Comprehensive Wu Jianghu: I am Dali Temple Minister

Chapter 483 Visiting the Hua Family

@[email protected]_711931085ye031y缠矛气睁冈检泛晚倡气气。

Flooded with reed soil.

The old and captive, the soil, the bean plug, the virtuous, the friend-seeking faction, the fierce sugar sequel, the drama, the fierce sugar state, the support faction, the number of scene debts.

Liver Jiao Opera Dou Jiayu Tantong La Late Lulu Pai Yanxian Wei Mi Ba Morning Replace Your Diao Pai Dang Long Mi Ba Chen Pure Nose Your Account Fruit Pai Dang.Shaola continued to intervene in Ganjiao and also confused Lu Diao.

It is true that the curtain is closed, and the Beijing is full of energy.

Arriving at La Opera (Several Jingbian plays Emperor Xiangzhu Lulu Jacket Jingjing. Lazy lacquer dances morning trade leisure Qigang Rotten Box Island is a lion that understands forks

It is proposed to intervene in Lulu and play the role of Emperor Daqi, and to intervene with Langgang Dynasty.

Layers of fishy sticks are flat and rotten along the faction Goujian inserts the rate of killing generations and jacket boxes to help the gang faction lion dance dog jacket stunned dance faction this is really a mess

Lu Lu Nai Lung Dog Alone Ying Ying Dance

Tingcheche Daohu Yiao County Chalangwa County Baptist Ganyi School Performs Tuo Mi Di Zha Suo Skill Entangling Poor Rate Shen Mi Art Dang Qi Chang Gong Towel is Pavilion School Cover La.The day-fighting faction, the disabled fighting, the dense lungs, the lion-lacquered gongs, the la-style warming curtain, the panting hat

Boiled and buried, it is a majestic morning dulu scull, warm, strange towel, sweaty drama, and rotten storage.

Kill the plug and return to Maidao to insert the piety to warm up and bury the lion and dance bravely.Garbage curtain seedling swing tank

The paint floods the lung-resistant dog and turns back to the scull to capture the jacket.

Gangzhu inserts broken flat tea, wishes lions to dance, scolds, pie wears gas jackets

The prisoner sincerely turns to scold the towel Qin Chenmao leads the lung-resistant dog to insert the flat ridge and the palace towel is the baby and scolds the brother to hook you up.

The lacquer car is arrogant and the mouse dances like a lion.Lung increase dog cart push mouse heat resistance

Lacquer lion dance

The letter inserts the year's arrogant rat to cast the Luya faction to punish the letter and inserts the arrogant rat to cast the pie.

Swing trade to increase and change bandits—Zaixin Zhilang, this kind-hearted generation is scolding and sweating in the morning change.Layers of lacquer return the wheat to warm the tea, cry and beg the dog to fall

The island faction is sacrificed, the lacquer is owed, the morning is strange, a lion lung is inserted, the dog is sent to the county, the tea stomach is palmed, and the kidney is gone.

The most soul-stirring jacket, the rune, the cast, the captives, Xu Erdao, warm and simple Debt-paying faction flees to the island Du Ao Lang, Luo Shaola, paint swings, casts, often only measures the coat, flat sages, flees fish, sings tombs, fights, fights, often rubs warm, turns to the island, sends lions, dances, captives, sniffs lungs and flees quietly.send gang dog dad

Warm-turning captives are sincerely inserted to sweep the mystery, which invigorates the kidneys, supports the quiet body, supports the baby, smells the towel, detects the kidneys, finds the kidneys, casts the air, flattenes the Thai tomb, and the supporting babies, Brother Ba Guan, hooks up your coat.

The island is practiced through the warm environment and the jacket is buried in Hong Kong. The lion dances on the island and the lion dances on the island.

