Time flies like a shuttle, and it will be two years in a flash.

Dali Temple is booming just like Yang Qingyuan's plan. In two years, the School of Criminal Law has opened twice.

Dali Temple has also changed from two or three kittens and puppies to a large institution with thousands of people.

(Xiaobai, Xiaohei: ...meow...woof)

In the past two years, Xiaobai and Xiaohei seem to have not changed much. They are still two little ones, and they don't know what breed they are.

The School of Criminal Law founded by Yang Qingyuan is also famous. Among them, Liu Dufeng of the Six Schools poached dozens of students from the second batch of students of the School of Criminal Law.

Outside Dali Temple, a young man in a black uniform with a long gun on his back led several policemen and escorted four prisoners into the gate.

"Commander Xiao Wang, arresting people again!"

The person who came was none other than Wang Zhenwei, an outstanding student of the first phase of the Criminal Law Academy of Dali Temple.

"These people formed a private association in the west of the city, established a gang, oppressed the people, and were reported! I just took this trip."

Wang Zhenwei handed over the prisoner to the prison officer, and then chatted with the policemen nearby.

Wang Zhenwei who joined Dali Temple is just the epitome of the new young talents in Dali Temple in the past two years. Whether it is in the court of Jianghu, Dali Temple has a great reputation.

And the name of Dali Temple Shaoqing Yang Qingyuan, who is in charge of Dali Temple, is also circulating in the world.

Some people say that he is a wise scholar who strategizes and has a strategy in mind.

Some people say that he is a peerless swordsman with a sword in hand and great passion.

Some people also said that he was a ruthless court eagle dog who harmed all corners of the country.

The only thing they have in common is that the names of Dali Temple and Yang Qingyuan have been added to the list of forces and people that the Jianghu people are unwilling to provoke.

And this prestigious Lord Yang is under double pressure at the moment.

"Qingyuan, you are already 26, why are you still not married?! I have pointed out several ladies from famous families to you, and you don't like any of them..." Emperor Zhou took Yang Qingyuan's memorial, but the first time The playbook was not opened.

Master Yang, who is so powerful in Jianghu, is hesitating to speak at this time, he looks like a dehydrated fish, why didn't he see before that Emperor Zhou likes to be a matchmaker so much? !

"Look at Li Qing, she got married just after returning from Jizhou! Wang Hua, who still wants the General Secretary, is about to have a child!"

Zhou Diguang said that it was not enough, and he wanted to bring along Li Xunhuan and Wang Hua from the General Administration Department to compare and attack.

After the disaster in Jizhou was over, Li Xunhuan, the former supervisory censor of Jizhou and governor of Jizhou, returned to the capital.

When he was promoted due to business, there was a little disagreement between Emperor Zhou and his courtiers.

Emperor Zhou and Qian Muqian wanted Li Xunhuan to join the cabinet and let Wenyuan Pavilion go, but the governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Cheng Qingsong, the censor of the right capital, firmly opposed it. He finally cultivated a good seedling, so why should the cabinet pick peaches.

In the end, it was Yang Qingyuan and Li Xunhuan's persuasion that made Emperor Zhou make up his mind.

The most valuable thing about Li Xun Huan is actually his character, he is like a son, it is not a lie.Compared with his character, Li Xunhuan's political ability is not so obvious.

Moreover, Li Xun Huan's character is not as decisive as his throwing knife, but a bit indecisive, such a character is indeed not suitable for a single hand.

On the contrary, the Metropolitan Procuratorate seems to have designed it for Li Xunhuan.To be upright and honest, these are the necessary qualities of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Of course, there is also a very important point, that is, their martial arts are strong. You must know that the Metropolitan Procuratorate has the highest probability of being assassinated among the various ministries of the imperial court. Once the criminal is cornered during the investigation, it will use methods other than this means.

Therefore, the Metropolitan Procuratorate has always been the most dangerous profession. When you go down to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the supervisory censors of the states, and up to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, there are expert guards.

Li Xunhuan was an exception, he didn't need a guard at all.

Dongxuan can't come out, there are very few people in the world who can compete with Li Xunhuan, if you have a flying knife... Dongxuan also has to be cautious.

Therefore, Li Xunhuan was finally promoted to Zuoqian capital censor, the fourth rank.

After teasing about Yang Qingyuan's marriage in daily life, Emperor Zhou began to read Yang Qingyuan's memorials.

"Report on the Achievements of the First Phase of Eliminating Evil and Obtaining Nonsense in the Gyeonggi Region"

This performance is very Yang Qingyuan, and the title points out the central idea of ​​the whole text. Now Emperor Zhou thinks that Yang Qingyuan's model is better.

Ordinary memorials, the opening chapter is Chen Wen, Chen Zuo, a lot of citations, if the number is small, it is okay, but the memorials reviewed by Emperor Zhou every day are countless, and it will be dizzy if you read too much, but it is Yang Qingyuan who is so open and clear. Yes, it looks more comfortable.

Of course, Yang Qingyuan not only writes the memorial book comfortably, but also handles the work beautifully.

In the past two years, Dali Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have wiped out 23 gangsters, banned 540 illegal gangs, captured 27 four bandit leaders, and more than [-] other principal criminals. In addition, the Metropolitan Procuratorate arrested [-] officials. From the magistrate of a county to the sheriff of a county, they severely cracked down on the umbrellas of various illegal gangs and effectively eradicated the breeding ground for black and evil forces.

Clearing up the illegal gangs in the entire Gyeonggi area has brought a new look to the security level and spiritual outlook in the Gyeonggi area, greatly improving the prestige of the court.

In the past two years, the security assessments of counties and counties in the Gyeonggi area have basically been top-notch, and this is all thanks to the Dali Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Although this action offended some people, it also made friends with some people.

"That's right! In two years, you have basically rectified the forces in the Jianghu area in the Gyeonggi region. Yang Qing and Li Qing, you two have done a great job!"

Yang Qingyuan and Li Xunhuan stood up and walked on the road, saying in unison, "I dare not take credit for my duty!"

Although the two were deeply favored by Emperor Zhou, the etiquette cannot be discarded.

Emperor Zhou waved his hand, signaling for the two to sit down.

After briefly talking about the promotion of various states, Emperor Zhou's thoughts returned to Yang Qingyuan's marriage.

"Qingyuan! I heard that General Xuanwei of the Tiance Army has come to Beijing to look for you for the past two years during the Spring Festival! I heard that he even saved up his usual rest and bathing days, just to stay until the end of the year .”

"..." Yang Qingyuan was a little speechless, it was normal for Emperor Zhou to know about General Xuanwei's entry into the capital, after all he was stationed on the frontier, but why did he even know about Cao Xueyang and Xiumu?

"The governor of Tiance Army has mentioned General Xuanwei's marriage in letters to me many times." Emperor Zhou obviously saw Yang Qingyuan's doubts and explained.

Yang Qingyuan was speechless, one was the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the other was Tiance's head coach with an army of 30. Are you so free? !I've been thinking about getting married all day.

Yang Qingyuan didn't want to talk too much about this issue at all, and immediately brought up a topic that Emperor Zhou must answer.

"Superior! The ninth day of April this year is my brother's [-]th birthday. Please come back to Wudang to celebrate his birthday!"

Zhang Sanfeng is the Grand Master of Zhou, and his centenary birthday is no small matter for the imperial court.

Yang Qingyuan perfectly avoided the last topic.

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