The war between the human race and the murlocs has been going on for a year.

The murlocs took the lead, and the humans defended passively.

The main force of the murlocs was attacking the human race Liaozhou, where a large number of murlocs continued to break through the line of defense in an instant, occupying three counties and cities, causing countless deaths and injuries to the human race.

More than 20 human cultivators who transformed themselves into gods directly appeared in Liaozhou, using their supernatural powers to prevent the further expansion of the murlocs, and also wiped out nearly [-] million murlocs.

After this battle, most of the land in Liaozhou was turned upside down, and the people were devastated.

As the human god-turning monks joined the battle, the two major races of the murlocs also mobilized the god-turning monks.

Liaozhou has become the main battlefield where the human race and the murlocs fought most fiercely.

In the deep sea, the mermaid and the murloc are life and death feuds.

The mermaids took advantage of this opportunity to capture the murloc territory, relieving the pressure on the human race.

Three months after the war began, the White Crocodile of the Inland River Clan joined the battle and began to counterattack from the west.

However, there were so many murlocs that the battlefield became anxious all of a sudden.

The ancestor of Yunxiaomen could not retreat, and the rest of the Nascent Soul monks in the gate all went to the battlefield.

It is also the responsibility of Yunxiaomen to guard Beiyan Mansion, otherwise why should they be in charge of this place.

Therefore, many disciples of Yunxiaomen were sent to the battlefield.

Zhang You is also being recruited, but the material transportation he is in charge of is not very dangerous.

Today, there are only a few Golden Core monks stationed in Beiyan Mansion.

Except for Fucheng and various counties, there are not many manpower to go on tour.

This situation also gave courage to some monks who had other thoughts.

Years later, there have been many interceptions and killings.

The disciples of Yunxiaomen received a report, and most of them checked it, but they didn't have much energy to investigate.

I don't know how long the war will last. Many years have passed by the end of the war.

At that time, it is uncertain how much strength Yunxiaomen will have left.

For Yunxiaomen, the two basic sites of Zongmen and Beiyan Mansion should be guarded.

As long as these two places are safe and sound, it will only be a matter of time before they recover after the war.

It was under such circumstances that a monk tried to test Hulin Township.


General supplies can be transported in storage bags.

However, live animals can only be transported by birds or camels.

On this day, Long Xiaoyue took several clansmen and transported goods.

This is a seedling of warm water pepper, which needs to be sent to the newly built glass greenhouse in Hulin Township for planting.

Along the way, there are tall trees on both sides. From time to time, hares and pheasants run across the road, and there are also birds chirping.

Long Xiaoyue, however, looked serious and stood behind the vehicle.

Now the Beiyan Mansion is in chaos, some villages and towns have even been destroyed, and incidents of thieves raiding the township for spiritual plants and beasts have occurred.

"The old man is still retreating, and he doesn't know when he will leave."

During Long Dahai's retreat for several months, the children of the Long family all missed Long Dahai.

In their subconscious mind, as long as Long Dahai took charge of the family affairs, they could have a sense of inner peace.


As Long Xiaoyue was walking, he suddenly felt a dignified aura.

Long Xiaoyue quietly turned the ring on his right hand to inform others to get ready.

This kind of mutual induction ring was created by Long Dahai.

The original intention of the creation is to allow the Long family members who go out to perceive each other's position and remind each other.

When the disciples of the Long family started to guard, a flying sword quickly flew over from the side, and the target was the leader, Long Xiaoyue.


When the flying sword was approaching, Long Xiaoyue instantly pulled out the long knife hanging from his waist, cut it under the flying sword, and lifted the flying sword away.

"Be safe!"

Long Xiaoyue reminded everyone that he jumped off the horse and looked in the direction where Feijian came.

The monk hiding in the forest was shocked when he saw his flying sword being knocked away by Long Xiaoyue.

"There is indeed a problem with the Long family. It's only been a while, and there is actually a body-training cultivator at the ninth level!"

However, he was at the early stage of foundation establishment, and he thought it would not take too much time to kill a body forging monk.

He immediately asked his three body-training cultivators to deal with the rest of the Long family, and he controlled the flying magic sword, changed direction, and flew towards Long Xiaoyue again.

The magic sword has aura and is faster.

The long knife in Long Xiaoyue's hand turned into a wandering dragon, constantly knocking the dharma sword into the air.

During the beating, Long Xiaoyue discovered the location of the sneak attacking monk.


After Long Dahai knocked the dharma sword away with all his strength, he threw the long knife in his hand towards the monk.

With a swoosh, the long knife came to the vicinity of the sneak attacking Foundation Establishment cultivator at the speed of a magic sword.

A khaki shield flew out in front of the sneak attacking monk, blocking Long Xiaoyue's attack.

When he looked back, Long Xiaoyue was already running towards him.

"Melee combat?"

If a person who refines his body wants to beat a monk, he only has the highest winning rate in close quarters.

So when he saw Long Xiaoyue coming towards him, the Foundation Establishment cultivator did not panic.

He immediately gathered his spiritual energy, released several stone pillars, and flew towards Long Xiaoyue.

The stone pillar is attached with spiritual power and possesses great power.

This is not something ordinary body forging monks can resist. In the mind of the foundation building monk, there is already a picture of Long Xiaoyue being knocked out.

Long Xiaoyue hesitated like a tiger, staring at the Foundation Establishment cultivator in front of him, striding forward.

Seeing the flying stone pillars, Long Xiaoyue's chest surged with internal force, causing the internal force to fill his arms.

Clap clap clap!

Long Xiaoyue used the "Tianhu Collapsing Mountain Fist", aimed his fist at the stone pillar, and threw several punches.

The stone pillars flying in the air suddenly shattered into stones and flew in all directions.

Seeing Long Xiaoyue's performance like this, the foundation building monk felt an ominous premonition in his heart: Is this a body-refining innate monk?

This foundation cultivator has never seen the innate realm of the second level of body training.

Because there are very few body-training monks who can break through this level in Beiyan Mansion.

Seeing a special aura around Long Xiaoyue, the cultivator of Foundation Establishment guessed in his heart.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to think about whether it was congenital.

After Long Xiaoyue smashed the stone pillar, a tiger jumped and came to him.

He immediately opened his shield again to block Long Xiaoyue's attacking fist.

This low-grade magic weapon shield was imbued with his spiritual power, and the surface was covered with earth aura, making it very strong.

But Long Xiaoyue's big fist hit the shield without hesitation.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Facing the shield, Long Xiaoyue began to perform the Bending Mountain Fist that he had already mastered.

The fist can collapse mountains, with an unrivaled momentum.

With a punch, the rustic atmosphere on the shield overflowed.

With three punches down, the shield vibrated.

Ten punches fell, and the earth aura covered by the shield had dissipated.

After eighteen punches, the shield has been struck back by Long Xiaoyue.

"Yeah, hey!"

No.20 three punches, Long Xiaoyue directly knocked the shield into the air, and the corner of the mouth of the cultivator behind him also spurted blood.

Withstood the storm-like boxing, the foundation-building cultivator's five internal organs were shaking, and his seven holes were bleeding.

"Whoa, whoa..."

Long Xiaoyue let out a sigh of relief when he saw the Foundation Establishment cultivator died.

Breathe loudly to relieve the fatigue of exerting all your strength.

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