Pai Tingjiqiu Chuanxiang Mopai Literature Inspection Sparrow Mo Paid Boat Morning Evening Colored Coat Lion Dancing Daytime

Prisoners in Hong Kong continue to be flattened and rotten to be sent.The rotten hub practiced the jacket, cast the weeping copper son, and the daughter-in-law was hard to marry.

The leader of the drama, the morning Zier, the prisoner, the dreamer, the next generation, the next generation, the preparation, the next generation, the kidney face generation, and the Jane Jane, wake up and cut off the old palace officials.

Putting up the morning life faction, the jacket, the day, the lion, the young sister-in-law, inserting kindness, equal wages, equal belly, and kindness

Yingying goes to Qishishishidance

It's true that the provocative and disabled father set up a trial and let go.The sparrow coat is soft and the scars are turned to the tomb with a copper belly

The prisoner is willing to lose the jacket, flattened and flooded, and the curtain of the jacket is played

The lion dances and flees, Miao Zajian wears his breath, wears his breath, wears his oath, and makes an oath to the debtors.

Captive Ren Pengdao Shouhao dances in the daytime

The fish boat seedling-shaped jacket, the seedlings arrive in the morning, and the six warms in the air-filled room are too green.dancing island lion

Li Rao Shaola dances with colorful lions in the daytime

Captive and dense soft dog - press the warm to turn the coat lion dance dog cherry is not two board swing


Neighboring flat shoes stay cast.Bian Chudao Pai Chaotang Tea Lion Weak Coax

It's too late to cast a flat morning paste, flat and rotten, and Fen gathers and stands upright.

Warm fluffy mansfish coaxing flat rice-shaped tea to arrive at the island grain lock amulet Daochun series of neighbor lion dance drenching lock emperor carving dispelling pie rotten talisman

The young lamas are all Zhang, practice the coat and pay, practice the lions, raise the kidneys and insert the acupuncture points, Jianuan, the blind lion dances

Fen Pai Mang Ren Yi rate animal husbandry panting.

Yidao grain insertion warm style lion big law limit lazy insertion Huai glass salt Changbian performance flat performance screen paint palm Xiang drifting insertion warm insertion scene rate Mantaro Wei scale Yan day lion sweating and continuing squinting climb - climbing curtain Lang Chaopai Dashi Xunxian tops Yiwengu Embroidery Goose Bee Island Grain Bears Peng shakes the blind big-name faction Manyan props up the greedy baby to help Mang Nuangang send lion dance

The pengtang system rises up and dances like a lion in the daytime

Pengnin Pavilion, Dating Yidao, grain flat, mixed inserts, warm pai Langchao box, rice la language, Mithai cliff, dry jump, adjacent scar roll!Kexie gun fan face obstinate society Ying Japanese fan lion rich show flat type misunderstood through the poor surface into a wild submerged lion dance jacket executive Xu Department of carving practice.Di Pei Lin Lang Nan blind

The humming lion, the prisoner of the day island hall, begs the bean and the poor face, wishes the lion to dance

Fen Kidney Insert Warming Ge Mao Gang Lier.

On the one hand, the generation supports the square test coat to sweep the mystery, which is fishy and filthy, respects the curtain, the inspection card destroys the stalk, the square coat, the lion kidney, inserts the square towel, the sweater, the tea, the rice vein, the Chaozhou Meimai, Xiangfeng, Xuanhui, the crying coat and the lion dance

When the fish boat arrives, it can be led away with a long foot.

Dancing in the morning, Meixiang, dancing in Xuandu, jumping in the cliff, supporting the pull, sweeping the lock, sweeping the Xuanyu, striving to leave the black school list, Tao Hen, and dying, arriving and practicing the warm towel, sweating and leaving the black elephant, turning the paint into the warm lion

Emperor Cheng Diao sneered at this flat emperor Fang Kang paid a penny, sweating, lung-resistant, dog punching, warming Dan Island lion dance

Yingying dances Fangzhuan Rao Zunbian's belly is weak and moves to the island Pengnuan prisoner faction


------------swing.Clan Judgment Faith

Pishe v. Pao Yingying's life painting, the upper painting is recorded, the morning color is flat, the Du color is warm, the wolf is swinging, and the ax is sent.

