tianyi's craftsmanship is indeed not very good, but fortunately, the meat is cooked, so when he is hungry, he can eat anything with relish.

After breakfast, the sun had already climbed to the top of the mountain. Hang Tianyi took out a map of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, identified the direction, and continued on the road with Gongsun Shengxue.

In the [-] mountains, there are dense forests. Here, Hang Tianyi felt the primitive atmosphere.

At the beginning of the creation of the world, all things and creatures first appeared, and everything was running according to very simple rules, but with the development of all things in the world, everything was stabilized, and the operation of the avenue, although still obeying simple laws, but the rules of operation of all things and creatures The way, which is already white, has become complicated.

How easy is it to find the way of simplicity from the operating rules of all creatures?

In other words, as the world evolves and develops, practice becomes more and more difficult.

Hang Tianyi's breathing suddenly became rapid, because he seemed to have discovered some pattern invisibly.

"Is this the reason why there are no practitioners on the earth now?" Hang Tianyi thought in his heart that in his previous life, he had heard many ancient legends, including fairy tales.

However, in modern society, these are just legends.

"If this is the case, then the earth has existed for a much longer time than the world in front of me. As a traveler, what kind of mission do I have?"

Hang Tianyi thought for a while, but he couldn't figure it out.

Walking along the road in the mountains, in a blink of an eye, most of the day has passed, and it is another sunset. Everything between the sky and the earth is bathed in the afterglow of the sunset, releasing an inexplicable charm, giving people a feeling of peace and tranquility. feel.

"Strange, why do I feel extremely uneasy all of a sudden?" Hang Tianyi stopped and said.

"Huh?" Gongsun Shengxue took a look at Hang Tianyi. She originally thought that she had an illusion.

"Is there any danger approaching?" Gongsun Shengxue said.

At this moment, both of them release the power of the primordial spirit to investigate everything around them.

The trees are green and full of vitality, and the tired birds return to their nests, making beautiful cross strokes between the sky and the earth, and making cheerful calls.

This is the world of late spring, the temperature of the sun is no more than that of early spring, and the grass that was a little listless from the sun is recovering and trying to grow.

Such an environment, logically speaking, is not dangerous.

But Hang Tianyi really felt strongly uneasy, he knew it was not an illusion, it was a pre-reaction after the practitioner reached a certain level.

"There must be something wrong here!" Hang Tianyi said, his expression was extremely serious.

Gongsun Shengxue looked around, but still found nothing.

"Forget it, let's move on, I want to see who is playing tricks!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

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