Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 1002 Prestige

Hang Tianyi put away the big sword, walked up to He Mingyi and other imperial physicians, clasped his fists in salute, and said, "Everyone, it's my fault that surprised you!"

He Mingyi felt ashamed when he heard the words. At this moment, he no longer had any thoughts about Hang Tianyi, and let go of his aloof attitude.

If he is like this, there is no need to talk about the rest of the imperial physicians.

Seeing this, Hang Tianyi's eyes were slightly complicated. Nothing in this world is ever certain.

When caught in a life-and-death crisis, everyone's minds were tense, almost desperate, and even he at that time had nothing to do.

But now, after solving all the troubles, he got an unexpected harvest.

Isn't there accidents everywhere in life?It is precisely because of these accidents that people have unlimited expectations and unlimited hopes.

"My lord, let's talk!" He Mingyi said.

Hang Tianyi smiled lightly: "Yes!"

The two walked a little distance forward to ensure that Duan Cheng and others could not hear the conversation, and then stopped.

"You said you want to change the route, but do you know which route to take next?" He Mingyi asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "The road is only guessed according to the map, I have not walked it!"

"Map, do you have a map in your hand?" He Mingyi knew that in the Dajing Dynasty, private trading of maps was prohibited.

Because I was afraid that this map would fall into the hands of the enemy, and the layout in the Dajing Dynasty would be in danger of shaking the foundation of the Dajing Dynasty.

There was a little smile on Hang Tianyi's face: "Doctor He, don't forget, I am an imperial envoy. In this case, it is not too much to ask His Majesty for something? What's more, I still have Shangfang Sword in my hand. If His Majesty is here, Wherever the government goes, if you show the sword above, will they give it to you?"

After hearing this, He Mingyi couldn't help but nodded: "Maybe this road doesn't exist, so you dare to change it and take everyone along?"

"If you don't change the route, what happened today may not be a big deal. I can be sure that going to Jingzhou from now on will be a narrow escape!" Hang Tianyi said solemnly.

When He Mingyi heard this, he couldn't help but secretly sighed. He was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, I believe my lord once, my wealth and life will be in your hands!"

Hang Tianyi clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Doctor He, don't worry, unless Hang Tianyi dies in battle, otherwise, everyone will be safe and sound!"

He Mingyi said: "I have come this way, I can believe what you said, I hope that we can all reach Jingzhou safely, and after detoxifying the people, we can all be

A lot of them returned to the capital! "

Hang Tianyi nodded, the smile on his face became warmer.

He also hopes that this journey will be safe and sound, and that everyone can return safely, but this is just a hope in his heart. He knows that the road ahead will be even more difficult.

"Okay, let's go back and clean up. After dinner, we will continue on our way!" Hang Tianyi said.

He Mingyi didn't say anything, and walked to the inn with Hang Tianyi.

The fire soldiers brought over continued to process the food they had just made, and after a while, everyone ate the food.

In the afternoon, the sun had already set, so logically speaking, it was not suitable for traveling, but Hang Tianyi and his party did not stop and continued to walk forward.

After finishing the official road, Hang Tianyi gave the order, and they started to take another road.

According to the map that Hang Tianyi got, the farthest distance on this road is to go to the Burial God Market full of mysterious legends.

After passing the Burial God Market, there is the boundary of Jingzhou.

On the carriage, Hang Tianyi and Xiao Hui sat together.

"After this catastrophe, I didn't expect that Imperial Physician He chose to trust you. Can you be sure that there is no danger on this road?" Xiao Hui said.

Hang Tianyi shook his head and sighed: "I'm not sure, because this is an unfamiliar road, who can know what dangers will be encountered?"

"Yes, there may or may not be unknown dangers, but at least we have avoided known dangers. Maybe we will be chased up by the enemy, but that's better than knowing that there are traps, but still jumping into them." Some!" Xiao Hui said.

Hang Tianyi nodded, he knew it would be difficult to be an imperial envoy, otherwise the emperor would not have let him come.

But he also knows that the really hard work will not start until after Jingzhou, because at that time, what he has to do is not only to detoxify the people, but also to find out the black hand who caused chaos in Jingzhou .

▽ This is the most important thing to do in the future./p>

As the Lingguan of the Zhenxuan Division, his mission is to protect the Dajing Dynasty and the people of the Dynasty.

If there were no black hands in Jingzhou, this scene would not have happened today, and the person who controls everything behind must have been hidden very deeply, otherwise, the King of Zhennan who can control [-] soldiers and horses would be easy to deal with generation?

But King Zhennan did not find out this hidden black hand.

And he, Hang Tianyi, happened to be good at checking these things, which was why the emperor really chose him as an imperial envoy.

All the civil and military officials in the court thought that Hang Tianyi's appointment as an imperial envoy violated the laws of the Dajing Dynasty, but who knew that he is now the Zhenxuan Division

The third-rank Lingguan, with this status, is more than enough to be an imperial envoy.

It's just that the Lingguan of Zhenxuan Division can't be an official in the court, and has always been secretive. In this way, the emperor can only bear the blame himself.

Of course, when such a decision was made, the emperor probably expected everything that would happen.

"It's better to be careful. I have a feeling that even if I walk this land, I'm afraid there will be no peace!" Hang Tianyi said.

Xiao Hui smiled when he heard the words: "Your Majesty asked you to be an imperial envoy just to solve the troubles. As an imperial doctor, I went to Jingzhou, and the troubles just started!"

Hang Tianyi also smiled. Among the many imperial physicians, only Xiao Hui can still make such jokes at this time. The rest of them are probably thinking about what kind of danger they will encounter, whether this road can reach Jingzhou, even if Yes, after arriving in Jingzhou, how can we detoxify the people?

In fact, they didn't know that something happened in the army.

There must be some imperial physicians who are going to the army, but other than those at the core level, others are not qualified to know.

Until now, Hang Tianyi didn't know who would go to the barracks.

In the next few days, they did not encounter any danger, and no enemy chased them down.

In this way, those imperial physicians who had a big stone hanging in their hearts finally relaxed, and they admired Hang Tianyi even more in their hearts.

It's just that whether this road can reach Jingzhou, until now, everyone has no idea in their hearts.

Hang Tianyi also speculates, what the truth is, he has to go down and see.

At noon that day, a group of people were resting in the woods. Hang Tianyi got out of the carriage and went to the front to explore the road in person. Li Chunlai followed.

"Boss, this road is far easier than imagined. It seems that the decisions you made are all correct. Zhang Chenyu and I are really short-sighted!"

Li Chunlai is a flatterer, it would be abnormal if he didn't say such things.

But the good thing is here, Li Chunlai has not changed up to now, even though he was once affected by the sword talisman, everything is back in the end.

In this world, many things are changing, but some things never change.

Hang Tianyi really hoped in his heart that everything that should be changed should be changed, and what should not be changed should not be changed.

Although the world can't be controlled by others, nine times out of ten it is unsatisfactory, but as long as you see something that follows your own mind, you will naturally be happy in your heart.

"Don't be too happy, the trouble is not over, and it probably hasn't started yet!" Hang Tianyi said such a neutral sentence.

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