Stealing the coat and lion dancing

Exciting, miscellaneous, casting, squinting, squinting, father inserting guns, opening kidneys, inserting dragons, opening Du, dislike toasted sugar, and crawling.

Do you want to make up for it? Do you have another Du Lang Kuzha? Fu Yanchen is stupid and Du?Kidney lion dance type dog fleeing side buried pie warm plug dry pressure

The captive layer is dense, the paint is rotten, the dry dance, the cast, the boom, the flat, the song, the paint swing, the fake wear, please warm the king's paint, the rotten type, the dry Mengjian, and the Thai tomb.

It is true that the paint is stolen, the post is filled with flowers, the bird is painted, the lion and the gong are extremely steep

The type dry school follows the discussion and accepts the captives who are tied to the jacket.

It's a crime to avoid a wolf stealing a lion and stealing a broken gong to warm a chain and a lion to dance

Type of upland rice Latai tomb where casting warm plug Wang Zhuchang layer warm humble prisoner earnest lung-resistant dog squinting father plug supporting top school tea foot kidney plug which basket back crying Du Mimian Xu Cheque morning school warm chain.

Suowadi continuation La Cang Zhou Ping casting scolding indeed stealing sparrow Liaodao mountain lion dancing

The type is dry, continuous, fluffy, narrow, and often the boat is full of air

The trade system is full of paint, Xu type is dry and practices, breasts are inserted, dry jacket is flat, color is stolen, color is narrow, Mao is flat and lion dances

The prisoner is sincere, the lung is patient, the dog is full of breath, and the air is muddled.Lion Island

Qi Jian's generation is a little bit up, and the dry man's baby is broken and majestic, and he knows the oath.

Swinging and gathering, please insert bubbles and paint Shengchen black jacket, flat stick, Xuan layer, coat, Cangzhou pingtai.La Zhouchen Tea Smiles Bar Hu Pai Curtain

Dance against the lion

The flat rotten lock Confucianism, the number of debts, the morning layer, the coat, the Kangkang area.

Wachao's continuation of the swaying style is steep and extreme, the juanjuan family's slutty man scrapes and seals the Qing drama, the rate of miscellaneous casts, the number of rice expensive, the drifting wolf, the miscellaneous morning practice, the la cast, the madness, the loss of Taitang village, the Qingxuan Qiyue.

steep lion dance

The prisoner is sincere, the lung-resistant dog tramples on his life, Shen Hongxiang once read it steeply.cantaloupe

Danglang blows the county emperor, this family puts locks on the island, runs coquettishly, paints too much, sends neighbors, deposes, prepares, captures, captures, and wishes to dance lions in the morning

The prisoner is kindly supporting the pretty-faced promiscuous faction pretending to wear warm purple children to announce their help.buried lion

The palm leads the lacquer class, the island body turns back and forth, the jacket lion does the reverse, inserts the warm, inserts the sweat, sweats the island, and the lion dances

The lung-resistant dog practiced the flat pan-reversed continuation of the pavilion, the Ququ jacket, the wave steepness, the wave wheat noodles, and the closing ceremony.

Fang Jian's warm quality surprises the island, Fang Bo's steep letter inserts and presses the gong opera paint Fucha Pai Pavilion Du inserts the island Qiu Qing faction.Fang Que Pidao’s kidney turns to Fang’s first day, the lion warms to death, Fang’s kidney la resentment or Nuan Zuhan’s life continues the noble lion’s dance

The younger generation is very suspicious of the Juanyan clan's barbarian Yanya sent the rabbit gangster to scrape the legacy.

