According to Long Dahai's understanding, since the establishment of the Zhang family, four people have tried to forge golden pills.

But the results are not optimistic, all failed.

Some of the monks of the Zhang family who tried to forge golden elixir were killed by the backlash of spiritual energy, and some did not survive the thunder disaster.

Only the current elder of the Zhang family survived safely, but after the failure, his spiritual veins were also damaged, cutting off the possibility of continuing to break through.

It is not easy to cast a golden core.

However, the first four failures were all valuable experiences, and they also paved the way for the Zhang family to forge golden pills next time.

Looking at the mountain peak in front of him, Long Dahai could clearly feel the strong vitality there even if it was hundreds of feet away.

Now it was the third morning when the second elder of the Zhang family cast the golden pill, the sky was shining with the light of the earth, and the mountain peak in front of him was covered with a layer of golden glow.

The elder of the Zhang family was very experienced. He sensed the abnormality in advance, muttered something in a low voice, and then nervously grasped the seat, looking at the front with all his attention.

There is the key to whether the Zhang family can go further. The Great Elder has no wish to live forever. His greatest wish now is to watch the Zhang family grow and develop under his hands.

After the Great Elder finished speaking, there was an immediate change on the mountain peak.

The mountain peak was originally full of countless vitality, which was caused by the overflowing wood attribute aura.

Now the aura on the mountain suddenly condensed, then turned into a ball, and then poured down towards a place halfway up the mountain.

It is at this moment whether the golden core can be cast in the body.

In the originally clear sky, clouds began to appear at this moment, and then the clouds continued to increase, and finally formed dense gray-black thunderclouds.

There is no rain falling, only thick dark clouds, carrying the majesty of heaven and earth.

Under the thunder cloud, Long Dahai could only be cautious, not daring to cast spells at will.

It seemed that if he wanted to act, there would be lightning strikes in the sky, turning him into flying ash.

"Is this the Tribulation Thunder Cloud?"

Looking at the dark clouds piled up on the mountain, with thunder and lightning flickering from time to time, Long Dahai felt a little shy in his heart, but he also had an impulse.

"The baptism of Thunder Tribulation can temper the whole body, improve the root bones, and the life expectancy is 500 years."

Borrow another 500 years from the sky, and now someone is trying.

At this time, all the aura on the mountain finally poured into the mountainside.

Success or failure is a matter of the next quarter of an hour.

Time seemed to slow down, and everyone was looking ahead with anticipation in their hearts.

Man and the world are fighting for their lives!

This is the essence of a monk.

Not long after, a bright light erupted from the mountainside of the mountain, forming a circular beam of light in the dark sky.

"Second brother, the golden core has been completed!"

Seeing the light beam, the great elder of the Zhang family couldn't help blurting out, and then stood up.

Gathering the golden core is an important step, and whether or not one can resist the thunder calamity is a matter of life and death.

The second elder of the Zhang family flew out of the cave slowly in the beam of light, and a golden magic shield protected his head.

The thundercloud in the sky struck down the first lightning bolt without hesitation at this moment, instantly illuminating the mountain peak.

The lightning hit the shield, and the sky and the earth seemed to be connected in a single line for a moment.

The second elder activated the magic weapon shield and withstood the first lightning attack.

Thunder and lightning flew out from the shield, and the dazzling light burst out in an instant.

The second elder successfully resisted the first thunder and lightning.

"There are two more!"

There are usually only three Golden Core Thunder Tribulations, and one is more powerful than the other.

The second elder on the other side of the mountain successfully resisted the first bolt of lightning, immediately swallowed a elixir, and then activated the magic shield again with all his strength.

The shield's golden light became more intense, and it was extremely conspicuous in this world.


The second bolt of Jieyun's lightning strikes down again.

This time the lightning is stronger, with more power from the world.

The sky and the earth shone again, hitting the golden shield directly.

This time the thunder and lightning directly scattered all the aura of the magic shield.

The second bolt of lightning directly disabled a magic weapon!

The second elder was originally integrated with the shield, and the shield was disabled, and he was also seriously injured.

He fell directly from the sky to the ground, stood up immediately, and at the same time threw away the shield without hesitation, and then took the red pill for a moment.

Chunhua save life pill! ?

Long Dahai looked closely at the mountain peak, saw the red pill swallowed by the second elder, and suspected the name of the pill in his heart.

"That's a elixir that stimulates the potential of the body and leaves fatal aftereffects!"

In order to survive the thunder disaster, the Zhang family actually prepared this kind of elixir!

The second elder who took the elixir instantly recovered to his full state.

A cyan top-grade magic sword was pinched in the hands of the second elder, standing on the ground, looking at the dark clouds in the sky.

Mountains, monks, thunderclouds.

There is quite a heroic momentum.

At this moment, a ray of radiance fell and landed directly on the second elder.

The golden core cultivator of the Bai family made a move at this time, spreading the light to help the second elder improve his strength and resist the last thunderbolt.

The dark clouds became dark, and the clouds piled up, brewing the last lightning bolt.


The last bolt of lightning finally fell, the original white lightning, the last one actually had a golden light.

The second elder held the top-grade magic weapon that had accompanied him for many years, and brandished the sword formula, as if turning into a huge wooden sword, waiting for the arrival of lightning.

The lightning fell, instantly destroying the huge wooden sword, and hitting the dharma sword in the second elder's hand.

Huge aura fluctuations spread out.

The monks who watched the ceremony could only protect their eyes to resist the force of this wave.

After the aura fluctuated, everyone immediately looked towards the mountain peak.

I saw a big dark pit left there, and the figure of the second elder could not be seen.


Zhang You gave a loud cry, and then planned to fly away.

Long Dahai, who was standing beside him, immediately grabbed Zhang You.

"Look in the sky!"

Above the sky, there were originally dark clouds, piled up like mountains.

At this moment, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, leaving behind a colorful cloud shining with golden light.

"Golden Core Thundercloud?!"

When everyone heard Long Dahai's words, they looked up and found this golden cloud.

Someone said Yun Duo's name with doubts.

"Hahaha, the second brother is done!"

The First Elder of the Zhang Family, who was eager to pay attention, also felt that the Second Elder had failed when he saw the big pit.

But seeing Jindan Leiyun, the Great Elder let out a hearty and hearty laugh.

Leaving this golden core thunder cloud is to successfully survive the thunder disaster, and it will be used for the achievement of golden core monks to refresh their body and mind.

Seeing it means that the second elder of the Zhang family is done!

He became a veritable Golden Core monk, and the Zhang family was promoted to the Golden Core family from then on!

Everyone immediately congratulated the Great Elder!

"Congratulations to the Zhang family for producing a Golden Core cultivator and a smooth family foundation for a thousand years!"

"Hexi Great Elder, the Zhang family will surely become famous in the manor!"


The monks who watched the ceremony all sincerely congratulated.

This time, I was able to see some monks achieve the golden core, which is a good inspiration for future cultivation and breakthroughs.

This is a rare opportunity!

While everyone was celebrating, there was a sharp scolding sound from the sky.

"Where are the bandits!"

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