The inkstone is slightly heavy in the hand, and has a delicate texture to the touch.

The whole inkstone gives people a very comfortable feeling.

"It should be the material of the third-level peak. This is an excellent thing for writing talismans and books."

It just so happens that someone in the family is learning talisman, and with this inkstone and talisman pen, they can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Although these two are magic weapons, their magic can definitely increase the power of the talisman a lot.

Good things can be regarded as family heirlooms.

After putting away the inkstone talisman pen, Long Dahai took out two jade bottles.

"It's not a pill."

Long Dahai felt a little sorry, but entering this secret realm and getting such a great opportunity was already a great blessing.

Asking for more, a little greedy.

People need to be content.

Now, in Long Dahai's heart, he already believed what Zhang You's uncle Zhang Ran said.

I am a person with profound blessings.

However, it is a crime to conceive a jade, these things must not be disclosed to others.

"Wait until I cast the golden core and become the county lord, then take out the talisman pen and inkstone."

The lowest price magic weapon starts from a thousand spirit stones.

But the magic weapon is a treasure that can be used to the realm of transforming gods, and the price starts at a thousand yuan and can reach a maximum of a million spirit stones.

However, it is the magic weapon made of third-order spiritual materials that can exert the magical effect of the golden core realm.

This top grade magic weapon is worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

If you want to find something that is not suitable for your own use, you need a chance.

After achieving the golden elixir, you need to cultivate your own natal magic weapon.

The material is in line with the cultivation method, and in line with one's own usage habits, and the quality of the spiritual material can't be too low.

This kind of item often has to go to the auction to find it.

In addition to the natal magic weapon, there are also high-level spirit beasts, spirit animal bags, magic weapon storage bags, a suit of clothes, a cave of one's own, and so on.

The amount of spirit stones spent will be huge, enough to empty out the centuries-old heritage of an ordinary foundation-building family.

The inkstone, talisman, pen and jade cases obtained by Long Dahai are all third-grade materials.

After Long Dahai achieves the golden core, he can use it.

Finally, Long Dahai took out the bamboo slips on the jade case.

The materials used for the bamboo slips are as jade-like as stone, and when you pinch them lightly with your fingers, there will be electric light overflowing.

"This is Thunder Bamboo!"

"But I don't know which one of the three types of lightning bamboo?"

The three major Thunder Bamboos are fifth-grade materials, and even those that have grown for more than ten thousand years can mutate and increase the grade again.

Zixiao Thunder Bamboo, Qingyun Thunder Bamboo, and Demon Breaking Thunder Bamboo.

Long Dahai looked at its color and expelled Qingyun Leizhu, so only Zixiao and Pomo were left.

"It's really extravagant. Three kinds of thunder bamboo grow extremely slowly. This master just uses thunder bamboo as the material for the bamboo slips!"

Thinking of this, the identity of Long Haijue's skeleton may be even higher.

Or, this scroll of bamboo slips was also obtained by the skeleton from other places.

Long Dahai couldn't wait to open the bamboo slips, and squared them in front of him.

On the bamboo slips, there are exquisite small characters written vertically, and the fonts are ancient cloud-shaped characters.

"Although people don't write this kind of writing today, there are precious books in every major bookstore."

"Fortunately, I know it well. I used to study a lot of ancient characters in order to find the Nascent Soul treasure near Fuyun Valley, and now it comes in handy."

After reading it through, Long Haihai's eyes shone with fiery light.

""Fish and Dragon Seven Revolutions", this is actually a body training method?"

On the bamboo slips, there is actually a piece of body training exercises that can transform dragons.

"Anyone with nine orifices can become a fairy."

"If a person swims like a fish, once he jumps over the Dragon Gate, the heaven and the earth will transform into two lives."

"Like the change of a fish and a dragon, transforming into a dragon and flying into the sky."

After reading it carefully, Long Dahai was moved.

According to the introduction of the exercise, there is no threshold for entry into this body training exercise, and everything can be cultivated.

However, Long Dahai obtained this one, but it was the human race chapter, and only the human race can practice it.

"Things with nine orifices can become immortals. That's true, but how many of the billions of creatures in the spirit world have become immortals?"

To become a fairy still depends on the destiny.

However, Long Dahai always believes that destiny is also man-made.

As the saying goes.

If you don't do it, you will definitely not succeed. If you do it, you will be successful.

do it.

Long Dahai has a very good mentality. After obtaining the cultivation method that can become a fairy and transform into a dragon, he can practice in secret in the future, without thinking about changing to other body training methods.

It is also in line with God's will for the dragon to transform into a sea.

To calm down his excited mood, Long Dahai began to recover from his injuries in the cave.

That knife from the murloc elder did a lot of damage.

Being able to quickly recover from [-] to [-]% of his injuries was the potential in Long Dahai's body.

Now it will take at least a month to fully recover.

Whether there are other dangers in this cave, Long Dahai does not know.

After going out, it is also a problem for the golden core monsters everywhere to find the exit of the secret realm.

"If you come, you will be safe, keep the way in your heart, and you can recover with peace of mind."

Long Dahai took out a middle-grade spirit stone, put it in front of him, and began to practice to recover from his injuries.

The blue saber energy that the elder murloc slashed with the saber remained in his body.

The most important thing for Long Dahai is to expel these saber qi from his body, so as not to let them stop the circulation of qi, blood and aura in his body.

This is a delicate job. If you are not careful, the saber energy will cause secondary damage to Long Dahai.

Fortunately, Long Dahai was very experienced in healing wounds, and after half a month, he finally understood the blue knife energy in his body.

"Cultivator Nascent Soul, he almost killed me with just a casual stab. In the future, we must always be careful when facing this kind of monk."

With the sword energy cleared, the body's recovery speed gradually accelerated.

After another half month, Long Dahai finally fully recovered.

"My cultivation level has improved a lot. It seems that seeing the elder murloc fight with the ghost general, and having a trick with it, has greatly improved my cultivation level."

After leaving, Long Dahai went to the Zhang family to observe the ceremony and cast the golden elixir.

I am using orange festival ginseng to understand the mystery of the golden core realm.

Long Dahai has full confidence in forging the golden elixir.

"This secret realm is very dangerous, I have already obtained enough, there is no need to go exploring."

Long Dahai knew it very well, and now he just wanted to leave the secret realm as soon as possible.

"Golden Core Nascent Soul cultivator is also convenient. If you recover your cultivation, you will be kicked out of the secret realm. Although you will be teleported immediately, it should not be teleported out of Beiyan Mansion."

Long Dahai was a little envious. If he had a high level of cultivation, as long as he showed his cultivation level, he would immediately leave the secret realm.

Now he can only go out to find the exit of the secret realm.

Recalling the cave where the skeleton is located, there is no such thing as a teleportation array.

Long Dahai didn't go back, but followed the stone wall and the way he came out of the mountain.

"If it wasn't for the giant snake chasing me, I wouldn't have plunged into the mountain so easily. This is also a blessing in disguise."

For the giant snake, Long Dahai had to say thank you.

The orange festival ginseng, the treasure in the mountain, was obtained because of it.

"If there is a chance, I will make a pot of snake soup with you, and it will definitely be a big nourishment."

Above "Fish and Dragon Seven Revolutions", practitioners are required to eat more fish, snakes and monsters of the sea clan.

Then with the help of monsters, one can naturally transform the essence of a dragon, improve one's cultivation, and comprehend skills.

I hope that the giant snake and good snake will make it to the end and not die too soon.

Long Dahai prayed for the giant snake.

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