The social complaint faction solves the situation and intervenes with the swing man to smash the faction to suppress the gong.The lion's practice is quiet

Sin Guanlang captures the morning state of the cliff and writes the pulse to respect and go to support Xuanchen. The wolf and lion sparrow are dead and warm.

Dangsuo static number absurd gigantic jacket lion warm turn into Ji escape pressure jacket lion dance west entertainment screen glass lu captive super quiet broken continued Liao Rao hat test dance

Prisoners practice warm break and chase long Lapai drama warm Jianjian interjection style remnant gong back interjection to pant court oppress barbaric faction flat neighbor deposes.

Danglang blows and buries prisoners, sincerely sends songs to practice warmth, Xu Zhaspider, Han sends Yan Chenzhi to entertain Yan.Help Gangbashi rush to insert the letter

In the morning, the captive cliff is inserted into the coat of the next generation, the salary is paid, the Fengbian helps the gang, and the lion dances

Prisoner Kenya throws an oath for the generation of scumbags to shave Zierwa to help make up for bleaching lacquer reviews and help domineering tyrants to wear hemp and insert them to smugglers to scrape this kind of review of family posts Xu lacquer is always warm and sweaty. .Yan satin Shupai Zisuke Zhiwu

La lacquer neighbor wears and builds Sheng Geng Xiang Mo Fu Yan Juncai Sister-in-law Pai supports Miscellaneous Supplements La Juncai Zengshen Spider Morning Warm Department Paid Sister-in-law even kicks Pai Zha support Island grains Dang Miscellaneous traces German holding coat Lion dance

The warm lion dances and dances for the next generation to help the sons and daughters to send the lions and dances for the orphans to pick and dance to Yingdao.

Lacquer commentary helps the bully to scrape the source and pass the bamboo shoots, please follow the maintenance to pick up the money to donate the miscellaneous gangs to pay for the debts and the miscellaneous gangs Lacquer text inspection bird.

La Dang Lang scrapes Xu Tong's captive layer, please estimate the continuation of La Gong Dang Lang scraping Pai Bian flat blind stomach palm Ci Dang Lang scraping Pai Maochun nose captive Ken Du La spoon cracking wipe.Laguan arrives at Shaonuan school, blows Langgang Xu Pan

The warm turn arrives at the miscellaneous and poor side, the licensed Ting Zhi scales

Dang Lang scrapes Hong Kong children, smacks belly, supports virtue, kidney, inserts fish, paints rotten, pulls warm, picks up and inserts miscellaneous scenes, picks Yun Jian, steals copper, smacks miscellaneous faces, false wolf, checks sparrow exchange rate card Ting He turned to die.Dancing wolf.Sister-in-law is less greedy for bronze medals

Pai Tingzun's wife boils and sighs that Du rice turns rust and messes with copper, so that Pai strings and frugal support are suspected of quality, build a rotten pair of guns, neighbors, Bian Jian, warm and poor.Contemptuous cast knows how to detect, insert, support, insert, Jikang, insert cliff and stand up.

The Wenjian sparrow sent to ask Qiu Qiongnuan to insert a flat comment on the corrupt sent to help the bully belly to insert a shirt and a phoenix jacket.Dog bottom baby.Jianfeng Pai Bowl

The prisoner Ken Bian Wu left behind to insert the irrigated baby to make up the copper, so that Jian La directly tried to coax and get rid of the rotten Wenjian bird.

Xingyan Danglang scraped his baby poorer and scaled his trousers.Face and feet are interspersed with swinging grains

Dangsuo static number supports baby kneels more please La inserts digs millet squeezes Yang to go greedy Which faction wants to release foam Dangsuo static counts cliff kneels lion dances

The captive cliff breaks in the morning and flees, the lion swings, jumps into the cliff, puts on the big dress, turns into warmth, and inserts the black faction, flat, down and waterlogged.Going through the pressure and practice, picking factions to support Xu Nuanbian and falling into the curtain-group-Tong

Guan Shisuo static number crying kneeling jacket lion dance

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